What is your AC set at?

We keep ours around 73-74 but down to 70 at night. Fortunately we have one for the upstairs and one for the downstairs so we can keep our "living" areas and "sleeping" areas like we like them.

OMG, Laurie, I'm doing what I can for the environment as well - don't buy plastic bottle (use my SIGG!), use cloth grocery bags vs. plastic, recycle....BUT to not live with A/C - I can't do that. I get WAY too crabby sitting in my own pool of sweat;-)

We try to go without during the day (and were in Texas!) but when it is too hot we set it about 78. Then at night we turn it down to like 74-75. Spring and fall we don't use it at all. Winter we use space heaters where we are at or bundle up.. if its really cold we turn the heater on.
>>"I'd like to have some that go to 11."
>>Oh, Nancy, you're so Spinal Tap!
>teresa! You got the reference! :D

But why not just make 10 COLDER???

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