What's YOUR "Day Job"?

Hi Trish...from a fellow Marylander. I stopped working out for several months & then started back this past winter...it's kind of weird, but when I started up again, I was still stronger than before I worked out at all. So a big incentive for me to continue was that I wasn't all the way back where I started from! Good luck with it, & let us know how you get on!

Kathy, that book sounds great, just the kind of book I love to read! When I finish here I will go search for it on Amazon...they've never failed to have anything I was looking for! Can't wait to read it...
Ruth :)
RE: Marlene -- How My Dog Reacts to Cathe

Hi Kathy,
Just wanted to mention...was showing my HB & my best friend your posts for their amusement...we all agreed that your style of writing is quite wonderful. Made us wonder if you were into writing at all...your words evoke pictures & emotions so nicely. Do you write, or have you ever thought about it? Nice talent!
R. :)
I'm another lurker who doesn't post a lot. I also have a bichon who sits in "her" chair while I work out and looks at me like I've lost my mind. I'm an RN working in the operating room - any other nurses out there?
Thanks for the encouragement!

I worked out to Step Heat yesterday and I did a lot better than I thought I would. I don't think it will take me too long to get back up to speed. I really have about 22 lbs I want to lose and I really want to do it and get rid of the extra weight for good. I have been carrying extra weight since after college and I think it's time for it to go. I moved to MD from western NY after college (over 7 years ago) to work here at the NCI and I have worked out on and off over that period of time, but never stuck to anything seriously. I was doing pretty well up until the end of Feb., but I got lazy and gained back about 8 lbs. I know I need to drink more H2O and eat a better diet. I am just going to take it slow and try to change things a little here and there for now until it becomes a habit then I will keep modifying as I go. If I make drastic changes, I usually never stick with anything. I always make grand plans, but never seem to follow through. Thanks for your reply!

RE: Marlene -- How My Dog Reacts to Cathe


How nice of you to compliment my writing! Aside from telling me my abs are looking better, there's not much you could say that would be more pleasing to me. :)

My boys and my hubby would probably tell you that the two things their mom does best in the world are talk and write. (Third: Make their favorite lasagna.) I majored in magazine journalism in college before going to law school, and my secret ambition is to someday give up my law practice and just write. Write what, I don't know exactly, but then the fantasy's never gotten real specific! I kind of dabble for fun by doing things for friends and family like birthday poetry, cute "save the date" letters for big events, invitations, family newsletters and lengthy correspondence to old friends. Once in a while I write a short story or an essay on something funny about motherhood -- I always get energized when I read books like "The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love" because I think I could write that kind of stuff in a heartbeat ... but ya know, life goes on and at this moment writing's just what I want to do when I grow up, whereas practicing law is how I'm helping to put my children thru college and in the meantime am supporting my Cathe habit! :)

So if you ever need funny poetry, etc., you know who to call. I love doing that stuff.

Thanks again - you made my day!

Kathy S.
Mom to Alex, Evan and Eddie the Furball

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