Which Cathe gave you best results?

Someone on another forum was posting about great results doing the Pyramid Bonus Combo 3 times a week along with cardio the other days of the week. They are even starting a check-in b/c when she checked her workout log, this was when she had the most visible results. I would post the link, but I don't think you will be able to see it without being a member of the yaya's. The poster was shoeprincess...maybe she will chime in here as I think she visits this forum a bit.
I think the Pyramid Bonus Combo gives the best results for a total body workout. I copied & pasted my comments from a thread at the yayas. If you're a member the thread is on the Fitness page under "The benefits of logging everything". Here's my results from doing a 6 week rotation with cardio last summer. I'm back on it to get ready for New Years Eve.
Comments at YaYas:
I had great results last July/Aug doing this rotation. Lost 8 pounds, 1" on waist, 1 5/8" on butt/hips & 1 1/8" on inner thigh & 1 1/4" on upper thigh in 2 months. Cleaned up eating in that I cut out most alcohol and stopped eating ice cream.
I haven't done the Combo workout since Sunday because my bi's/tri's have been sore. I used 8/10/12's for bi's & 6/8/10's for tri's and I was sore for days!!! Lower body doesn't really get sore but I have a nice tightness the next day after. I do know lower bod has been workout.
BTW I was 51 last summer. An age were it's hard to lose weight/see results but this rotation did it for me. I did the Bonus Combo 3 times a week & cardio 4/5 days a week. Lots of Turbokick/Turbojam..

When I started out, the circuit workouts really helped me lose weight and gain muscle. The next day any of Cathe's cardio's are great. It was an awesome experience. I just had to eat clean and everything fell into place.


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy by eden ahbez 1908-1995

When I started out, the circuit workouts really helped me lose weight and gain muscle. The next day any of Cathe's cardio's are great. It was an awesome experience. I just had to eat clean and everything fell into place.


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy by eden ahbez 1908-1995
This may be a stupid question, but I couldn't find the CTX rotation in index? Does it say CTX rotation or is it under a month yr like aug05 rotation? You guys sound like me. I am 5'1 and weigh 133-135 too. Thanks

Wine supposedly has some heart protection factors. However, alcohol calories can really be difficult for the body to deal with. BTW, champagne is alcohol. Ethanol is ethanol. Take care, Deb

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