What is your AC set at?

L Sass

I HATE air conditioning in my home. I wait all year for the smell and the heat of summer, and yes I am one of those sick-o's who loves 90 degree temps and a good dose of humidity.

I keep all my windows open all night with ceiling fans going (one in each room). In the morning my inside temp is in the low 70s. When the heat starts to come up, I close my windows and blinds - leaving the windows open about 3" -- and turn on our huge exhaust fan that sucks up and circulates plenty of cool air from my basement. House stays cool, air is moving nicely, AND I still get that glorious smell of summer.

Today DH, FIL and BIL were doing a home project where we had to cut some of the power, which took out my ceiling fans and exhaust fan. UGH! With 90+ temps and them working inside, I had to turn on the AC - so I set it at 83. I have no way of knowing if that's a comfortable temp in terms of AC - so what do those of you who use it set it at?


Are you kidding me?:eek: We live in Las Vegas the desert. It is 100 today, we set ours at 68-65.:p I am a polar bear I think, the colder the better so I can wear my cozy clothes in the house, when its hot outside. I know, I am weird.:)
This is a never-ending battle between DH and I. I'm like you and love the heat so during the day(when he isn't home) I have it set at 79. It rarely goes on and I open the windows as much as I can.

In the evenings and weekends, we have it at 74-75. At night, we both like it cooler when we sleep, we have it at 72.

Like I said this has been a battle for the 13 years we've been married. My DH grew up in a house where they never opened the windows. They literally went from heat to AC and they always had the AC set at 65-68. I'd be freezing if we did that. :)
Tneah, you've even got my DH beat!!
He likes it at 70, but I REFUSE to let him out it lower than 72.
Even then it makes my feet and body ache I'm so cold!
When its just me and the girls home during the day I keep it at 75.

Lorrie., I'm with you on the heat thing. I loooove that feeling when you first get into a steaming hot car in the summertime, and it's just like aaaaah, it's finally summer!:)
RE: What is you AC set at?

I try to use it as little as possible, and usually set it at 80 degrees. Exceptions are when it's really hot and humid out. If its just hot, without the humidity, I try to go without. And when I do use it, once it's cooled off enough, I turn it off.

I have a ceiling fan in my living room and bedroom, and have those going on low or medium speed, depending on how much I need.

I like the heat to some extent (it feels so nice to get into my car in the spring, when it heats up to about 85 degrees or so while it's cooler outside. It feels like a nice sauna). BUT I DON'T like the humidity (you can have it!.

Like you, I also keep windows and shades closed during the day, especially when it's really hot (though sometimes the cats NEED to hang out in a window, so I open the bathroom one, and leave the door ajar so they can go in).

I absolutely hate it when people have airconditioning really cold, either in the house or the car. Or when I go into a store from outside and feel like I should have brought a sweater (movie theaters used to be really bad about this, and I have several sweatshirts from UW-Madison that I bought--on sale-- just because I was going to go to a movie).

I once took something over to my neighbor's when it was in the 90's, and when she opened the door, it was like I was standing in front of an open freezer door. I swear she had it down to 60 or something. I think that's so wasteful (and gets us so out of touch with the outside--how in the world could she even think of stepping outside from that? The temperature difference is so extreme).

I grew up in a brick house with no air conditioning, and later, as a college student and grad student, lived in appartments that had no air conditioning. We used fans as necessary, and just dressed for the weather (though after I moved a bit farther south, I found that a bit of AC would be nice, like when I would just be sitting on the sofa doing nothing, and sweat would be running down between my breasts).

As for what's a comfortable temp to set the AC, it's what you prefer. I have read that 72 degrees is the temperature at which most people feel the most comfortable (don't remember when/where I read that, though).
RE: What is you AC set at?

It's been so cold here in Portland, Oregon, that I've been having my kiddos build me a fire in the evenings. Today it's nice--perfect and no need for the air conditioner.

Like Kathryn, I try not to use it often. Our daylight basement stays very cool and I'll use a fan if necessary.

Our air conditioner is really really old and you can't adjust the exact temp--it just has settings like "air" "cold" and "super cold".

I hate extreme heat, but I also hate a huge electric billx( .

We set our's at 78 during the day and 80 at night. Here in Texas the temperatures don't drop much at night(this morning's low was 81) so we use the air conditioner both day and night. I wouldn't even know if our windows are capable of being opened, LOL since we never use them. 78 is really too cool for me, but DH and DD like it at 78.

We have window units but some of them have temperature controls on them. We usually set those at about 70 degrees.
My husband sets it at around 72 or 73, and every time I walk past the controller I move it up to 74 or 75. Then he moves it back down to 72 when he walks past it. It's not that I'm cold when it's set on 72/73, I just cringe when I think of our bill. When he's not home, I usually keep it at 75-78. At night, however, I prefer it cooler, and leave it at around 72. (If I am in a hotel and not paying for the A/C, I have it at 65 at night.) I grew up w/o A/C (in New England, not here in the South) and had none in my college/law school apartments, and I just got used to sweating my a#! off when it was humid.

Have a great night!
Mine's at 68. I tried to put it on 69 and it got hotter than Hades. In an informal poll of my co-workers I found that 68-69 degrees is average RIGHT NOW here in central Ohio. We got a sudden heat wave (during my vacation week, lucky me) and temps are between 90-100, with no rain in sight. I tried tried tried to not turn on the a/c but none of my pets would come upstairs, it got so hot. When I realized they were miserable I had to turn it on. Last week was unseasonably cool. I had the windows open, felt the lovely breeze. I hate that I have to turn on the a/c like this and I held out as long as I could. I think all the neighbor's look around to see what each of us is doing. The people across the street turned on their window a/c unit first but I was the first to turn on the central air - and that's all it took. It was probably within four hours and EVERYBODY on the block turned theirs on. You could stand on the front porch and HEAR them all. It's so expensive now it's like we're all seeking permission. I wish like heck it would cool off, though.
>We don't have AC but our fans are set on high. x(
>[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
>fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
>"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your

Lanie, you're not the only one using nothing but fans. I've never had air conditioning. :(

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
Lorrie, I teach hot yoga, so I"m a hazy hot and humid lover too.....we have it set at 75 - but in 108 degrees, here in southern Va, even with ceiling fans...its hard to keep cool....
I'd prefer 66-68 (which is where we keep the heat in the winter) but due to electric bills and such hubby is a stickler for 78, although oftentimes I will turn it down to 76 and wait for him to notice }( :p I open both the vents in the bedroom, turn on the fan and keep the door closed, so it does get nice and meat locker-ish in there. I love to sleep with a pile of blankets and I can't do that in the summer, unless the AC is blasting. Plus, I hate to be hot and sweaty, especially if I am just sitting around. I can always put more clothes on if I'm cold, but I can only take off so many.

First off, no AC at home and we probably only get about a month's worth of over 95 around here. If I am not at work and don't need to be clad with clothing,}( , I can be comfortable at 95 in my shorts and bathing suit top. Which is basically my weekend attire while running around the house, backyard anyway once it is 80".

At work, the Pres is in the same area as I am and he is in his mid 70's. I stay at work and don't go out so we usually keep the AC at 78. At that point, clothed for work (;-) ) it is getting a bit warm and I would start sweating if it was any higher. When it is that warm I'm in a sleeveless top with skirt or a sleeveless dress.

Now over in the accounting dept they keep it at 72" A few of them are warmer bodied than I am - I am in long sleeves and pants at about 68" and they will be in short sleeved thin blouses.
We have central air but didn't use it at all last year and don't plan on using it this year. Today was stinking hot and yukky humid but I keep telling myself I dreamed about these days in February:) I have 6 ceiling fans in the house and lots of floor fans so the air keeps moving.
The decision not to use the a/c came with much discussion in our family. My Kids are very environmentally conscientious and I figure if it means more to them than it does to me then I can muddle through it with them. Doesn't matter to me what others do but this works for us:)

Take Care
I stepped out on the front porch a little bit ago (4:15am) and it was like a someone dropped a blistering hot blanket over me. Nasty. I'm praying this heat breaks soon but, as it is, it's going to be another painfully hot day.
I'm with you on waiting all year to open windows and get fresh air - BUT I had to break down yesterday and turned on central air (mostly for my longhaired cat, poor thing). This the the second year in my condo and I've never had central air - It took me a while to figure out where I should set the temp - I settled on 72 last year, going by what other said. This year, because of fear of a huge bill (last year I only had it on late July for a week or so, and then for part of August - my largest electric bill was $67), I'm keeping it at 75.

Boy Lorrie, I wish I could handle the heat and humidity of summer like you can, but I can't take it. It gives me migraines! I keep my AC between 68 and 70, but I don't turn it on until the humidity starts to rise. And I make no apology for the apparent lack of conservation. We work hard and pay our dues, and we deserve to be comfortable in our own home. ;)

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