What is your middle name?

My middle name is legally my maiden name. My given middle name is Lou. Mona Lou. Sounds pretty southern, considering my parents are mid-westerners.

My dad thinks the name came from his mother, Mary Lou. But my mom says I was named after the Hawaiian volcano, Mauna Loa. I like having my grandma's name, especially now that she's passed away. So I'll go with that one for now.

My middle name is my maiden name (O'Shields). Before I was married, my middle name was Kathryn. I kept that when we got married and dropped my maiden first name, which was Mary. (And wow, can I hear my dad now ... in my mind I'm about 12, and I'm in big trouble, and Dad's standing at the foot of the stairs, hands on hips, baritone voice booming "MARY KATHRYN!!!") Yikes! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
My middle name is Jane. My first name is officially Amanda, and my parents knew 2 dogs named Mandy, so they found Amy as a nickname. (Had to have a nickname since my sister Rebecca went by Becky.) They thought Amanda went with Rebecca, same with Amy and Becky. If I had been a boy I would be Andrew James.

Which means, I can go by: Amanda Jane Schlatter Gonsalves, or Amy Gonsalves, or a thousand combinations. When we first got married I had 2 last names- no hyphen- Schlatter Gonsalves. Then a few years later I realized how INSANE that was, but I didn't want to give anything up, so I went back through all the official places and made my name have 2 middles and one last.

Tee hee. I feel sorry for the pharmacist- he never knows who the heck I am. :D

The girl's name I had picked out if Joey were a girl is Amanda! It was going to be Amanda Renee. Needless to say I love your name. :)
I was named for my grandmothers (I'm my parents first:)): So Lydia for my dad's mother, Frances (my middle name) for my mom's mother. Lydia Frances.
I guess you should thank my parents!! I've never been much able to think of myself as Amanda- my dad's first words when he saw me were "it's Amy!" so I've always been Amy in my heart. My sister, on the other hand, went to college and immediately switched to Rebecca. So much for my parents' plans!! ;)

I like Joey for a boy. Shoot, who am I kidding, I love your entire family from the photos! You could have called him Vladimir Platupus or something and I'd still think he rocked!! ;)
Mine is Marie. My parents named me just plain old Kim (not Kimberly.) I don't know where an Italian father and a Mexican mother came up with Kim as a name, but I think they thought they were being unique when they put the two names together.

Kim Marie
>Mine is Marie. My parents named me just plain old Kim (not
>Kimberly.) I don't know where an Italian father and a Mexican
>mother came up with Kim as a name, but I think they thought
>they were being unique when they put the two names together.
>Kim Marie


Marla:D :D :D
Mine is Susan, named after my mom's mother. My mom, first name Angeline, hates her middle name, Martha, so she uses her maiden name initial B. instead. Boy, when I was young and I heard Colleen Susan, I was in a wee bit of trouble! Colleen
mine is Ka -its the egyptian word for spirit and its kind of a twist and tribute to my grandmother who's middle name was Kay.

My first name is even stranger with more creative meaning but thats a story for another day.

~Angel <---(nickname, but I've always gone by it ever since I was very little)
No middle name here.
My true first name is Judyann but mostly I am called Judy.

I didn't give myfirst DD a middle name either and she alwyas wondered why. I told her 'Bethany' was beautiful with out another name attached to it.

My other 3 kiddos have middle names and it bugs Numero Ono DD. I wouldn't recommned she take our last name as her middle. It is long and ethnic, LOL!

AKA"Likes2bfit" ,

The original, since 1999

AKA Judyann
My middle name is Lynn. Kind of plain but I like it! :7 My Grandma helped name me and my twin sis.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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