What is your middle name?

I have a really great story, and I'll try to keep it brief. I was given no middle name at birth and neither was my sister. I did not find out until I was ready to marry husband #2 that my father wanted both of us to use our maiden names as our middle names when we got married. Of course, he never told ME that! So when I applied for the marriage license, I legally took my maiden name, Jordan, as my middle name. When I got divorced 6 years later, I changed my last name back to my maiden name, but still kept "Jordan" as my middle name. So, my honest-to-gosh full name is "Carol Jordan Jordan."
Just Do It! :)
I use my maiden name as my middle name now, but my given middle name is Allison. I've always liked my given middle name and sometimes wish I would have kept it. As far as I know, it has no family significance.

My mother always wished that my middle name also included a tribute to her mother. She always "meant" to get it changed but never got around to doing it legally. So I actually grew up thinking I had two (hyphenated) middle names: Alice-Mae. I used this on all kinds of documents until I came across my social security card when I was about 30 and realized my middle name was just Mae, NOT Alice-Mae. Gee, thanks, Mom!! x(

Mae is one of our family names too! My grandmother was Mae, and my sister got that as her middle name. It is on my husbands side as well coincidentally. We trace that one back on both sides in each generation, although my sister broke the chain. She blended Mae with Daniel (another family name, and her husbands name) for my neices middle name....Danae.

Mine is after my other grandmother, LaVonne:p I never liked my name growing up, but now I am quite happy with it.
My middle name is Ann after my mother. I now wish I would have kept my maiden name instead.

Like you fitmom, my 3 year old DS's middle name is after my dearly departed father. His middle name is William. My father passed away at the age of 35 with leukemia. I was only 13 at the time.
It's Suanne. My oldest brother who died when he was 6 (3 years before I was born) wanted my mom to name the child she was pregnant with at the time (my other brother) Suzanne & she comprimised with him and made my middle name Suanne.
Hi Angela,

My middle name now is my maiden name, but it used to be Cherie. (Sandra Cherie). I have an older sister who is named Charlene. My parents had trouble agreeing on names and they each picked one of our names. My dad picked Charlene for my sister and Cherie for me. I grew up with him calling me Cherie. It is a fond memory for me now, since he died of lung cancer around 4 years ago now.

Interesting thread!

Sandra S.
Mine is Victoria. My grandmother had a hand it that. She would always say to me Karen Victoria like in Queen Victoria. She would then say isn't that an elegant name. Karen
Mine is Michele with the French spelling. Guess my parents just thought it sounded good with Susan. Why the French spelling? I don't know, but I think the Beatles song "Michele...." was out about then.

are we the only two with the middle name Lynn/e? Wow!

Thanks re: my name. My dad actually didn't want to name me Autumn, because he thought I would hate it since it was different. I like my name ok and don't hate it. I've heard lots of jokes... "hey Autumn, watch your step so you don't FALL down". I've been called Winter, Summer, Spring, Amber, Heather, April, August, to name a few. Somtimes it is a mistake... sometimes someone being funny. I just answer. I picture myself a pleasantly confused elderly lady one day... unsure of who I am. ;)

I have been avoiding this thread like the plague cuz I have always hated my middle name- Joe'll'. There I said it. Dunno where it came from, just know I hate it.

Melanie Joe'll"
Mine is Ruth, but I use my maiden name as my middle name now.
I don't know of any family-related significance to that name. I'm kind of neutral on it - don't love or hate it. My cousin's name is Naomi Ruth which is what my parents almost named me. DH once told me that if my name had been Naomi he wouldn't have asked me out since doesn't like that name! Good thing they didn't name me Naomi!


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