What is your middle name?

Hey Dani Jo! You'll never guess what my middle name is.... Jo! :D That's right, I'm Emily Jo! My Jo isn't short for anything - that's my whole middle name, just two letters. I got that middle name because it's my mom's middle name too (Christine Jo). My Dad (who is Puerto Rican) used to call me "Emilia Josefina". :)

Actually, when I got married, I decided I would have two middle names - my original middle name and my maiden name. So I do have 2 middle names, officially, but I usually sign things with just the Jo, because I'm too lazy to write out both middle names. Jo is so easy! :p
I can't believe so many of you were named after your grandparents. That's exactly what I am going to do if I ever decide to have kids. As for my middle name, it's orchid, like the flower, like my first name.
Hey Angela Mae! My middle name is Helen Mary, Helen is after my Mom's dear friend and being a cradle Catholic it was pretty much required that Mary be a part of any baby Girl's name in the early '60's;-) Growing up I always new I was in a wee bit more trouble than usual when my Mother hollered out "Laurie Helen Mary!!"x( :eek: :)

Take Care
Marla, your's is very unique. i like it. Mine is Danielle. No reason , except that my parents liked the way it sounded after Jessica. :)

>Marla, your's is very unique. i like it. Mine is Danielle. No
>reason , except that my parents liked the way it sounded after
>Jessica. :)

Get OUT!! You never told me your middle name is the same as my first name! TeeHee!! That is so cool Jes!!
My middle name is Marie after my moms sister. I did tack my maiden name onto my married name though.
Kids: Caleb Matthew
Sarah Ann
Isaac Mark
Angie!! Also, my maternal grandmother's middle name is Mae.

Her name is Anna Mae. Awwwww!! Sometimes my grandpa calles her Angie Mae! :D

Your name is Angie Mae. I knew there was a reason I liked you so much!
Since getting married I've used my maiden name as my middle name. But my "given" name is Ann, no significance...just sounded good with Michele, I suppose!:)
My middle name is Cecile. I didn't like it growing up but I do now. I use my maiden name for my middle name now though. Cecile was after a close family friend of mama and daddy's. My first name, Jane, was after my paternal great-grandmother. My daddy was so close to his grandmaw that he wanted to name me after her. The only problem was that her name was Ollie Jane and she got so mad at daddy for not giving her entire name. Daddy said she stayed mad for quite a while. Boy am I glad he didn't bow to pressure. Ollie is not a name I would have liked to have!!!!
I really hate my middle name, Ruth (ick), but I shouldn't because both both my first and middle names are after my father's sister who died in a car accident when he was a boy.
Lynn after my dear daddy. :) Although I am married, I use Lynn rather than my maiden name for sentimental reasons. Well, and a few other not so sentimental resons.}(

When I was working in OB, one of the fathers asked me "why my father LET my mom name me Autumn?". You shoud have heard my mom when I told her. :)

Hi Angela,
My middle name is Marie. I don't know why. My mother always told me be glad I wasn't named after my two very italian grandmothers or my name would have been; Pasqualina Onofria! Marie is just fine.
Autumn, mine is Lynne too but with an "e" on the end - it was my maternal great-grandmother's name.

And Autumn is a beautiful name.

Mine was LaVon ( yep, the big V in the middle) until I got married and used my maiden name. Named after my mom's first name.

My signature for this forum is Char, short for Charlayne, so the name flowed pretty good...
>Mine is Ann as well. My parents were so lazy, they couldn't
>bother to tack an "E" on the end.
Becky...my parents picked up the "E" and put it on mine, Kaye!!
Sherry Kaye. :p
My parents didn't give me a middle name as nothing went with my first name, and then they decide once I was 7 or 8 they'd let me choose. Well I picked Nichole, my mother try to convince me to pick Deserai and then they found it would cost over $500 to put my middle name on the records, so never got it official.

Ironically both my half sister's picked Nichole for their fist born girl, and we didn't know each other then. I became an aunt at age 7.


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