What time do you workout?


thanks for replying. I am trying to decide when to exercise. I want to make sure I get enough sleep and I would have to get up this early to get the time in before my kids start to get up. My husband works out too and there doesn't seem to be enough time in the evening for us both to get our workouts done and have family time with our 3 kids. I might just have to try morning and see how it goes. Thanks again.
Yes, but working out and doing my cardio at night is still giving me the results I want, and I'm also not missing out on any sleep, which studies show is VERY important for your health and well being. (Mine anyway) :)
>If you are getting up at 4 A.M., what time do you go to bed?

I usually go to sleep around 9:15 or 9:30. I know....that is early!! But I have to in order to get up early (4:30 am. 0 4:45 a.m). I do not eat before I workout. But I do drink a lot of water!

Everyone has to do what's best for them. But trust me when I say cardio first thing in the morning is the second best way to start your day!:p
>Everyone has to do what's best for them. But trust me when I
>say cardio first thing in the morning is the second best way
>to start your day!:p

Yep, you're right. I wish I could do it because I like the feeling of working out in the mornings, but I need my zzzzz's! :)
faie -
Do not despair - another late nite person here. Sometimes I'm not finishing up until after 11pm! I always want to work out earlier, just too much to do around the house!
Besides, NO ONE is getting me up at 4:30/5am for anything!!!!
"If you are getting up at 4 A.M., what time do you go to bed?


I usually go to bed around 9:00 PM
I admire the morning workout people! I hope to convince myself to do that someday....my DH says it is just a habit that takes time to develop. I think if I went to bed earlier than I do now it would realllllly help.

Right now I workout at 3 pm while the 6 yo plays a computer game and the 3yo and 1 yo are napping....or at about 8 pm after all 3 go to bed. But those two times get too interrupted too often. I think AM workouts are the best way to do it and not talk yourself out of it, depending on the day! Sometimes I heed the call of the couch at 8 pm!!!!

But at least 80 percent of the time I am getting my w/os in which is good considering the young 'uns.

Somewhere I read that cardio in the AM is 300 percent more effective at burning fat, or something, because you have just "fasted" all night long.

I am not that much of a morning person either- or at least I wasn't at first. I just realized that I needed to work out in the morning before I got sidetracked by 50 other things. Getting up early was only tough for about 1 1/2 weeks then it got much easier. Besides, I think it is a great wake up call and gives me energy for the rest of the day. Now I wake up early to workout even if I could sleep in. Give it a try and let us know what happens.
Mornings and lunch time workouts for me. Weekdays I workout anywhere from 5:30 to 7:30am, usually for an hour. then at lunch I go to the rec center a block from my office and ride the bike, elliptical, stepper or sometimes lift weights. It depends on what morning workout I did and my work schedule. On the weekends, I usually get my workout in midday sometime. My family is pretty lazy on the weekends so we all sleep in if were not rushing to the kids' sporting events.
Hi Sabrina, I worked 12 hour nights until about three months ago, and worked out after getting my daughter off to school, eating breakfast, then waiting an hour. Then I took a job in corporate America, and boy did my world change - LOL!! I knew after the first week the only way I was going to consistently workout was to do it in the mornings, on an empty stomach! It took me about two months to get used to it, but I'm back now to where I was in terms of strength and aerobic endurance. I've never been much of a morning person either, but I love the way working out first thing in the morning makes me feel, both physically AND mentally. On the days I don't workout until the evening for whatever reason, I really feel the change during the day at work. By the way, I'm lucky if I'm in bed and asleep by 10:30 most nights, and when that alarm goes off at 5:00 AM, it's often a mental struggle to get out of bed and fire up the VCR or DVD player, but I'm always SO happy I did!!

Nope! I do it with a quart of water and no food.


I was wondering if all of you morning people ever have problems with waking up everyone in the house?

I have a 6 m/o, 7 y/o, and 10 y/o as well as my husband who all currently sleep until 0630 every a.m. I would like to work out early as well but am afraid I will wake everyone up with all the jumping and step work...anyone have this problem?

Hi Melissa, my daughter (who is 13) and my husband both could sleep through a small war - LOL!! I workout in a spare bedroom upstairs, and I close the door and turn the sound down. As far as I know, I've never woken them up by working out. But ... like I said ... not much does wake up either of them, so I guess I'm lucky in that respect.

You folks who can get up and workout between 4-7 am are amazing! I must have coffee and food when I get up. On my days off(Weds,Thurs and wkends)I workout around 8:30am. On the days I work its around 5pm. I try to put dinner in the stove and workout while its cooking and the kids are doing homework. Don't you just love the advantages of working out at home!
I have worked out at many different times of day over the years. Right now I get up between 5:30 & 6:00 most mornings because it is summer. During school I get up at 4:30-5:00 so I can be close to done by the time I get my grandchildren who come in at different times breakfast, comb hair, put on jackets or whatever needs done, this takes time with 5, so we can go to school. That usually means getting done with cardio early and finishing w/ weights when I come back. We have playtime and sometimes I will read a book or something in between. I will usually have a carton of yogurt and drag some coffee with me if I am tired. I have worked around a schedule for years. When my children were growing up their dad sometimes worked late at night so I would fit in my workout somewhere around 11 pm. I cannot beleive I worked out then. I did daycare for years and would get up around 4 oclock so I could be done and bathed before the children would arrive. I find I can always find a way to work a workout in.
Diane Sue
I workout between 6 and 6:30 a.m. On weekends I try to start not later then 7:30 a.m. I worked out after work for years and finally switched to mornings now that I don't have to take anyone to school! I have been a morning exerciser now for over a year and wouldn't have it any other way! (And I'm NOT a morning person!)

>I was wondering if all of you morning people ever have
>problems with waking up everyone in the house?
>I have a 6 m/o, 7 y/o, and 10 y/o as well as my husband who
>all currently sleep until 0630 every a.m. I would like to
>work out early as well but am afraid I will wake everyone up
>with all the jumping and step work...anyone have this

I work out in the basement. All our family bedrooms are 3rd floor and they never hear a peep sound out of Cathe. Our basement is full equiped with big screen TV, speakers, and DVD. It is perfect place to be along for happy sweating with Cathe.

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