You can easily print a workout card for any STS disc# by simply going to the WM and then do the following:
#1 Click on the date you would like to schedule an STS workout for and you will automatically be taken to Agenda View. Since you’re really not a scheduling anything now you can select any date you prefer.
#2 In the “STS” orange highlighted cell select “Add New” and a new window will launch.
#3 Next, in the “Select STS Disc Number dropdown” box select the STS disc you wish to schedule a workout for. All of the exercises for the disc you have chosen, along with other information, will automatically load in the same order as the DVD.
#4 Simply click on the “Print and Save Workout card” button you see at the bottom of the popup window. As long as you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer your workout card will appear and you will just need to click on the printer icon and then click okay.