When is your birthday?

One week from today - 8/11/1964 - Leo all the way!

Lots of Leo's I'm seeing! Happy Birthday to all of them (and everyone else, too!).
Mine's 11/9/58

Mar's got me beat, but carol and elaine come in third in the cathe *pink hat* group. Where's candi?, I thinks she's a red hat graduate. We should be proud of ourselves for being here!

Wow, just a few scorpio's out there. O.k., still haven't heard from a few others: Maximus, Marietta, Shonie, Pinky, etc....


I figured you to be a Scorpio, but I like you just as much as a Capricorn.


Well being a Scorpio, you know you already have determination. Guess we all better stay out of your way. ;-)

July 28, 1961 - Leo

Sue, Mary - fellow 44-year-olds!!!

Mary!!! Bite your tongue, we are most definitely not OLD!!!! We are like fine wine, we get better with age!!!
12/6/1975 - Definitely a Sagitarius! So is hubby - it makes for very interesting discussions! :D ;)


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