What is your favorite color to wear?


I like black and deep purple for me. Goes good with my hair color. Are you influenced by what other people say--or do you go by what color makes you feel good? My *A* mom use to tell me to wear red or orange. Um hello--I'm light colored--kinda makes me washed out. Besides we don't always listen to our mothers.;-)
I wear mostly black on the bottom for work. Skirts, pants, etc. But I get the most compliments when I wear bright blue next to my face.

And by the way? You misspelled colour.;)
I also wear black on the bottom, no matter what the "What not to wear" women say! (so slimming)

I actually look good in black near my face as well (don't know why, just do), but I also like to wear, reds, blues and purples (NEVER greens or yellows--they make my skin look green or yellow, and are my least favorite colors, except in nature).

As for the most complimentary color on my, aside from black, it would be a rosy color.
My favorite color to wear is any type of yellow. But I get lots of compliments when I wear pink and green. :) And I find I wear navy blue A LOT. They say it's a comfy color to wear along with gray and khaki.


All hues of purple, mauve, violet, and pinks. Ochre, brown, golden soft yellow, burnt orange, all greens except violent lime!

Never, ever wear blue, neither top nor bottom, except as jeans. Hardly ever wear black. I love colour.

My winter coat is soft pink. Everyone else wears brown and black or grey, but here in a Michigan winter, that's so depressing. The entire landscape is grey anyway, so I liven it up a little!

Pants for work: beige, brown, charcoal grey or black.

Tops: (hot pink, pink, black, brown) I don't ever wear black and brown together though.

On the weekends I love wearing jeans. Denim skirts or jeans are my favorite.
I love black and wear it alot--especially on the bottom. I get the most compliments when I wear jewel tones on top. One of my friends told me that it's an indication of old age when jewel tones are your best colors. I call her little b****ski! LOL!! I am starting to go for more browns instead of black for a change.

I get compliments when I wear bright cool colors, expecially pink. I like pinks, purples all shades of blue and some greens best. I don't look good in tan/oatmeal.

Susan C.M.
Hey, I like the jewel tones, too! And red! I always feel funny wearing red, but get the most compliments.

Blue, but I don't have enough of it. I also like deep red or maroon. For the bottoms, I usually wear black or khaki, depending on my mood. Black bottoms make me look better though.

But truthfully, I'd rather just wear a washed out, worn out t-shirt and ratty warmups.
I LOVE yellow and melon colors...They put me in a "mood" for the day...Sunny!

In the winter, I go with deep purples, electric blues and burgandy...Rich and great!

MJ in MN
I've got naturally very light blonde hair & lately have gotten many compliments if I wear a very bright shade of dark pink. It's become my new favorite color to wear!!
I have a lot of black clothes for work (pants and skirts), but my favorite color to wear is pale, pale blue.


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