What was the most "special" event 4 you in 2004?

RE: What was the most

We took the kids to Disney in October, and had a WONDERFUL time!! I'm also grateful my 7 year son is doing well health wise.(Yay) No hospital visits!!:)
RE: What was the most

Hi Claridge! The most proud moment in my life was my son, Craig performed before 2200 people at CW Post College which is in Long Island, NY playing his viola in the orchestra. There were 97 string instruments it just took my breath away. It was all I could do not to cry.

We have this moment preserved not only in an 8x10 picture but on CD & DVD.

He also received top honors from graduating from his elementary school. He received the gold President's certificate. I just had to boast b/c he deserves it. Kathy:D
RE: What was the most

Wow, sooo many! I think one the MOST special events was the birth of our very first grandson, Colton, born in June! He is such a pleasant lil' thing. He just loves to smile and is sooo content. Another would be watching our one and only granddaughter grow into such a well-behaved lil' person. She turned three in June. She is sooo intelligent and just loves life. (Always laughing and smiling!) We are blessed with my daughter and her hubby who are doing such a wonderful job in raising them. My son got a job this past year and finally found his niche. He is 26 and very happy and feels very blessed to have found this job. (He also moved out about 5 months or so ago! :7) I would say that being injured last November would be a low point in my year but I learned thru the trial & tribulations of an injury how much I NEED to be thankful for my health/body/capabilities and NOT take them for granted. I am almost 100% healed and thank God for his healing! I am VERY thankful for Cathe's place and ALL you wonderful folks I have had the pleasure of meeting in the past few years. Thanks for all you share and for all your caring ways. HUGS 2 U all! Thanks for starting this Claridge and Woo-Hooo for Emma!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: What was the most

My husband and I celebrated our 15th anniversary in 2004 and went to Italy for two weeks. Other than that, we had a quiet and healthy year, and you can't ask for much more than that!

RE: What was the most

A couple for me, both related to my dad. The fact he survived the removal of his colon and spleen and was given a less than 10% chance to "survive". They didn't want to even speculate about recovery. The day he got out of ICU, less than a week later.

Unfortunately, due to other complications, on Sept. 15 they gave him 24-48 hours to live. On the third day, I felt so blessed that he had "outlived" the expecations....well 2 1/2 months later, I feel wonderfully blessed that he is still here with us. Altho he is confined to a hospital bed, he is still alive and not in any pain so to speak.

RE: What was the most

I finally got my Associates Degree this year, and started school to get my Bachelors.

Also, we (my & my husband) are moving into a new house next week. I moved into his house when we got married, and before that I lived in apartments, so this is the first time I was involved in picking out a house.
RE: What was the most

Again I'm amazed at the variety on this board! What great 'events'!One of the "events" of the year that I enjoyed the most was having a bath! Sounds funny I know but we've been working on renovating the bathroom this year in our 'spare' time, meanwhile we had to shower in our other cold bathroom. Needless to say it's taken all year but to crawl in my new bubble tub and stare at our hard work and how good it looks - it was so worth the wait. It seems now like every bubbly bath is an event!!!:)
The other great event is a two week vacation just dh and me, no kids. A second honeymoon is way better than a first one!!! ;) (Celebrating 18 years!)*SIGH* I wish I could go back! A third honeymoon must be even better!

I've been waiting for you to POP in here! I almost posted yours for you! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: What was the most

Well my would be going to Jackson Hole,Wyoming in Sept for 4 days. My husband was the top 100 Wildlife Artist. We got to go to Yellowstone Park, Teton, and few other places. The Mountains are gorgous. The only bad thing that happen was our luggage got left behind for a day in Minnesota so we couldn't even dress up for the event the following night:( but other then that we all had a wonderful time. Our older son and my husband's father came with us.
RE: What was the most

Oh, I forgot to mention that my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this year.
RE: What was the most

Congratulations on your Eagle Scout!! I have two boys who are probably about 2 years out. I have short timer syndrome BAD!! We had two cub scout dens, and started with Tiger Cubs. Many many years of time, hard work and dedication goes into this accomplishment so congratulations to your whole family:)

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