What to do and what to order???



I am new to Cathe but really have heard great things about her workouts! I have watched her on FitTV and boy does she pack a punch in the workouts that I have seen. I have been working out with the Firm and I am on a advanced level but I do not think I am at a advanced level with Cathe by just watching her workouts. I am thinking about purchasing Basic Step + Body Fusion & High Step Circuit -Beg/Int. What does anyone think about these two to start out with? Can I take them and turn them into advanced workouts once I am use to them? What type of equipment do I need for these workouts? I have a Fanny Lifter for the high step and a step and free weights up to 15 pounds. If I need a stability ball, what size do you recommend and I think they are called resistance tubings are there a particular type that is good and what length should I get?
I am so excited about ordering these workouts but I need some expert advice. What do you think?:)
hi lisa, i know you from the FF...anyway i truly think you can handle the advanced high step.....many firm like qualities but done a la cathe style!!!you will see what i mean. the beginner ones you listed are fine but you can handle more. sure...you can use heavier wts..just like in FIRMS. how tall are you, balls come in 55, 65 and 75. i am 5'4, and on the line between 55 and 65, and i am much happier with 65. i got a burst resistant one at dicks sporting goods, you wouldnt want your ball to pop while you are holding a 15 lber!! As far as her step, the beginner is the way to go, but her advanced ones are soo much more fun..i started with advanced and did them in slow motion with my dvd player, or in reg speed, and practiced!! how many are you planning on buying!!??}( }(
Hi there!

I thought you were also here on this forum. Thanks for responding. I like 30-40 min maximum time cardios. I never do Maximum Cardio burn because I just do not like a hour workout unless it is cardio + sculpt. I would like to order one dvd that has a cardio workout, a cardio sculpt and sculpting for upper, lower and abs. I want to alternate weeks, Firm one week and Cathe the other. I have watched Cathe on FitTV and I am always thinking there is just no way! I never did step cardio until the Firm and I really like that style and gotten use to it. I always worry if it is to hard to learn I will put it away and never use it, but then again that is the old me. The new me received Fat Blasting Cardio and I did that one workout until I got all the steps down. What do you think would be the best workouts time wise and ones that I will love so much that I will not put it away. The new one Cathe has out that is beg/inter. is Basic Step and Body Fusion and it has all three types of workouts I am wanting on 1 DVD and 1 price. Any advice would be great. I am thinking about just one DVD at first and then if I know myself well and I fall in love with the workouts I will eventually try everyone.
What do you think about Timesaver??? I could not believe how many workouts it had on it. One thing I forgot to ask also it when a barbell is needed can I use my free weights? I am limited on space in the hall closet and right now it is crammed with Firm stuff!
Also, would you let me know if the dvd's are chaptered? I do not want to have to fast forward to get to the workout I want.;-)
Hello and welcome!

Wanted to answer some of your questions regarding equipment.

Fanny Lifter/High Step- While it is perfectly safe to do the weight moves with your existing fanny lifter, I would STRONGLY caution you not to use the fanny lifter for the cardio portions of the workout. It is simply not designed for cardio moves and would be unsafe if used in that capacity. You can use the narrow end of your step for the cardio portions of the high step tape you are interested in. At some future point you may want to consider purchasing the high step topper and maybe a set of risers. The high step topper is some much sturdier than the FL and can be used for cardio moves. Because it works with the risers from the original club step, you may be able to just buy the topper. If you want the high step to be the same height as the FL for step ups, etc. make sure that you have 5 risers to use with the topper.

Resistance tubing- I got my tubing a Big 5 sporting goods and most sporting goods stores carry some form of tubing. I believe Target and Walmart also sell tubing products. Whatever you decide, start with a light resistance (this type of weight work sneaks up on you) and then work your way up to a medium/heavy resistance. If you want to purchase online, fwonline.com, fitness1st.com pretty much sell tubing and everything else you can imagine. spriproducts.com sells just tubing products. BTW, most tubing products come in 4 foot lengths (unless you're also buying double circles, lower body rings, etc.)

Stability Ball- First, be sure to purchase a burst resistance and/or slow leak ball (that way it won't explode if suddenly punctured or too much weight applied). The rule of thumb for sizing is if you are 5'4" and under, 55 cm, 5'5" to 5'10", 65 cm, 5'10 and above, 75 cm. Some people have two sizes and use them for different exercises (ball roll ups and pikes are easier with a smaller ball) but I think starting with your 'correct' size should be just fine.

As far as where to start, Cathe's choreography is typically quite complex. The beginning step workout will introduce you to her style and her cueing. After that you may want to try the Classics DVD as these workouts are intense with not too complex choreography. After that, the Cardio DVD with 3 step workouts on it is terrific. With the weight work, you can always modify to your level by either increasing or decreasing the weight from what Cathe is using, doing every other rep, skipping a set, etc. Always do what works for you.

Have fun! Soon you'll have every Cathe workout (it's practically inevitable because people get hooked on her style and the intensity) and be a Cathe veteran.
Hi Lisa,

I'm Shaeleigh over at the FF(but not for much longer.) I do have the Timesaver DVD, which was my first Cathe purchase. I really love it. It contains 5 workouts taken from segments from the Body Blast series. They are all approx. 45 minutes, and contain some cardio, and some strength training focusing on one or two body parts. It is chaptered and has the workout blender feature, by which you can take segments from the different workouts and put them together to create your own! Very cool! I have just ordered the High Step Advanced Training DVD. Once you buy one Cathe workout, you will find that you are gonna want more! Take a look at the video clips to give you a good idea of what you would be purchasing. They are all 10 minutes long!

Hi Debbie,

I am also leaving the FF, my subscription expires August 10th. I have dial up and for some reason when I try to watch the video clips all I can do it hear them I see no video. I really want a video that has the three types of workouts on it for one price. I usually do two c+s, two cardios and 1 heavy sculpt a week. I do not like really long cardios usually 45 minutes is my maximum. My favorites are SCS, FBC and Calorie Killer. On light days and hurried days I will do CSB with Lisa. I never do MCB even though I really like Allie as a lead it is just a bit to long. Let me know what you think would be a good one for me to start with.

Lisa, I'm new to Cathe too. I have the STEP and the FL. Currently watching Ab Hits and the IMAX series on eBay. Okay I'm not down on the lingo yet but I miss regular step workouts, something the Firm really lacked. Heard great things on these workouts which is why I had been surfing the forums getting and idea of what's what.

I take an advance step class at the health club on Saturdays but would love to able to get that kind of workout at home. Also may order the BootCamp sounds like something I'd take to ;d

Oh the TimeSaver appeals to me too.. I can hear the cha-ching in my head as I type! Glad you posted your question.
Hey Lisa,

I'm new to Cathe but have been a long time albeit sporadic FIRM user. I purchased Basic Step + Body Fusion and High Step Circuit and can I tell you that I love them. The moves are much more interesting than in the FIRM cardios (I got to the point were I would zone out during some of the workouts) and the add ons on the Basic Step DVD are thorough. I have never been that sore doing a 20 minute strength training video but the use of the resistance tubing and longer sets make a difference.

I actually hate cardio *gasp* with a passion. I'd rather enter a lion's den than to do it but Cathe's workouts are so much fun. I really enjoy the choreography on Body Fusion. The music is a 100 times better than the FIRMS (although I kinda of liked the music used in MCB). I will be following the Beginning/Intermediate Rotation in the next month or so (see the Rotation section under "June Rotation: Double Header") and then I think I will progress to Timesaver and Muscle Endurance. After that, I probably will burn a whole through my credit card.

You are going to love these workouts...okay, you might want to cuss Cathe out at first because even though these are "beginner/intermediate" DVDs, they still pack a mean punch.

Hi! I'm also pretty new to Cathe and also thinking about getting Timesaver! I was also really devoted to the Firm for the past year or so. I was so excited when I started with the FIrm. Now I am even more excited about starting with Cathe! I want to get all her stuff!
I don't really have any real advice - jsut wanted to chime in and say once you give Cathe a try you will porbably be sxcited too!
Hey it's good to see other new people here. I feel like a kid in a candy store.. still going back in forth in my mind which ones I want first!! Guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and choose a couple. ;d
What type of resistance tubing did you start with- light? I just got basic step/body fusiona and love it. Haven't done those add ons yet because I don't have the resistance tubing. I too am a firmie and new to Cathe and love her--- although I know what you mean about cussing her :).

thanks for input

Hey Lil'sassy!!

To the Educated Crowd here.....I always chuckle when the "newbies" say they want to get just one DVD, all the hmming and hawwing they do. I can just hear them biting the bullet (sound effects). You all are goners. Hope you have a high limit to your credit cards.

And on that end, welcome to the boards!! This is a great place to visit, with many super cool people!!
Hi and welcome. I'm also fairly new to Cathe. I've only been posting on this site for about a month and I love it! I've gotten great advice and motivation from numerous posters.
Anyway, I am intermediate/advanced and am working toward the advanced level. I bought High Step Training Advanced and and I love it but I agree with the other poster(sorry forgot their name) who said they would not recommend the fanny lifter as a step for Cathe workouts. She does some footwork - not complicated-just intense- that could find you on your rear end!:eek: High Step Circuit is also awesome and I have nothing bad to say about it. Good luck in selecting your item(s) but I definitely recommend High Step Training and High Step Circuit they are both great!

Anyway, I love Cathe and am now totally addicted and have already ordered the Intensity series, the presale, Body Max, and Maximum intensity cardio. If you are borderline "Cathe advanced" I think that even if you end up with something a bit too intense it is a great goal to strive for!
Right here with ya!! I'm probably going to be ending my subscription to the FF soon as well. I've started incorporating Cathe's into my Firm rotations and it's about half and half right now. I started with Timesaver and loved it so much that I ordered the entire Blast series. It's worth every cent! It's fun! But more than that, it's flexible. You can program everything, so if you want 45 minutes of cardio, you can do that. If you want more of a challenge, do the whole whopper! And when I want a little cardio at the end of a lifting day, I can just do the first couple of segments of a step video. It's very versitile.

I also got the High Step Training Advanced video. It's really tough, but it's also got the chaptered features so I could just do the cardio or the weights, or leave it as it is and get a killer circuit day.

Currently, I'm using my Firm Box of Death for the cardio, but I am planning on getting a club step. And I'm using my Fanny Lifter for all the high step work. I don't have a barbell but subbing dumbbells is not too bad. I will probably stick with dumbbells. I don't have tubing, I just use bells. Now the stability ball is fun. You don't have to have it, to be honest. But it does add a new dimension to the workout because you have to stabilize your core so hard while using it. You should get a ball that when you sit on it, your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Search out stability ball on the site here: I recall seeing a chart of ball size for the person's height.

Anyhow, welcome to the Cathe madness!! I'm glad to see my Firmie friends coming and getting a whooping!! :7
Tammy thanks for the info on the stability ball. I have one collecting dust in the garage. The last time I used it was to stretch out my back. Looking forward to putting it to use.

I'm glad I never got the Box of Death (great name for it btw). It looked cheap and unsafe even from the pictures. Like you said I think I'm in for whooping.. oooh I hope so! ;d
Cathe tapes are challenging, but don't be scared of them. Every single one shows modifications and you can work up to doing them at an advanced level. Once you know how to modify it is easy. Just going after the beginner tapes really leaves you at a loss.....they are all so great! Many times I do the tapes on a 4" step, which brings down intensity as well.

Lil' Sassy...you are going to have to bite the bullet and get a real step. It may be costly, but go for the Club Size Original Step. Don't get the littler one, you will regret it.

I agree with you about the step. I am new to Cathe, but went ahead and bought the club step and I love it. I am also glad to hear you encourage us newbies to go for it and not just stick with the beginner intermediate tapes. There is so much talk out there about how tough these workouts are it's down right intimidating!! But I'm up for a challenge and I will do what I can and modify the rest. I did ME on Thurs and today I am still sore. I think the next one I'll get is high step training.

anyway thanks to all around who gives us newbies support and advice!!


Hi Lisa,
I think the workouts you are planning on ordering are good choices. I would also recommend the CTX series if you are just staring with Cathe. If you wanted to try a Cathe Step workout, I would recommend Step Blast or Rhythmic Step. Have fun!
Hey fellow Firmies, and Catheites!

I too am considering which Cathe to purchase first...I was thinking of preordering the hardcore DVD's and starting there.

I am lifting heavy, and advanced as far as step is concerned...but I too would have to use my "Box of Death" for cardio and my FL for the high step...so...I need money...anyone want to loan me some???

Glad to be on board...what the hell do I get first!


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