where everyone lives ?

Hi Angie!

Fairview Heights is my shopping grounds! Try to get there five or six times a year...especially since Kohls arrived. Glad to have another midwestern Cathe fan.

Hi - I'm living in Heidelberg, Germany, but I grew up in Knob Noster, MO, and I'll probably always consider the Pacific Northwest (Salem OR to Olypmia WA) home.

RE: Hey there CCBW03!!

Hi Cara - not a big city girl here. Always been in the 'burbs... I grew up in the Chicago suburbs. But some of the nicest times I recall growing up are from my granparents' farm out in western IL... I haven't been back that way in ages since they died.

LOL, my mother graduated from Media high school. How neat! It's funny because she's from Media, IL and I now live in Media, PA (suburb of Philly).

Nice to meet you too!
>I'm in San Diego. In 2 months, though, we'll be moving back
>to the east coast. It'll be somewhere in Eastern NC. All of
>our family and friends are back there and we're anxious to get
>back home. I was born and raised in a small town near
>Martinsville, VA. For you NASCAR fans, you'll know where that
>is. :p

Hi Sharon,
My exboyfriend is from Martinsville,VA. You couldn't possibly be from a town smaller than Martinsville LOL!!!!

I live in Wisconsin. Just southwest of GreenBay( Go Pack Go!). We've lived up here for about 14 years now. Grew up in Beloit,Wis. I love it here and hope to never leave! Susan
Sami,Angie, and Sarah
I can't beleive I've found someone so close that actually knows about the Cathe site. I live in Centralia, IL. This is embarrassing to admit-I grew up in Mulberry Grove. My son attends SLU in MO. So this is a great excuse to get to St. Clair Square. Linda
RE: ~~Hi Tricia~~

O My Gosh, My Mother lives in Mt. Zion. It takes about 45Min. to get there. My mom also watches my girls while i work a couple days a week. So i am usually in Mt. Zion 2 or 3 days a week.

As far as the Firm, do keep working on them. I was the same way( thought she was to hard) but i just didn't get the results that i did from Cathe. Then i just decided to jump right in and since then i have never looked back. I have seen more results in the past 4 months doing Cathe than in the years (9 to be exact) doing the Firm. I almost have all of Cathes DVD's and have ordered her new series she is comming out with. My only problem is i haven't quite convinced myself to get rid of my Firm tapes.

RE: ~~Hi Tricia~~

I'm so excited to have someone nearby that is a Cathe fan! I still have about 8 firms but haven't done them in two or three years. I have the Intensity Series, Cross Train Express, Abs Hits, and the new series (ordered) all on DVD. Everything else is on VHS, except for her first two tapes which I probably won't ever get.

Guess I have been doing Cathe for 8 years and pretty much exclusively the last three years. I've put in other tapes and end up taking them out and doing Cathe.

Maybe we can e-mail in private. Wouldn't it be crazy if your mom knew my friend or if they lived close by? Probably wouldn't happen but it would be cool if it did. My e-mail is [email protected].

Hi Linda~~

Our high schools are rivals, Salem and Centralia, and I've been to Mulberry Grove! Wow...you're the closest to me, as a matter of fact I took the girls to McDonalds playland in Centralia two days ago, course it drizzled rain the whole time, but they loved it anyway. We were going to the park, but it was just too wet!

Have you been doing Cathe long? I'm up to about 8 years now and just LOVE her workouts! IMAX2 is my all time favorite as of now and I can't wait for the new series.

See ya...Sami
I know I'm sort of late for this one. The interesting part is that I thought about asking the same question yesterday. It is very interesting to see where we are all located.

I'm in Hayward, CA and prior to that I lived in Concord, CA for more than 20 years.

RE: Hi Linda~~

I'm a ex-step instructor. Would love to start teaching again. Hopefully in the fall. I will really have to do some serious workouts to get in good enough shape to stand in front of a class. My health hasn't let me wo for about a year. I started Cathe with my first tape-Cardio Step Challenge. So it's been about 10 yrs for me. In my opinion she is the best. Do you workout with anyone? I've introduced a lot of students to Cathe, but it's hard to find anyone in a small town thats really that serious about getting into shape. Linda

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