Where is the pain in Butts & Gutts?


For all the moves before the firewalkers I didn't feel the pain in my butt, only in my thighs. Then here come the firewalkers, and oh did I feel the burn! And the floor work, I was feeling the pain in the butt.

But the first part of the workout is the burn suppose to be in the rear or in the thighs?

And I thought it was only mild pain when I was done. I did the workout yesterday and today ouch, ouch, ouch in the rear!!! Thanks for the but kick, literally!! :D
Not Cathe here, but I did this one yesterday (and today, going up and down my basement stairs for laundry, and going to the bathroom are rather sore tasks!).

I felt things more in my quads in the first part of the workout, but I had done a workout earlier in the week that was quad-heavy (kickboxing) so they were pre-fatigued.

IMO, the exercises start out somewhat balanced between quads and glutes/hamstrings, and get more glute/ham specific as they go on. I certainly feel things in my glutes (and inner/outer thighs) today!

Did you, like me, end up walking like Tim Conway's "old man" on the Carol Burnett show on the last set of firewalkers--but sideways (or are you even old enough to remember the reference? LOL!)?
>>Did you, like me, end up walking like Tim Conway's "old man"
>on the Carol Burnett show on the last set of firewalkers--but
>sideways (or are you even old enough to remember the
>reference? LOL!)?

Too funny Kathryn, thanks for the laugh! Heretofore I will think of him when doing firewalkers:) I remember my Dad almost choking with laughter watching Tim Conway as this character. I always loved his character as the European accented boss to Carol Burnett's 'Mrs. a-Whhhiggins'.:7

Take Care

That is so funny about Tim Conway's old man. I loved that show especially when he was on it. Thanks for bringing back a great memory.

I am glad to hear that it wasn't just me. And you cracked me up with the pain of going to the bathroom, I know exactly what you are talking about, just the thought of having to sit on the seat right now is causing the pain in my rear. :D

So the workout does start with the quads and thighs and then moves on to focus in the rear? That is great to know because when I started it I was getting super confused thinking when am I suppose to fill it in the butt, but I also know to be VERY careful what I wish for when I am talking to Cathe, so I didn't SAY A WORD to the tv, I just had thoughts. :D

Did anyone else scream "NO" at the tv when she said, "were doing it all over again" these are the workouts before the firewalkers that are done twice. I thought OMG - I barly got through the first round! I can't hop again "are you nuts!" My thighs were burning!!!
But I have to say I love those firewalkers! I feel them alright and I LOVE IT!! I am actully thinking about using a tougher band for those, but again I know to be careful of what I wish for.
Well, I have a question. Should we be going deeper or more shallow with squats and lunges to isolate the glutes? I did B&G yesterday and definitely am feeling it more in my legs than my butt. Not that this is a bad thing :) but I am really looking to hit the butt hard... any feedback?

>Should we be going deeper or more
>shallow with squats and lunges to isolate the glutes? I did
>B&G yesterday and definitely am feeling it more in my legs
>than my butt. Not that this is a bad thing :) but I am really
>looking to hit the butt hard... any feedback?
To hit the glutes more, go deeper and make sure you are going back and not forward. And when you go down, think of squeezing your hamstrings to your calves, so you activate the glutes/hams on the way down. For the 1-legged lunge on the high step, make sure the pressure is going through the heel of the front foot, and prop the high step up against an immovible surface (I use my sofa) so you don't have to worry about the back leg pressing down to much and taking away from the focus of the exercise.
The first time I did B&G I felt DOMS in the entire leg. The second time around, I reduced the weight in my barbell for better form and to really target the glute muscle. Unfotunately, this resulted in DOMS in, yup, the glutes. Those pulsing moves during the standing legs portion really focus on the glutes! Ouch!
Hi Lorrayne! Yes, those low pulse lunges and hammer punch thrusts (both versions) are where I get my "deep in the cheek" DOMS from.
Cathe - you get DOMS?!? Cool! Now I don't feel like such a wimp when I'm hobbling around for two days after doing one of your legs workouts.;)

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