What is...

Should have mentioned mine, I guess - it was when the most important person in the world to me - the person who knows me better than anyone on the planet, told me that he loves me.

I've had other compliments, but none comes close to that one. Now I'm trying to earn that compliment.
I just got an awesome one from my 31 year old nephew who is also my Chiropractor. I just finished STS last week and as he adjusted me, I needed a lot of adjustments! I commented that I had been lifting heavy and maybe that was too much for this newly 50 year old body!! He said "Aunt Carole, I still think of you in your 20's and 30's, you don't even look 50"....yep, he's a keeper...:D
This was some time ago, when I first started my fitness journey and had just been at it a few months, but it has stuck w/ me. May be TMI

I was laying in bed with DH, getting a, um, back rub and such, and he said "you feel different" He said he could tell I'd been losing weight and gaining some muscle, bc I felt different to him.


It actually happened today!

My 21 year old son has been involved in a church mission project for several summers. The church group spends a few weeks going out and helping those that need them, (build wheel chair ramps, mow lawns, clean homes, paint, etc... anything for someone who is elderly or disabled or for whatever reason they can't do it themselves), and then they camp on the church grounds at night. We attended the closing worship service this morning.

My son's group leader came up to me afterwards and told me that my son was one of the finest young adults he had ever had the pleasure of working with. He told me that my husband and I had done a wonderful job raising our son because he is an incredible person, and that he was honored to know him.

Wow! I am still beaming! :D
Someone just recently told me that I was "losing weight in all the right places".

I'm pretty sure that's the best compliment I ever received...:D
One time, when my daughter was about 6, she was goofing off and telling me a bunch of funny jokes and cracking me up. I overheard her asking my mom, "Grandma, did you hear my mom laughing at my jokes?" my mom replied that she had and my daughter then said, "Good, because making my mom laugh is the most important thing to me in the world!"

I suppose that it's not a specific compliment, but it's the coolest thing I've ever had anyone say to me or about me.
One of the best happened a few weeks ago: our neighbors invited our oldest dd 9 to go up north to their cottage with them and their two boys. When they came home, my neighbor told us if he had a daughter, he'd want her to be just like Danica:) He said she was awesome-well behaved, polite, and fun to be around! Makes all the difficult parts of raising 3 girls worth it. Let's hope the trend continues with the younger two:)

Oh, and I got a call from my FIL on Mother's Day to tell me what a great job I'm doing and how proud he was of me! Lots of family drama with him and his kids, so for him to compliment my parenting was huge. Warmed my heart:)
About 6 or 7 years ago I was at a conference and met a guy whom I had been working with but never met before in person (I am on the west coast and he on the east coast). He was about 80 pounds overweight and somehow we got started talking about fitness (I’m sure I started it). At that time I was running 4 or 5 days a week and lifting weights (endurance lifting).

About two years ago, I saw him again and he had lost all his weight and had gotten in great shape. I was astounded at how good he looked! He told me he was inspired by my passion for fitness and after the conference he went home and started a running program because of me. He said no one had ever gotten through to him until he talked to me and then everything suddenly made sense to him! (I have no idea what I said to him.) I was stunned that I had had such an impact on him and didn’t even know! Anyway, I couldn’t have asked for a better compliment.
The best happened ages ago. Probably around 1988. I was walking towards my car across the oval on the Ohio State University campus. I was wearing a deep orange tee-top and charcoal grey sweater skirt with a 4" wide burgundy "crocodile" belt. Sounds garish now. Some guy was walking the opposite way and he said "Thank You" as he passed. I was clueless. I turned and asked "for what?" He flipped around, shrugged, and said "Just... thank you."

This was before I got fat.

You just don't know what you have until it's gone (sigh) :(.
About 6 or 7 years ago I was at a conference and met a guy whom I had been working with but never met before in person (I am on the west coast and he on the east coast). He was about 80 pounds overweight and somehow we got started talking about fitness (I’m sure I started it). At that time I was running 4 or 5 days a week and lifting weights (endurance lifting).

About two years ago, I saw him again and he had lost all his weight and had gotten in great shape. I was astounded at how good he looked! He told me he was inspired by my passion for fitness and after the conference he went home and started a running program because of me. He said no one had ever gotten through to him until he talked to me and then everything suddenly made sense to him! (I have no idea what I said to him.) I was stunned that I had had such an impact on him and didn’t even know! Anyway, I couldn’t have asked for a better compliment.

I've had so many people tell me they are inspired by my passion for fitness, but not one has followed through and actually changed anything. That is indeed an amazing compliment!
These are wonderful stories. :)

I think the best compliments I receive are the ones about my kids. They're my "career," so to speak. Raising and educating them is what I do for a living, so to hear something nice about them is a huge pat on the back for me too. It's like a year-end bonus or a promotion!

Compliments that pertain to me alone ~ the ones that stick with me and inspire me are those who have said they respect me, value my opinion, or like when I'm around because I make them laugh. This means a lot to me and reminds me to keep trying my best.

Unfortunately I can't pick just one moment! They're all the best.
Jeanne Marie: WOW. Just WOW. You and your DH must be so proud!

Jo, that's a great one! How often in life do we get to inspire others?

Klaudia, yours is great too!

I can't keep up. You should all be very proud of yourselves.
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I love this thread. Mine would be last year. I am a middle school teacher, which is a tough age and some students are ripe with attitude. Last year, I had one girl who was determined to be a problem for me in the beginning of the year. She was rude, constantly late and didn't do the work without me redirecting her to task over and over again. Well, she finally came around and at the end of the year she came up to me crying and handed me a card. She had written in the card that I was the best teacher she ever had and that there was no other adult that she felt she could trust (she had a few problems that year that I ended up helping her with). It made me realize why I was in this profession and that even when you think someone (or something)is a lost cause, if you are persistent and take it day-by-day, things can change dramatically.

I don't know if this is what you guys were talking about, and it definitely isn't fitness or body related, but once a long time ago when I was with my kids and a friend. I can't remember what we were doing, but she said, "I just love to watch you with your kids - you are such a good mom. Your kids are soooo good and it is so obvious how much you love them! When I have kids I am coming to you for all of my advice." :eek::eek::eek: I have always thought of myself as too impatient, not compassionate enough, not a great parent at all - but when she said that I really looked at my kids and realized how great they are, so I can't be as bad as I thought I was.

Also, when we play games with other couples nobody wants to play against me because they assume that they'll lose. Here's the real compliment: when we go out, DH has offered to pay anyone who can beat me (except for Scrabble, he kills at that). That makes me feel pretty good that he thinks so highly of me. I just have to be careful not to get too intellectually prideful.

...but wow, that second one really was prideful, wasn't it?:p

I love this thread. Mine would be last year. I am a middle school teacher, which is a tough age and some students are ripe with attitude. Last year, I had one girl who was determined to be a problem for me in the beginning of the year. She was rude, constantly late and didn't do the work without me redirecting her to task over and over again. Well, she finally came around and at the end of the year she came up to me crying and handed me a card. She had written in the card that I was the best teacher she ever had and that there was no other adult that she felt she could trust (she had a few problems that year that I ended up helping her with). It made me realize why I was in this profession and that even when you think someone (or something)is a lost cause, if you are persistent and take it day-by-day, things can change dramatically.


Wow, Kristin, that would make my decade - what an incredible honor to be able to touch someone like that. You really are a hero!

When my husband told me that I have made him a better man. :) I still get chill bumps! :) We have been married since 2/14/93 and I still giddy when I see him. Okay...enough stick sweet on a Monday morning. :)
The one that stands out for me is: Several years ago, I went to my coffee vendor one morning here in NYC. He had told me I had pretty eyes before, but this morning, he just kind of did a double-take and then asked me if I knew that famous National Geographic cover with the Afgan woman with the blue eyes. I said, yes I did. And he said, "well, you're eyes are much prettier than that." I was blown away and needless to say, that was a pretty darn good way to start my day.

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