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Hi All,

Why not give Cathe a break and moderate [y]our own comments before posting so she doesn’t have to come in and smooth things over, especially during this busy time. I’m sure that Cathe and Chris have their hands full right now and the sniping isn’t helping the community.

Let’s remember the Guidelines:

3. Be kind and try to avoid flame wars. If you disagree or decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely. Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just don't know any better. And never be arrogant or self-righteous about it. We respect your right to disagree with us or another participant, but always be civil. Personal attacks against any member will not be tolerated and will be deleted.

Just a suggestion to keep things healthy around here,
Hi All,

Why not give Cathe a break and moderate [y]our own comments before posting so she doesn’t have to come in and smooth things over, especially during this busy time. I’m sure that Cathe and Chris have their hands full right now and the sniping isn’t helping the community.

Let’s remember the Guidelines:

3. Be kind and try to avoid flame wars. If you disagree or decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely. Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just don't know any better. And never be arrogant or self-righteous about it. We respect your right to disagree with us or another participant, but always be civil. Personal attacks against any member will not be tolerated and will be deleted.

Just a suggestion to keep things healthy around here,

I agree wholeheartedly Jordan. Thanks for your input.
Okay, deep breath, everyone. It's interesting what the controversial topics turn out to be, isn't it? Who'd a thunk this rather innocent thread would go bad so quickly? I doubt Cathe would dip her toes in this water now!
I agree wholeheartedly Jordan. Thanks for your input.

Do you? Is that why your first post on this thread called contained name calling? :rolleyes: Oh & incidentally, congrats on being the very first forum member ever to not like my avatar! :)

Morningstar, I think that's what bothered me so much about the accusations of rudeness. Poor Amy asked a simple & quite reasonable question, & for some reason got attacked for it & called names. By the Ask Cathe forum police I suppose. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Do you? Is that why your first post on this thread called contained name calling? :rolleyes: Oh & incidentally, congrats on being the very first forum member ever to not like my avatar! :)

Morningstar, I think that's what bothered me so much about the accusations of rudeness. Poor Amy asked a simple & quite reasonable question, & for some reason got attacked for it & called names. By the Ask Cathe forum police I suppose. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I think you probably need to get your glasses adjusted because as you can see below....no where in my first post did I call anyone a name. Please....let it go...it is so not that serious.

I do not think Suz611 was being rude at all. I actually agree with her. Give Cathe a break for goodness sake. Everyone has been waiting to get STS in their hot little hands and now that they have it they are on to focusing on the next thing. Let's all relax and enjoy the product a little bit before we start pouncing on them to give us dates on new products. I agree that it is fine to post these questions in the suggestions for new products forum. Let's ease up on Cathe a bit and give her some time to take a breather from this major STS project. She probably can not even think about a new project at this point in time.
Mamma Jamma
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Do you? Is that why your first post on this thread called contained name calling? :rolleyes: Oh & incidentally, congrats on being the very first forum member ever to not like my avatar! :)

Morningstar, I think that's what bothered me so much about the accusations of rudeness. Poor Amy asked a simple & quite reasonable question, & for some reason got attacked for it & called names. By the Ask Cathe forum police I suppose. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I personally love your avatar! Not sure if the Cookie Monster would like it, but hell, he IS a monster, so I'm sure he can look out for himself!
Hmmmm well I don't wear glasses, but thanks for your concern over my eyesight.

OK then let me amend my post:

Do you? Because your first post on this thread was critical of almost every other post, not to mention bossy, inconsiderate & inappropriate.

Is that better? :rolleyes: And if it's not so serious, why don't YOU let it go?

Thanks morningstar! You know it's funny, I changed it last fall & got so many PMs asking for Cookie back I kinda felt like I had no choice. :p

I think you probably need to get your glasses adjusted because as you can see below....no where in my first post did I call anyone a name. Please....let it go...it is so not that serious.

I do not think Suz611 was being rude at all. I actually agree with her. Give Cathe a break for goodness sake. Everyone has been waiting to get STS in their hot little hands and now that they have it they are on to focusing on the next thing. Let's all relax and enjoy the product a little bit before we start pouncing on them to give us dates on new products. I agree that it is fine to post these questions in the suggestions for new products forum. Let's ease up on Cathe a bit and give her some time to take a breather from this major STS project. She probably can not even think about a new project at this point in time.
Mamma Jamma
Hmmmm well I don't wear glasses, but thanks for your concern over my eyesight.

OK then let me amend my post:

Do you? Because your first post on this thread was critical of almost every other post, not to mention bossy, inconsiderate & inappropriate.

Is that better? :rolleyes: And if it's not so serious, why don't YOU let it go?

Thanks morningstar! You know it's funny, I changed it last fall & got so many PMs asking for Cookie back I kinda felt like I had no choice. :p

If that is a picture of you in the Avatar it probably explains alot about your posts... ;-)
Just watching.


Does anyone have anything to drink?

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I don't get why this question is a big deal. I assume Cathe is not done producing workouts forever. It's a fair question.

*shoves a few people off their step benches*

Carry on.
I love this site!!!


This reminds of another thread that was started a few weeks ago. Someone was furious that STS was coming out late (after December 27th) and had a total meltdown online. I think that thread went on for like 10+ pages.

LauraMax - I like your avatar.

Debbie - I LOVE Family Guy!!!!!
Debbie - I LOVE Family Guy!!!!!

OK a little thread drift here........I USED to love Family Guy but I had to stop watching after Peter, ummm, got in touch w/his feminine side. That totally & completely freaked me out! :eek::eek::p

I think that might have been the first cartoon show ever that made so uncomfortable I had to turn it off! :eek:
OK a little thread drift here........I USED to love Family Guy but I had to stop watching after Peter, ummm, got in touch w/his feminine side. That totally & completely freaked me out! :eek::eek::p

I think that might have been the first cartoon show ever that made so uncomfortable I had to turn it off! :eek:

I think that The Family Guy would consider that such a compliment!
Normally I am very distressed by conflict, but I have to say I'm with Janey on this one...watching the show and cracking up......


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