What do you know about MAC cosmetics?

Hi, Nancy,

I just looked at your profile, and I am in Staten Island, and I live across the street from the mall. I am the mother of two who tries to work out five to six days a week. I wonder how many people from Brooklyn and Staten Island are here.
Hi Nancy! Yes I called yesterday and they said you need to make an appt. I live outside of Boston so imagine it would be the same (if not more so) in NYC!

Re the makeover that's a good resolution! I had my hairdone this week (lightened) but it's so subtle - I guess I wanted a noticeable change! I guess I should feel good my hairdresser (I went back to a guy from 8 years ago!) thought I looked good and couldn't believe still no grey... so maybe the makeup change is what I need!

I'm doing the same on my house (makeover) My daughter is in college and son a jr in HS (and I'm single) so I'm starting to do some things to combat the empty nest (which is just around the corner).
Well, I just walked into the MAC store and they were more than happy to spend time with me and do my face on the spot, without any obigation to buy. But I was at the MAC store and the place is of course filled with MAC make-up artists. If you go to a dept. store, they may have only one MAC make-up artist, so the appointment would be very important.

Hey Robyn -

Yes, I'm right there with you. I have one who just graduated from college and living in the city. One a junior in college and one a sophomore in high school. So........the empty nest is right around the corner. So scary..... I remember the time before having kids and thinking that I had no time for them in my life. Now I don't know what I'll do when they're all out of the house. Priorities shift, I guess.

Caitlin - I live in Tottenville, so not that far from you. I often think that as I age, if I don't leave Staten Island, I'll sell this empty nest, too large house and buy a townhouse near the mall so that in my old age I can walk to all of the stores there, etc. Do you like living there? It doesn't seem overly congested.....

Yes, Nancy. You probably have to make an appointment in a department store. I don't want the "obligation" to buy though. Anytime I've tried to get a makeup "makeover" I've hated the way I looked. Too made up. I do like noticing the makeup I have on (especially eye shadow and lipstick) but I can't stand the "made-up" look. Go figure.

Okay....have a great New Year. :) :)

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