What is your favorite color to wear?

I like wearing gray on top since I think it softens my washed-out face and brings out my blue eyes. I never get compliments when I wear gray.

I don't get compliments very much anyway, LOL. Not enough.

My DH buys me the brightest shirts Victoria's Secret sells, I swear. Magenta, etc. I wear those and get compliments, but I'm rather uncomfortable in them. (Unless I'm out to dinner with him, then it's fun.)

I like greens, too, and blues if they bring out the blue eyes. I'm pretty much going for the best feature, which I think at this point (now that I've lost the blond hair and rosy cheeks) is the blue eyes.

And black bottoms, although I've tried to branch out into gray pants and brown. I haven't found a good pair of jeans yet otherwise I'd wear those on the bottom.
I love to wear red and blue. I'd live in blue jeans if I could! I once had a now ex-boyfriend tell me that dating me was like going out with the American Flag (one of our last dates, he was just too much of a jerk!). What can I say? I love those colors. And I love black also, it is so slimming, I just feel skinier.
I look OK in any color except beige, tan or oatmeal. I love pink (makes me feel perky)and I tend toward a lot of black. But, I pretty much wear every color.
I look best in red or fuscia. I feel most comfortable in black, but try to avoid it these days because the older I get, the harsher it looks. Like Kathryn, I avoid yellow and green at all costs, but my worst color is beige. I look ill in beige.
I look good in medium greens, aquas, light turquoise, lavender, purples, perwinkle, medium pinks.

I look horrible in apricot, peach, beige, khaki---horrid! :)

I also like the color plum/dark purple. :)
I love pink but I don't like pepto bismol pink. Just a nice pastel pink and/or hot pink.

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