What workout will you do Thursday?

What workout will you do Thursday?

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>Nothing, nada, zilch -- oh, other than the fork to mouth
>repetitive workout. Could help my biceps if I put a heavy
>enough piece of pie on it, I guess...


Just remember to use both arms - don't want to appear unbalanced the next day!!
>My first time with Drillmax will be Thursday - I hope it'll
>be as intense as I need it to be - will it burn 5,000
>calories?! Pre-damage control!


Drillmax is a calorie-burner for sure!! Maybe not quite 5000, but close! Enjoy!
I may be doing Turbo Jam's new ball workout. It just came in the mail yesterday, and I am anxious to check it out.

I just got done doing one of the KPC premixes.:) Not celebrating Thanksgiving here today, we're doing it Saturday (no holiday today for us, boo!) I'm doing Drill Max tomorrow to get my body ready for turkey on Saturday!:D
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Well, I had originally planned to do BM2 (which I just love, love, LOVE!) but only had about an hour this morning to workout. Sooo, I broke out my all-time fave...Imax 2 and did it on an 8" step for the first time. Oh, wow, I had so much fun and got a fantastic workout! I'm a shortie, measuring at just under 5'1" so I have been hesitant to try it on the higher step but after this month's rotation with the new workouts (especially BM2) I figured I was ready to give it a try. What a fantastic workout! Look out Imax 3, here I come }( :+ !

Well, I'm off to work (short day, at least) then I get to come home and cuddle with my sweetie, go have a nice romantic dinner. Ahhh, life's good!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

I'm going to hit the treadmill... it's been a total food-fest here for the last couple of days. Pizza last night (traditional before T'day, right?), my DD made blueberry pancakes and bacon this a.m., the T-day feast ahead of me, and tomorrow night going out to dinner with friends where I know I'll be having too much red wine. Did drill max yesterday, and felt so good dripping with sweat at the end. Going to strip on my ipod soon and become one with the treadmill. Happy T-day everyone!!!!:7
I just got done with Gym Style Legs -- I did all the standing work and about 1/2 of the floor work. Too short on time to finish. I kept putting it off al morning and finally made myself do it. I am soooo happy now that I did it. Have to get in the shower and head over to the in-laws.

Just finished Drill Max! What an awesome workout!

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving today!

Did a nice mish-mosh this a.m.; the cardio was a revision of last year's Turkey Burner Mish-Mosh:

CTX 10-10-10 warm-up and kickbox
KPC high intensity drills
Drill Max's cardio only from the Cardio Fusion disc (substituting floor cardio for the step stuff; am kind of burned out on step right now); then
Boot Camp cardio only premix

Then very brief leg barbell squats/plie-squats/lunges; then

CTX Kickbox planks through roll-ups; then
LIC floor abs complete; then

A brief upper body set with 22.5-lb dumbbells.

I taught a fairly intense aqua class last night so I wanted something a tad lighter this a.m. and this fit the bill.


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