Which Cathe gave you best results?


Active Member

I am curious if there is a particular Cathe that gave you best results or did you follow a rotation and if so which one? I am mainly working on my stubborn mid-section and would like to loose 15 pounds. Thanks

The August 2005 rotation by Cathe gave me excellent results. It really made a difference on my mid-section. The challenge is to eat healthily while doing the rotation as it really made me hungry. It's excellent for increasing the metabolism. My second favorite rotation for results was January 2006 rotation.
Hi Alhambra!

Can you tell me where I can find that rotation or if you can email it to me - I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Nenette, go to the Rotations forum and at the top there is a pinned thread that is entitled Guide to Rotations or something like that... when you open the thread, scroll all the way down to the bottom. Holly has updated it.
I don't usually notice results from workouts because I don't have much weight to lose and I don't build muscle that easily. However, the one Cathe series that I did notice results from was the CTX series. My body seems to respond better to short intense cardio workouts and hi-rep weight workouts. When I completed a CTX rotation I noticed a tightening of my mid-section, my pants fit looser (I went from a size 6 to a 2-4) and more muscle defintion in my arms. I think this series worked so well for me because it's time efficient. Hence, I could stick to it!
Another vote for CTX. Although it seems like the longer cardio workouts would be more beneficial, I've seen the best results when I did a CTX only rotation for 6 weeks. I did it exactly as packaged, with no extra workouts and no modifications. I was noticibly leaner with more muscle deinition after doing this series, even after a year of doing only other Cathe workouts.

For reference, I've also done rotations using only the intensity series, only the body blast series, and only the hardcore series, and none of them has results as good as CTX for me.
That is amazing that using the CTX only did that well for you. I do like that series and usually use it on days I don't have too much time or don't have enough energy for an hour of cardio.

I'm curious - you said you looked leaner. I'm wondering if it would impact me the same way - I'm 5'2 and hover between 132-135. I'm killing myself trying to get under 130! I work out probably 5 hours per week. The only bad thing I really do is drink wine (2 bottles over a weekend). I know it is extra calories...but I do enjoy it
Do you think I should definitely cut back on the wine to get the desired results? I eat 90% clean now! A girl's got to live! ha ha.

I would appreciate anyone's input!:D
I say drink up, girl. You sound like my clone. I, too, am 5'2" and am 133 pounds right now. I'd love to drop below 130. I, too, like wine, and I look at it this way--if I weren't drinking the wine, would I be eating something? I've cut out almost all of my other vices (I like coffee, too), but I do enjoy wine on the weekends (and an occasional weeknight.) Cutting it out could wind up being more detrimental if you feel like you're suffering and it pushes you to eat something worse. Weigh the pros and cons. I'd rather spend another hour on the treadmill and have a glass. Just my 2 cents.

Here, here, another sister in the wine club!

I'm 5'2", also, but I'm closer to 145 and would love to get back to 129, or so; however, I won't give up my wine. I realize these are empty calories but think of all the great antioxidants.

The CTX rotation is one I'm going to target. They are great, shorter workouts and I find that I can work harder if I know the workout is 30 - 45 minutes. If the workout is 60 minutes, I pace myself and tend not work as hard overall.

LowMax arrived at my house last week and I LOVE it! There are 2 premixes of 44 minutes each - the perfect length, for me.

Don't fool yourself about alcohol, it most definitely can stall progress. Anyone who is serious about clean eating and determined to transform understands that alcohol is counter productive. Let me paraphrase from "The Ultimate NY Body Plan" chapter on nutrition and clean eating:

"Alcohol is the absolute worst drink you can have, Think about the foods you tend to eat not only when you are drinking but als the day after.Alcohol almost always starts off a carb binge. Your body processes alcohol differently from the way it does other carbs. That's right, alcohol is a carb. Made from fermented wheat, barley, grapes or some other carbohydrate ingredient, alcohol contains more sugar than most people bargain for. Yet, your body treats alcohol differently from the way it treats sugar. First of all, alcohol contains 7 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram in most carbs. Your body treats alcohol like a toxin, so your liver processes alcohol calories before all others in an attempt to clean the toxins from your system. As other calories wait in line, your body senses a rise in calories and shuttles many of them into your fat cells, which is exactly what you don't want." (pg 118)

So, in response to your original post Jane, learn to lose the alcohol if you're serious about transforming your body. I am 5'2" and have lost 12 pounds in the last 4 months....I have one cheat meal a week where I'll have 2 glasses of red wine and a dinner of my choice. I eat clean and alternate Cathe workouts of HIIT, then steady state cardio and a high rep using low weight workout.

It's all a matter of how serious you are and how much you're willing to work (and someimes give up) to achieve your goal.

I say do a bit of both - cut back on the wine and up your exercise. Do a bit more heavy weight training rather CTX and cardio: you could try GS, PS S&H, MIS, MM weight training as they are good for building muscles. Building muscles would be good for you because muscles burns more calories than fat. If you could do 1.5hrs and maybe 2hrs on the weekend.

When you have lost the weight then you can continue to drink wine, though I find 2 bottles on the weekend a bit too much. But I say if you enjoy it then don't give it up, life is too short for that. I have met some women who like their pints but they also do quite a lot of exercise so they don't put on weight.

I don't like to drink myself, but I do enjoy food and I hardly say no to anything.

I enjoyed everyone's comments. I liked the ones that said enjoy the wine, and agreed with increasing the exercise. More weight training is smart too. All good input. And yes, even the information about alcohol being empty calories was much needed for me and probably the rest of us out there. IF we are serious, we do need to cut back, at least for a while and up the exercise. Easier said than done, but maybe we should put ourselves up to the challenge! I am sick of working out and not getting anywhere! And, I love working out.

I too received Lowmax about a week ago and liked it. It was a good workout. Then I injured my back doing something else and had to cool it. x( Bummer! But, I'm back in motion tomorrow.

Thanks everyone. Keep in touch if you want and see what kind of workouts we can kill ourselves with. I also belong to a gym and have done some spinning classes (killer!) I just do the 45 minute one because that's all I can do for now. I need to build up more leg strength.

It's funny because my legs are skinny, but could be toned better. But the fat I need to weight is in my tummy and hips! Yuk!
I think I try doing cardio more to lose the weight and feel guilty if I don't do it so maybe I will concentrate more on some weight training.

Well, gotta go - having my parents over for Chicken French. Nice person I am!!
:9 . Good luck everyone!
No rotation advice here, as I have only just started doing Cathe workouts for about 6 months now, but did the FIRM religiously for 2 years. I too love my wine (and alcohol in general) and kept on drinking while Firming. I am 5' tall and plateaued out at 115-120. I would enjoy a few drinks each night. I have since started eating a lot cleaner, only enjoying alcohol here and there. I am now down to 109, and I do attribute that to cutting out the alcohol that I was drinking AND eating clean 80% of the time. Now when I even just have one glass of wine or one beer, it sends me into a downward sprial and I truly go through a carb binge. I have had to cut it out almost completely. I'm just sharing my story and what I have learned. Good luck!

Hi Becky. Good for you - you lost alot of weight Cant imagine getting to 110. I think those days for me are over! But, I wanted to share when I did the south beach diet they said to cut out alcohol for two weeks completely. I didn't, but did cut back and I did shed the weight.

I don't DO south beach now, but do use some of the recipes, etc. from their book. I think moderation, moderation. ;)
This week I kept track of food/beverages and was honest with myself and I would be fine if not for the excessive calories from the wine. My only tough time is the weekend when gathering with friends. It's hard to drink 2 glasses of wine when we visit for 3-4 hours!! Will do better this weekend, honest. (I sound like an al-kie - geez!)

I thought last night, a piece of cake would be no problem compared to all that wine! :p

I ordered new DVDs and can't wait to start up with those. In the meantime, did kickmax this a.m. :D
Have a good day!
Another vote for CTX. I got the best weight loss results from that series. For muscle building Pyramid Upper Body worked wonders for me.

Good luck,
I was at my best when CTX became available.

I love that series more than any other except Body Blast which I like because of the Music Louder Feature!

Right now I am struggling with 15 lb to lose.

At age 52, it's really difficult.

Every bite I eat sticks to me!
Oh, Thank heavens you weigh the same as me!

I am 5'1" and weighed 136 last time I went to the doctor (I am going a lot these days because I developed cellulitis of the foot).

She (my doctor) told me I look great and don't need to lose. I am about a size 4 to 6.

It used to be I hovered around 125, but now I can't seem to get below 130.

I am with you on the "A girl's got to live" part.

I am glad to have found someone else struggling.

I work out like crazy and eat well 90% of the time, but I can't get rid of my butt!

One man actually told me I looked meatier. He meant it as a compliment, but OUCH!
I don't drink alcohol at all because I am on a lot of meds for my depression, but isn't wine supposed to be good for you?

I have heard one drink a day is good for you.

I love champagne, but I can't drink anything alcoholic.

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