What's so great about Power90X?

Wow!!! I just ordered P90X today after hemming and hawing for about a month. Reading this thread has me even MORE excited about getting my new dvds!!! I should have mine in about a week, got the 15% discount too! :) 12 dvds for $127 and change is a steal too!

Have great weekend everyone! I'll check back in once my dvds arrive and I do a week or so of workouts.
Re leg workouts: I have to say, my legs are so incredibly SORE after the leg workout, but I thought it wouldn't be enough legs for me (my problem area). Have to say: I've been following the classic P90X rotation now for three weeks, and have noticed that my pants are a little looser.... not straying too far from the rotation... adding maybe one Spinerval in per week... not changing my diet up... and still seeing results. I do believe it's the change-up from Cathe that's just shocking my body. It's a good thing! :7 And of course I will be figuring out how to rotate in the new Cathe DVD's with P90X as soon as I'm done with the P90X rotation!
I'm in the process of previewing the new Cathe's. So far, I like what I'm seeing. They will complement the P90X workouts very well.
I'm thinking they are going to fit perfectly during the recovery week since these workouts are light weight/hi rep workouts. So I think you could easily do the basic workout on Monday, intermediate on Wednesday and advance on Friday. :) I'm really excited for my next recovery week.
Wow !!! What great comments on this program ! What type of equipment is needed to use this program, I see the "workout tower" a little pricy, shipping is almost as much as the tower... do you only need a pull up bar ?
Thanks for all the great information !!
You do NOT need a power tower and I'm not even sure where this idea came from, maybe their site. Yes you need a pullup bar. Mine is in the door way and I bang my head, so my husband is building one that is braced into the cement in our basement w/o room and sticks out a good foot or two. They do sell this type on ebay and sports stores I believe. I have never bought bands and have never needed them, but from what I hear others have used them. I like weights and I'm determined to do REAL pullups so I use my bar and a chair to rest my toe. I don't think you NEED anything else. It's a great, tough, basic workout.

How did you get the 15% discount. I'd love to order them, but $150 is pretty steep. I'd love to get the discount. Thanx!!

Linda :)
As far as equipment, you need dumbbells, but you don't really need a pull-up bar. I started using the workouts, and substituted 1-arm lat rows and pullovers for the pullups and chin ups. Then I got some resistance bands with a door attachment, which is what I'm using now.
>How did you get the 15% discount. I'd love to order them,
>but $150 is pretty steep. I'd love to get the discount.
>Linda :)

Beachbody sent an email offering 15% off some of their programs. I can forward the email to you if you like. Send me your email address. Mine is [email protected]
>Don't forget to use ebates as well - you'll get a check back
>for another 15%. ~Sharon
Hi Sharon or anyone else familiar with ebates.

I received an email from ebates stating I have like $18.00 in my account from my p90x purchase. How do I get that money back? Do I need to do something??? This is brand new to me? Are there lots of fitness sites that qualify for an ebate discount?

This is so cool!! I feel beter about spending money, when I am getting discounts, don't you??

Thanx! Linda :)
About P90X - Mine has been ordered... thanks to you all sharing how great it is!! I must say,I am so looking forward to getting them.
Do you recommend I buy the pull-up bar that goes in a doorway? Where is the best & cheapest place to buy them?
Also, I have carpal tunnel and arthritis in my wrists -- does he do a lot of push-ups?? if so, what about the pushup bar handles?? Any suggestions, if they'd be helpful and where's a good place to buy them?

Thank you ALL !!

Linda :) :)
The greatness of P90X is about strength training and getting some muscles with everything else added in. A big wake-up call to me was finding out that all the instructors that we admire because of their wonderful defined muscles, didn't get those wonderful muscles by doing endurance workouts! They lift much heavier than they do on the videos/dvd's, and they use machines. The closest thing we at home users can get to mimicing that sort or regimine is to go to a gym, go to the expense to have those machines at home, or to find somebody to make a video/dvd that focuses on strength and not muscle endurance. Endurance is nice, but.... I personally don't want to do endurance all the time.
P90X is the only series I have seen in my long history of experience that has what I want by way of strength training plus a fun package to go with it.
Did I have any problems ordering from Beachbody? NOPE. I got my order within 2 weeks. If I had not seen that some others were having problems with shipping (which was due to BB running out of stock), then my anxiety would have been nonexistent. Customer service and Amber were in constant emailing with me to make sure my order was taken care of speedily.
>Do you recommend I buy the pull-up bar that goes in a doorway?
> Where is the best & cheapest place to buy them?
>Also, I have carpal tunnel and arthritis in my wrists -- does
>he do a lot of push-ups?? if so, what about the pushup bar
>handles?? Any suggestions, if they'd be helpful and where's a
>good place to buy them?
>Thank you ALL !!
>Linda :) :)

I don't have a pull-up bar (yet!), and when I first started P90X, I didn't even have bands. I just substituted heavy 1-arm rows and pullovers for the pull-ups.

There are a LOT of push-ups in P90X. I've had problems with carpal tunnel before (but no symptoms for several years, thank goodness), so I am careful. I started the P90X program substituting some heavy dumbell bench presses for the push-ups, but them I started using my push-up handle bars, and they work great (some exercises can't be done with them, but you could always substitute another exercise for those). You don't even really need push-up handle bars to get the same effect. You can use a 10# or larger hex dumbell (I say this size because lighter ones/smaller ones have less room between the floor and the bar)as push-up handle bars. If one size dumbbell doesn't feel quite right (knuckles hitting the floor, too high, too low), try another size.

The push-up handle bars I have are the same ones they show in the P90X workouts. I had a previous set, but I like the way these allow for different hand placements. I don't know where I got them, but you might try www.fwonline.com (which has good prices on fitness equipment) or www.power-systems.com and see what they have. If you live in a larger city, there may be a sporting goods store in your area that has them.
I visisted your site and I can tell you that by the little I learned about you there, I can tell you 100% you will love P90X. It really is worth every penny!!!!!

I don't post over here very much, but have been doing Cathe tapes for years and just recently started p90x. I did the Slim Series and liked that for variety from Cathe, so thought p90x would be a good next jump.

I have to agree with the posters here, that the types of workouts here will allow for much greater strength gains than the controlled timing that Cathe uses. Being able to work to failure at your own pace makes such a difference, at least from what I've seen in these workouts. They really can't be compared because they are so different, so for those of you wanting something new and fresh, go for it!

What I really wished Tony had done, was invite Cathe to be one of the exercisers - now that would be something to see - bet she could outdo everyone on those pushups and pullups! }(


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