What's YOUR "Day Job"?

I just finished my Master's degree in Behavioral Science and just started working as a project manager at a union here. I will be going out in the field, marketing the union, trying to recruite new members and at the same time conducing a survey on the members' psycho-social work environment. Since it is only my 6th day, it is hard to say if I like it but I think I will. I am really impressed at all the things people do here!! I thought there would be more fitness instructors. Other things I've done: worked at Burger King, worked at a public library, proof"listened" to textbooks on tape, orderly at a nursing home, and cleaning lady.

Marcia, freezing in northern Sweden
Hi everyone!
Wow this is an interesting post! I graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor's in Biology and have worked for the same chemical company here in Maryland ever since. I am in research and development for our inkjet paper coatings area and also am the customer technical service person for our process adsorbents area. I have a real interest in computers and may look to parlay that into something but who knows! :) I am also toying with the idea of being a personal trainer.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
I'm an analyst in the Finance area of a large pharmaceutical company. About a year ago, I took the job from full-time to part-time (3 days a week) which I *LOVE* but my bank account doesn't love it as much, so may have to think about going back full-time.

I've also been learning medical transcription this year through an online school and am hoping to also supplement my income eventually with that (thereby NOT having to go back to work full-time!)

Great thread!! I retired from Verizon (formerly known as Bell Atlantic) after 11 years in 1988. (I do get a pension!) When I worked there, I was an installer and cable splicer in the affluent areas of Washington DC metro area. What an experience! It was a great job because the pay was excellent, benefits were great, I worked in some extremely expensive homes, I worked outside and inside and I was in excellent shape. Climbing telephone poles work out every muscle group you can imagine!!! Now I am a SAHM of 4 boys and 1 girl. I have homeschooled 4 of the kids for 5 years now and absolutely love it. (The fifth child is in college.)
Great Post!!!

I'm an applications engineer (sort of a consulting engineer). I have my BS in Electrical Engineering.
Dawn W
This is a fun post. I only post occasionally, but read the posts everyone else rights every day. I am an Inventory Management Specialist for the USAF for the Minuteman and Peacekeeper missiles. I am working on my Masters degree in Health Services. My bachelors is in Psychology. I hope to work in a government Wellness Center one day. I am in my job now for the benefits.
Hi everyone - this thread has been so much fun to read. What a diverse group we have here!
I am a Veterinary Technician & I work at a moderately large hospital outside of Ft. Meade. We get a LOT of military clients! Our hospital offers full services including surgery & emergency care. We see all small animals including reptiles (yikes!!) I am a little leery when the snakes come in!
My favourite animals are dogs & I have done a lot of study on my own regarding their care, training, breeding, etc. I used to breed Great Danes but couldn't continue due to losing money every single litter! I loved it though.
I would like to someday specialize in canine geriatrics & work at a facility which caters to them.
Hello, I started out beind a ST Nurse Aide, but after 7 years of busting butt I had to go to school for something else! Now, I work for my family business as an office manager. The benefits are great, but the 45 min. each way drive sucks. I also hate (very much) sitting around so much even though it only makes me look forward to my nightly workouts even more. I do have weekends off and have enough time every morning to go for an hour run before work. But for the most part, I am very irritable and bored most of the time....at work anyway!! I am anxiously awaiting the building of my new home (next spring) so that my husband and I can hopefully start a family. My "dream" job would be to do construction in summer (or own my own nursery) and bake pies, cookies and cakes in winter. Maybe some day! Hope everyone has a great day!! : )
I am a legal assistant with a great attorney/boss who I actually get to sleep with (he's my husband lol). Been working together for 20 years and love it. Work three half days now.
Great thread!! I am a hairdresser by trade, but my real job is being a SAHM. I love being wife to my best friend/lover of 13 yrs, Shawn and mother to my three special blessings who I also homeschool, Sarah, Cody and Chelsi!! I also love to tole paint, (my first love) and sew!! Running and working out with my Cathe tapes are just as much a favorite hobby as the rest. You all are great and so very helpful!! Oh, and I can't forget my very special friend and partner in crime, Becky also known as **Michigan Mom!! Hello Becky!!! blessings, Lori Darling :0)
Great thread

Annette, great idea!

You can find this in my profile as well but by day I'm a Certified Dental Assistant. Not a lot of glamour but on a rare day, the clinical stuff can be exciting and it's great building relationships with patients. I've been very fortunate to be in an office of great patients and also having been given the opportunity to be independent and have more responibilities than most DA's. But..with all that being said, as my cyber buddy Cleda would say(who also happens to be a dental assistant)..we pretty much suck spit for a living;-).

Great Idea!

Gread idea, Annette! I've been away for the past week and was overwhelmed to see all the posts when I got back :-wow but this one caught my eye. I had no idea the diversity of jobs you all had. How fun!!! Hmmmm, let me think~I started out working in specialty clothing stores for a few years, then met my hubby got married and then got pregnant and was sooo sick, I had to quit working. I then became a SAHM and felt very blessed I didn't HAVE to work. When my children became preshool age, I became an Aerobics (Hi/Lo) Instructor and have done that ever since. I think the best reward I receive from it (other then my health) is the wonderful people I have met thru my classes. It has truly been my "sanity" thru the years of raising my children to have friends to be able to talk to and share my life. As I mention in my profile, after we do class, we go to lunch! :7 So, you see, it is as much a social experience for me as physical. Soooo, if any of you are ever in the Akron/Canton, Ohio area, stop in for a freebie class and we'll DEFINITELY do lunch after!!!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Very interesting post

There is quite a bit of diversity out there!

I work as a legal secretary for Legal Aid in northern Saskatchewan. It is primarily family and criminal law, never boring and tons of work - too much in fact a lot of the time. I have been there for 17 years and enjoy 5 weeks of holidays and every second Friday off. Of course, the pay could be better but as a single mom of 2 kids, the benefits such as dental, etc. really help.

If I won a lottery, the personal trainer thing appeals a lot to me too.

Hey Kim!

Great 2 C U posting again! I was just wondering how your groin, thigh muscle is doing. (I think that was your injury??) Hope you are 100%. Again, good to "see" you here!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hi Debbie

I never did really go away, I just didn't seem to post much, one thing being lack of time and another would be because of that hamstring injury.

I think it is back up to say 97%. I started playing ball a couple of weeks ago and felt it the next day. I was quite worried and so went to see my physiotherapist. She told me that the pain was "mechanical" and that was due to "remodelling" of the tissue. She told me to challenge the muscle more by sprinting, etc. Her advice, however, was not to go run a 400 metre hurdle race or some such thing but to work up to that kind of intensity.

Hurting my leg playing ball was my fear because as you know, you go from a standing position to a sprinting one in a matter of seconds. My running in the field and on the bases is 100% compared to last summer and so I think I am on my way.

Now I just need to lose about 8 lbs. so that my favourite jeans will fit again. I can't blame the weight on my injury really but I can blame it on some really poor eating in the last little while. New man with dinners out and wine and lets not forget dessert took their toll.

Thanks for the welcome back Debbie. Good to hear and see you too.

Hello Annette,

I have been a woodworker for 11 years now, I work at a small factory near my home. We make children's toys of all kinds trains, airplanes, puzzles, babyrattles, the list goes on...
it is really a neat place to work, I feel like one of Santa's elves along about X-mas time though.


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