whats so special about 3D movies?

i saw Toy Story 3 in 3D. the movie was fabulous but i was expecting toys to be thrown at me. it seems like its not worth paying the extra money when you cant tell a difference.

The difference is about $3 as far as I can tell. We've seen a few 3D movies, and while it was neat the 1st time or 2, other than that it was *meh* Doesn't change the story. If it's a good movie, it will be a good movie either way. If it's a crappy movie, it will still just be a crappy movie in 3D. I don't think it makes or breaks a movie, nor does DH, who is a movie snob.

On the other hand, the 1st one we saw in 3D was My Bloody Valentine, and that was kinda neat, especially when the blood came flying out of the screen and the axes and what not. But we're horror movie geeks as well.

I don't understand the new obsession with 3D! I have to wear glasses already, thank you very much! It's a pain to have two pairs on at the same time. I can see the occasional movie in 3D, like Avatar, which was awesome in 3D, but most movies really don't need to be seen that way. It is a waste of money. I can't believe you have to pay so much more for the movie, then buy the stupid glasses! We kept ours from the last one we saw so we don't have to buy any more of them. Of course, who knows when the next "worthwhile" 3D movie will come out! I hope this fad fades - and fast!
I'm with Clare and Tricia. I wear glasses so wearing another pair is so uncomfortable. And I end up with a terrible headache.

Although seeing axes and blood flying at me would be cool. DH laughs at me because I like scary movies but I scream my lungs off.

Nothing, . . absolutely nothing. Not worth the extra money. After I saw Avatar in 3D I vowed never to spend the extra money again, esp when you are taking 2 kids to the movies and 2 adults. I guess in a way it was worth the first time experience but I actually get sick when I watched a movie in 3D.
so now i know not to spend the extra money but why is it that sometimes it is worth it like seeing bubbles,rats and stuff flying at you and other times its not? maybe next time i will study up more on the movie before seeing it.

It depends on the movie and how the creative team use the 3-D effects. Avatar was one of the worst. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs one of the best. A Christmas Carol was great in 3-D, but it was still good in 2-D. When movies are made for 3-D, most times you can tell a real difference. When they're converted to 3-D it's more gimmicky.

With Avatar, it was the first exposure to digital 3-D for a lot of people. But I had been watching them for a few years because every other kid movie is in 3-D, so I was unimpressed already. Trust me, it doesn't take long for 3-D to get old.
I saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D and I hated it. Everything looked muddy to me. I wish I had just seen it in digital. The 3D also gives me a headache and I think the screen looks too dark with those dumb glasses on. Just a big waste of money in my opinion.
What I don't understand are the new 3D TVs they sell for your home. Do they really expect you to wear 3 D glasses at home? What if you get up to go to the kitchen or are watching TV, while cooking etc.? Are you really going to keep a pair of glasses on? I do too many things while watching TV.

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