What Do You Do For A Living?

I'm a full time student finishing my BS in Management. I'll be done in March 2005 and hope to work for a non profit, possibly in finance.

I'm the manager of a public golf course in central Arkansas. I have a BBA degree in business management and entrepreneurship, but I plan to go back to school in the fall to study nutrition (officially!) I plan to get into peak shape and open a fitness center with my brother when he moves back from Oregon in a few years!!!!!
I am an auditor working for 1 of the Big "remaining" 4 Public Accounting firms..... Like someone up there said - One day at a time! ;-)
I teach fifth grade full-time and college English part-time. Previously, I was a secretary for 17 years. Life is good!

I maintain a photo image database for a large newspaer. Such a cool job! I get to look at color pictures on my computer all day long, and, when anything newsworthy happens anywhere in the world, I see the pictures about 5 minutes later.
I was in my former life before children an RN, haven't worked since'96 so my skills are gone as I got burn out. It's a wonderful job but I honestly don't think I'll ever go back to it.

I'm a Jane of all trades now as I am so proud to be a Stay at home mom for my 3 kiddos. I'm so happy that I had a choice to be able to stay home and tend to my family.
I manage a small business in NE Michigan. The Co. manufactures a one of a kind lock nut, called the Slip-On Lock Nut. I do it all, shipping & receiving, payable, receivables, payroll, and on and on. Not exactly my passion, but it's a pretty good job. I dream of having a job that either deals with fashion or health/fitness (that I don't refer to as a job:D)

It's neat to know what everyone else does! Good question!

RE: What Do You Do For A Living?/TParra

Hey Tparra!

I love Arbonne too! I think it is a great product. Enjoy!

I'm a French professor, but I love to read up and learn about things that I have a passion for. I started learning about fitness (particularly resistance training) back around 1982, when I picked up my first weight training book (by Rachel McLish), and now have a library of fitness books I've read and annotated (though I have gotten rid of quite a few as well, including the Rachel McLish one).

I've also read a lot on nutrition, since I became a vegetarian back in 1976 (and a vegan several years later).

Actually, I think a lot of us here know more about health and fitness (or at least nutrition and fitness) than some healthcare providers. No offense to anyone who is a healthcare provider (because if you're here, then you're in the know!;) ) Most doctors only receive a few hours of nutritional education at best. And judging by some of the nurses I've seen, if they do know about fitness and nutrition, they aren't doing much about it.
I'm a homeschool mother of five, ages 10 (almost) to 10 months. I have a BS in geography with a minor in biology. I earn no income, but the benefits are fantastic.

Kathryn--my mother got her masters in French and did all her course work and part of her PhD thesis and then quit because I came along ( foolish decision to quit so close to her goal, I think). She did tutor people in French (and Latin and German) until she died several years ago. I just thought it was interesting that you were doing what she planned to do.:)

Waste time
Eat too much
E-mail too much
Surf the web too much
Hang out at the copy machine too much
Commune around the water cooler too much

Oh, and I work as an admin for a construction company
Was a systems programmer with a BS in Math and an MS in Computer Science. My company wouldn't allow me to continue working parttime, so I quit. ( Had no one to watch my sons.) Than was 9 years ago. My skills are no longer useful so, don't know what I will do!

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