Which Cathe Cardio Workouts Are More Intense?



I'm still learning the Cathe Dvds I recently purchased but I am already considering buying more. I was thinking about Imax2 with Cardio and Weights on it but I'm not sure if the CW workout is what I'm looking for...I've read where it is more like The Firm workouts. I want my cardio workouts to be challenging. But this got me to thinking about which Cathe cardios are the more intense ones?

I will assume RS will top that list, then MIC or Imax? Also, I only want to buy Dvds.
IMO, MIC is the most intense Cathe cardio out there! Followed by the IMAX's. I find RS intense too, but that's because I have to concentrate so much on the moves that I'm both mentally and physically exhausted after it's over!
I second MIC and Imax but would include Cathe's Cardio Kicks. I did the Circuit Max Hi/Lo for the first time the other day and found it very intense as well.
C&W is a lot of fun, but not as intense as many of Cathe's others. It's great for a more moderate workout day. The DVD is worth getting, though, because Imax2 is fabulous -- an all-time favorite of many here. MIC is quite intense, as is Imax, but most people think Imax2 is more fun. IMO, RS is one of Cathe's less intense workouts, but it is also a lot of fun.

If you like circuit-style workouts, I highly recommend the Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance DVD. BC is VERY intense, very effective (wonderful core work) and ME is a great endurance workout. I don't have the Terminator yet, but it has some intense circuit workouts too.

If you like kickboxing, another favorite is Kick, Punch and Crunch -- one of Cathe's truly great workouts.

If you can only buy one DVD now, I'd recommend BC/ME. After that, Imax2/C&W and after that KPC/L&G. (I'm assuming you're interested in cardio for the most part.)
I think of RS as medium intense, nowhere in the same league as the Imaxes.

I believe MIC is the most intense, followed by IMax 1 and then a tie between CircuitMax and Imax 2.

On the next level, BodyMax, KPC if performed with a lot of intensity and ditto for CardioKicks.

I think StepWorks is tougher than Rhythmic Step, which is about on a level with StepBlast, maybe StepBlast is tougher because of the blasts at the end.

There are also a lot of killer premixes you can create, but my main point is Rhythmic Step is not even in the top 5.
I totally agree that MIC is the toughest cardio workout. I have had this video a long time and I still dread doing it. However if you want more than one video, I think the Cardio Hits DVD is a good one. All three workouts are a great cardio challenge.
MIC is definitely the most intense for me. Then I would say the Imax's, but IMAX 2 doesn't seem so bad because of the fun factor. I also think Cardio Kicks and KPC is pretty intense if you give it your all.

THANK YOU so much for all of your input. I think now I have a better idea of what some of these other workouts will be like. I have the Body Blast Series, BC w/ME and Power Hour-MIS-BM. I think I will try Imax 2 next.

Now, how about the strength workouts: Slow and Heavy vs the Pure STrength series...which ones do you girls like better for strength building?
MIC is the toughest for me, wow I dread doing it too, but feel great after I accomplished it. I love the cardio hits DVD they might be older but I think they are great. I love IMAX2, Stepblast, rythmic step, all step.

Aila, I agree with you on cardio kicks, and Kick, cunch and punch. too. I think they are all great like you said when you give it your all. I think you make any tape harder and more intense with another set of risers or by giving it 100%. Some days are easier than others.

There are so many good ones to choose from, they are all fun IMO.

God Bless, everyone have a great Sunday.

Has anyone mentioned Interval Max (the original)? I respect this workout as the number one intense cardio workout of Cathe's.

Since I usually use one-hour workouts, MIC is one I rarely use.
Hi Connie,

I haven't seen your name in a while! Am I remembering correctly that you were starting to teach classes?

MIC is 1 hour. I don't find this as intense as the IMAX's. I know I'm in the minority, but I can finish this without dying. Imax 1 & 2 I find are more challenging and I get pretty winded towards the end.

Determining which cardio to get is a challenge in itself, especially if you only plan to get 1. I'm not sure if you are going to buy several or not. I love Cathe cardio and I guess the dvd I have found myself using more is IMAX2 and C&W. I like the upperbody and abs in C&W and IMAX2 is hard but fun. I'm going to stop here because I also like SB & S,J,P as well. I mix and match so much that it's hard for me to give you a favorite. :eek:
Intensity wise:

1. MIC
3. Circuit Max
4. IMAX2 (Best fun factor out of them all)

These are most intense to me and I have all of them. Cardio and Weights is not as intense as those listed but it is a lot more intense than any FIRM workout and has a big fun factor as well. :)
Oh, and RS is very fun as well and is a good intense workout. It seems to go on longer than any others, meaning your heartrate stays at a steady rate (up there in my target zone anyway). It is very fun and you work up a good sweat with this one! :)
cardio-bc cardio 2 times
ctx kick box
ps series
endurance-ctx upper body
and leaner legs
bc upper 2 times
power hour
Pinky, you're still around, yay! I have been wondering how you are doing with you injuries. How are you anyway?
Sorry to intrude on the thread. Ok, I think the most intense are:
MIC, without a doubt! I haven't done IMAX 1, I'm affraid, so I'll vote for IMAX 2, and Leaner legs.


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