What's so great about Power90X?

I've heard so many great things about this series and I think I need to order it soon.

Have you all heard about TLP (tracey long productions), how are those? Do you like them?

I am so excited about p90x, as soon as they go on sale again I'm ordering.

RE: Mari!...the salesperson..:)

You guys are BAD! I'm soooo tempted in ordering these. Question though...I'm more of an intermediate level. If I choose my own goals, even though I'd not advanced, could I still benefit from P90X or should I continue with Cathe for the time being?
It does sound temptin, though I'm really happy with Cathe at this point. Makes ya think, though...

It sounds like the focus is more strength than cardio; am I right? I'm really quite a cardionut, will the P90X satisfy those endorphin cravings...? How does the cardio compare to Cathe, will it be a level up there, too?

Thanks for the info in advance,

RE: Mari!...the salesperson..:)

Kali....I think being an intermediate exerciser you would benefit from any advanced exercise workout. I am not in any way stopping my Cathe workouts, I never would as she is great, but as my muscles weren't responding I chose P90X for the shock of muscle confusion. I also had to clean up my diet and the nurtrition guide has alot of good recipes and daily menus...:)...Carole
RE: Mari!...the salesperson..:)

Worth every penny of the $150 I paid. I'm on my third week of the classic rotation, and I have more definition in my arms, and my lower abs are finally whipping into shape. And no, lifting heavy won't make you look like a man. But it does make it easier for me to lift 40# bags of mulch and stone slabs and rocks in the garden. Everything Kathryn said... and frankly, I would have paid $150 just for the two core workouts! (Kidding, but that's how much I love them).
I'm another Catheite who is loving P90X!!! I'm seeing great results and I love the format of these workouts. It's all very worth the money (12 DVD's, nutritional and exercise manuals).

I'm also a cardio nut, so I've been doing their "doubles" (an extra 30-45 minutes of cardio on weight training days 3 days a week) workout, but substituting their CardioX (although I sometimes do this one) for Cathe's CTX cardios or 30 minute cardio premixes. I think, like so many others have stated, that P90X and Cathe compliment each other very well!!! I'm a very happy camper.

I've been also hearing so much great things about this series but after hearing so many people having problems with Beach body in the past ...I'm a bit wary of putting my CC# out there for them.

Maybe in a few months I'll order from them if I hear they are no longer giving any others problems. I'll be watching and waiting.
I'm so used to Cathe that I'm not even sure if I'll jive with this Horton guy
>I was one of the few that
>paid full price for this set and I would do it again in a

Ditto for me. Paid full price. Haven't received mine yet though, I ordered on the 13th or 14th, so I wasn't really expecting them so soon.
Hey Rhonda...just to let you know...I tend to be somewhat sarcastic, but always in a happy way :) :) . I was expecting you to come back with "Briee...get a life" after I made the "for the life of me" comment, but you are probably much too nice for that!!!!

Anyway, I'm almost through the first three week rotation and if you want to preview the P90X I'd be happy to lend you a sample and then you can verbally trash it properly after you've seen it and send it back to me....can you resist this offer??? Just a thought, girlfriend :) :7 :7 :7

See if this links work: http://www.beachbody.com/jump.jsp?itemID=63&itemType=CATEGORY&path=1,2,21

I just received this email. It's a 15% discount on P90X.

A lot of cardio nuts might think that the cardio workouts isn't enough to fill their endorphin needs. But, if you are doing one of the rotations, it will surprisingly be enough. :) The only workout that I ever add on to is Cardio X, because it is on the short side. Cathe's CTX cardio workouts complement this workout really well.
I also have been enjoying the P90X system, after using Cathe exclusively for the past 3-4 years. I have been doing it for around 2 weeks, and I don't have a pull-up bar yet. I do have bands and have been trying to substitute the back work with the bands.

I do still love Cathe obviously, and will go back to her workouts after this rotation. I have not been as clean with my eating and following the nutrition plan (mostly because I was waiting for my daughter to finish school, so I could concentrate).

As the others have stated, I think it's a nice complement to Cathe's workouts, and I still plan to incorporate some of Cathe's cardio, because of the strength focus.

I will say that I have been so sore with the series that it is unbelievable. I think it is because you work the muscles in such a different way. I have noticed mainly a difference in how my back and shoulders look, I think because of all the variations in the push ups. I have become more proficient at push ups then I thought I could. I also love the ab-ripper X workout. It is really tough and has some different moves than Cathe's ab work. I think the system was well worth the money.
If I had the extra dough, I'd buy this series in a heartbeat, based on everything I've read about it. I've been a member of this forum for almost three years and I've never seen this much hoopla over anybody but Cathe. The testimonies from people here (whose opinions I really trust) make me want to starve my family for a month like Briee did.}(

Someone brought up muscle confusion. I wonder if the superior results everyone seems to be getting are largely due to simply changing up. If everybody had been doing P90X for as long as they'd been doing Cathe workouts and then started doing Cathe workouts, would the results be as astounding?

Whatever the reasons, it's all good, and my family's gonna be mighty hungry soon!:)
I don't want to be an enabler here, but if you look over at the VF boards, you will find a way to save 20% at Beach Body (someone posted a link there), PLUS you can save another 12-13% by purchasing through butterflymall or ebates (somewhere in the thread it explains how to do this).
I admit that I caved. Ordered it a week ago and am dying to get it!!!!!
I love Cathe, but sometimes another series is just what you need to mix things up a bit, and realize how much you DO love Cathe!!!! :)
I just got the new TLP's, and while the workouts are unique, Cathe's style and personality continue to "wow" me more than anyone else!!!!
Just my .02!!!!
I think that this series is so result-producing for most of us because we have been doing mostly endurance based workouts for so long. Most of Cathe is endurance folks. Also, when you do a push up on your toes, and then try and do 60 more in all different ways, and then mix about 20 pullups into it, it just blows the intensity out of the water. Sorry ladies, but you will not find that kind of intensity with Cathe...in any of her workouts. I think those of us that are loving these workouts are really loving the challenge of pushing ourselves past a point we have never gotten to before. We are those that like to punish ourselves and really hurt. I think the nature of the workouts automatically make you push harder and therefore see better results.

As far as the cardio goes, I much prefer Cathe. But, I think it is important to work something in that is not as intense. I am sure you need the recovery. Also, Tony Horton really gets on the nerves for me but you do have the option to shut him up, so that is good.

Briee..how is your wrist faring???

ONE last question - i read a lot that its helped upper body and abs. what about legs - hamstrings and butt? those are my trouble spots....i'm reluctant to spend the $$ unless i hear that it helps those areas?!?
Janice.....I'm terribly impatient...I took the cast off and my hand felt MUCH better, so I started back in and it hasn't bothered me too much. I did chest and back today, but with hand stands for the pushups and I can't do the close grip, overhand pullups - this was the problem...I began them and I felt "it" immediately, so I'm doing these on my lat pull down bar until I get stronger with this grip. Thanks for asking.

I too did the leg tape mostly without weights and my butt/legs hurt for a full 4 days post workout...everywhere. I think those sneaky lunges do something evil.....don't they feel wonderful???

As for Tony.....if ya don't like him...turn him off, not all men come with this feature ladies so enjoy this one!!! I have to say that I love the "oh bobby, you're doin 18, well then I gotta do 20" etc. This is where the Sunday workout group would be a blast...you push each other beyond what you would normally do, I would love to have that just one day a week.

What is it about the leg workout that leaves us hurting for days after doing it? It always blows me away how sore I am after doing this workout. I LOVE this workout............................

I do agree with Janice on how hard we push ourselves. I always sweat buckets and I always feel 100% finished after these workouts.

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