Hi fit babes! I think I'm going to have to get on my IPad while I'm at work to keep up with you ladies!

But knowing me, I will likely forget to do that.
Good going on the morning workout Mary! The only time I can do that is on the weekends after I sleep in and enjoy some breakfast. Good luck on your testing!!! A friend of mine loves Cathe live, I'm glad to hear she gives lots of water breaks. I've always put my own in! I haven't tried Cathe live for one reason really. I am really stuck on needing to know which weights I'm going to pick up for the next move. If I go too low, I feel I've wasted my time and I don't want to injure myself by going too high. That's why I love the new guides Cathe has been putting together for each series, I know what's coming up and I don't have to preview the workouts anymore. (Yes, I have referred to myself as anal preview girl in the past!)
Hi Ronne! I did get some sleep and even more so this weekend and finally feel rested. I was beat by Friday! I take melatonin and a benedryl to help about an hour before bed. It works for me but I forgot one night and that affected the rest of the week, bleah. Even though I don't have kids, I have friends that do and I think things are harder for them now.
Murphy, I forgot to mention that I love Bugs Bunny! He rocks.

I do rotations that appeal to me too and am making more of an effort to do them now. That's because I failed to do a heavy weight leg workout for a month doing my own thing. That was downright painful when I finally did one! Glad your booty is higher too.
Roxie, were you able to get one of the duplexes you looked at? I'm sorry about your employer, that's really lousy to be treated like that.

I imagine you will never recommend them to a friend now, huh? We usually panic when someone is leaving! That's knowledge going out the door...I bet May 20 can't get here soon enough.
Jody we get so much rain here that we have to landscape with something or we are just a plot of weeds! We have a little patch of grass though, and lots of gravel, barkdust, and colored rock. And some plants too. We even bought deer resistant plants and they've done their best to destroy them anyway.

And the weeds still come. Birds often drop seeds everywhere as well and things just grow like crazy. I've seen a lot of fenced gardens around here! Awesome job on those steps! I can't get a fitbit, I'd be too obsessive with it!
Lisa, I'm glad you are feeling better! 5 inches of snow though? Yikes! We have a lot of retirees that escape to the sunnier climates in the winter. I hope I'll be able to do that as well. It is gray here day after day for months and it gets to all of us.
I did Afterburn and S&S Giant Sets the next day and then took BB (baby Basil) for a long walk/jog and totally overdid it! Did one of Cathe's fit tower workouts from last year the next day and some stretching. Took BB out this a.m. and it was so windy that his sniffer went a little crazy!
Have a great week!!