I am just wondering if I am the only one who thinks about this. I'm not a hoarder, but I do stock up on things that I know I will use when they are on sale. You know, like toilet paper, coffee, canned goods, etc. Anyways...when the cashier looks at me funny because I have a cart full of stuff (like TP) I'm always thinking what's the worst thing that can happen by buying this? It's not like it's going to spoil and I'll have lots of TP if %$#& ever hits the fan. *lol*- no pun intended.
Then I think, OK - what if $%# hits the fan? Like a major earthquake, an insane storm, a terror attack, nuclear war, etc. Am I prepared?? Now, I know NOBODY would be completely prepared for any of this, especially psychologically.......but I still think about this. Do I watch too much history channel and syfy channel too??
I think I really started thinking about this when I started watching 'Walking Dead' on Hx channel.
Also with all the talk about the Mayan 2012 just got my brain spinning. Yikes!
Here's the top 10 things I can think of that I would want to have available at home if I could no longer get them at the store.
1. Generator (with fuel)
2. Water
3. Canned food
4. Toilet Paper
5. Underwear & socks
6. Blankets & warm clothes (I live north)
7. Feminine hygene products
8. Coffee
9. Guns & ammo (for hunting and personal protection)
10. Batteries
When you think about this, it really makes you appreciate what you take for granted every day. I try to keep these things in good stock at home at all times, although the clothes with growing boys is virtually impossible! Not to mention the food. Teenage boys = empty food shelves most of the time. Ug! Thank goodness they don't drink coffee.
I'm really curious about what all of you would consider your top 10 things that you MUST have at home if you could no longer just go out an buy it. And....does anybody else think about this or am I just a wee bit coo-coo??
Then I think, OK - what if $%# hits the fan? Like a major earthquake, an insane storm, a terror attack, nuclear war, etc. Am I prepared?? Now, I know NOBODY would be completely prepared for any of this, especially psychologically.......but I still think about this. Do I watch too much history channel and syfy channel too??
Here's the top 10 things I can think of that I would want to have available at home if I could no longer get them at the store.
1. Generator (with fuel)
2. Water
3. Canned food
4. Toilet Paper
5. Underwear & socks
6. Blankets & warm clothes (I live north)
7. Feminine hygene products
8. Coffee
9. Guns & ammo (for hunting and personal protection)
10. Batteries
When you think about this, it really makes you appreciate what you take for granted every day. I try to keep these things in good stock at home at all times, although the clothes with growing boys is virtually impossible! Not to mention the food. Teenage boys = empty food shelves most of the time. Ug! Thank goodness they don't drink coffee.
I'm really curious about what all of you would consider your top 10 things that you MUST have at home if you could no longer just go out an buy it. And....does anybody else think about this or am I just a wee bit coo-coo??