What's YOUR "Day Job"?


Hi, all! I posted this question on the Turnstep bulletin board for fitness professionals a few weeks ago and got an amazing array of responses! I'm curious as to what all of you do when you are not working out - the dialog is so lively and supportive here, I can't help but think there's an enormous variety of backgrounds among the Cathe Crowd.

I'm a paralegal, and work on assault prosecution matters both for city and county attorneys. I normally gather evidence and other factual information to assist attorneys in charging cases. My job is at times extremely somber, at other times blackly humorous, on rare occasions somewhat monotonous, and at all times heavy volume. It's also largely desk-bound, so I adore my workouts, not only for the chance to re-charge the bod, but also to get rid of the stress! Am married, no children, and also a very part-time aqua instructor.


For 15 years I was in Marketing/Public Relations either working at a radio station or most recently as the Director at a hospital. Last May I quit my job to care of dying, sick parents and neighbors...our little valley was hit hard. Now, I am freelancing...PR and advertising for an attorney running for county judge and also for a product investment that my husband is VP for. I design logos, brochures, newspaper ads, write copy for radio, voice radio, do wedding invitations, etc...

I'm blessed to be able to take care of everything on the home front these days and not worry about finding a "real job." I'm considering finishing my masters degree... but I'd rather go to culinary school and have my own little bistro.

An administrative assistant in a church. I'm also a Certified Payroll Professional. In my next life I want to be a museum curator, and if I won the lottery I'd become a personal trainer.

I think that's more than you wanted to know!;-)
Hi Annette,
Glad you posted with this question. I would also love to know what our fellow Cathe fans do during the day. I am an accounting clerk for a long distance telephone company. I've been here for 17 years. We have very good benefits and that's why I have stayed for so long (401K, vacation time, insurance, disability benefits). Anyway, I don't really enjoy it, but it's hard to move out of something that provides you with so many benefits. I'm still thinking about making a change soon though (for sanity's sake). The people here are GREAT, I just don't enjoy accounting. I can't wait to hear from people who are in a job they love. Perhaps, I could get some ideas for a career change. The hardest part of my job is being tied to my desk. I need a job where I'm moving around more. Of course, then I would probably want a job where I get to sit down, huh?
Everybody have a great day!!!
I am a Payroll Administrator(CPP) for a manufacturing firm in San Diego. Love my job, but the hour long commute stinks. I get in early so that I can leave at 4pm. By 5:30, I am at home and working out. I would rather work out in the morning, but I have to get up and out the door by 6, so it wouldn't work for me.

I am an Industrial and Systems Engineer. I like my job now. However, I've had jobs that I really hated.
I am a new stay at home mom. I thought it would be so much fun to stay home and that I'd get so much done. Ha!! My life revolves around the little baby, and I don't get anything done!!

Before staying at home, I worked for a government agency writing grants, coordinating special events and doing public relations. I moved so my husband could go to law school, and I started working as an activities person at a nursing home. That was the greatest job ever. I put makeup on the old ladies every morning, then played the piano for them in the afternoon. It was a nice pregnancy job.

One day I want to go back to school, but I can't decide whether to get a masters in social work so I could work at a nursing home again, a masters in English, so I could teach writing (which I love), or a law degree. I suppose I don't have to worry for a while, though. I'm going to raise my kids first :)

I retired in February but before that I made steel rule dies....and before that I was a bank teller. Of the three....I like retirement best. :) I can usually fit in any amount of working out I want, and I will have the day time hours to walk in the winter....I'm looking forward to that.
I don't post here often, but I've been reading the posts in most threads consistently for the last few weeks, and I am also a new Cathe fan!

Ok, I am an anatomic pathologist (a laboratory physician specialized in the study and diagnosis of human tissue) working in a large University hospital center in Montreal, Canada. I would eventually like to combine my medical training with my enthusiasm for fitness to become a sports physician.

I test software and write technical manuals. I was trained as a paleontologist but could never find a job.
I am a full time Mom and a part-time Analyst for a software company. I have been working from a home office for almost 13 years(when my oldest was a baby). This year I started spending some mornings in the office, during school time, but summer I still work at home. Sometimes I think my biggest job is Mom taxi to get my 13 and 8 year old where they need to go!!

I work as an executive assistant in the Fund Raising department for a major health sytem. I am also a certified Pesonal Trainer and teach pilates, kickboxing and body scultping (certified through AFAA). I'd love to do the personal training full time I just wish it paid more. :(
Hi, I'm a medical transcriptionist and I work out of my home. I transcribe for a local clinic on a prn basis which is great as I work as many or as little hours as I want and never have to ask for time off. I do have a retirement plan through the company, but that is it. No other benefits. Luckily my husband has great benefits.
I'm the town clerk for my little town. I don't really enjoy my job, but like Lisa have great benefits. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that works their job for the benefits. What I really want to do is be a SAHM, but can't afford it. I have a 4 yr. old boy and a 5 mo. old (today!) boy.

I am a stay at home mom for my 3 year old son. I hope to get pregnant again this fall. Before this I had a wonderful career in pharmaceutical sales specializing in selling oncology drugs (used to treat cancer). It was a great job but I love being home with my son so much! :)

Someday when my kids are older and in school I think I would like to go back to school for nutrition and maybe even personal training and somehow combine the two fields.

Another Annette here. I've been a lurker for a long time and have so enjoyed reading everything here. You are all so knowledgable and friendly. Anyway, back on topic......

I am a Logistics Analyst for an information management company. One day when I win the state lottery (smile) I'm going to open my own no kill animal shelter. (I almost have one now - 7 cats and one VERY large dog.)

Thanks everyone for posting here; I'm having so much fun..

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