What Do You Do For A Living?

Retired as an attorney in 2001 to actually raise my own children-ages 11, 8 and 3. I wouldn't trade it for the world and am thankful to be fortunate enough to do it.

Monroe, WI
I'm a college English professor and I'm also working on getting my license to teach the shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute).

>Cool degree Annette. I would love to get my bachelors in BIO if I knew what to do with it!LOL!!

Janice, there's so much!! I used to work for a data management center for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, and most of the people there had backgrounds in biology. There are TONS of opportunities in research!
I teach Hi/Lo classes with endurance strength work. (Have learned TONS & TONS from Cathe!) I was blessed to be able to do this when my kids were small so I just drug them along with me to play in the nursery while I taught. I am also a MOM to two great kids, a NANA to the two MOST beautiful grandkids & WIFE to the BEST guy in the world!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Mom to five, wife for almost 26 years!! Those are two full time jobs in themselves ;-). I stayed at home for 16 years, then I went back to school when my youngest started kindergarten. I have worked as a school counselor now for five years (two at middle school, three at high school). I've always wanted to work - but with a schedule that matches my kids. It is exhausting but rewarding.
I am now a SAHM 4 kids.
Prior to this phase of my lovely life I was a Registered Respiratory Therapist and Respiratory Therapist Instructor at a college for health related professions.

My interests have always been health related. Many of the halth professions have interested me over the years.

For now the health and well being of my family is my career. I am thankful to be where I am.
Hi there!

I am a wedding planner. I have my own company which I started last year. Since I am my own boss, I have no problem at all scheduling my workouts. :) And believe me, being in good shape comes in handy when I'm working a wedding...it's a lot of work!

When I still had my "corporate" job, it was extremely difficult for me to find time to work out. I sat at a desk all day and over the years, my weight just kept creeping up. Being a planner involves a lot of meetings and errands, so I do a lot more walking and lifting...which is a sort of bonus workout :D.

Cheryl :)
Great thread!

I'm a web analysis manager, running a team who do weird techie webbie things for a large international blue chip company with head office in the UK.
I am a stay at home mom to 4 children. I also homeschool them, which I LOVE!! I used to be a fitness instructor and am planning to pick that back up again soon. Blessings, Jennifer
I do medical transcription at home. I have done this for about 13 years. Some of those years were in the office before my son came along. I also homeschool my five-year-old son. I am pregnant with my second son and plan to homeschool him also. Life is busy!!!!
You women who homeschool your children are amazing!!! I just don't know that I would have the patience. Bless all of you that are able to stay home with the babies.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Admin with a concentration in Human Resources Management and my Masters is in Psychology and Counseling. The company I work for has paid for my education.

I have worked for one of the big 3 defense contractors for just about 24 years. I started in 1980 as a typist and am now a senior staff finance administrator for Production Operations.

I'm counting down to retirement (approx 5-6 years). My husband and I plan to travel and I'd like to start a second career. Haven't decided on what that will be yet:7
Wow, so many people with diverse backrounds!

I was an actress/dancer for several years, now I am an Accounting/QA Mgr for a wonderful company in Ohio with a wonderful family with one hubby and 2 boys, one 19 and the other 7.

I am surrounded by males!!!
Hi Lori,

I am also a Premier Designs Jeweler! Well first a stay at home mom and then on a couple spare nights, a jeweler. We have two things in common Cathe and Premier! Are you going to Dallas?

Every time I see a thread like this I love reading them. It is so fascinating to see all the different things we do.

Hiya, I am new here at Cathe and I figured this is a good place to start getting to know you all! I'm a grad student (secondary education) and I am spinning certified, although not currently teaching. Thinking about getting personal trainer certification... ACE or AFFA? Any suggestions? THanks! :)
I'm really enjoying reading about what everyone does. This truly is a fascinating bunch!

I'm a trusts and estates attorney, which I like to think of as helping families to plan for financial security after the death of a loved one.

I meet a lot of elderly people in my practice, and I'm sure that the health care workers here will agree with me that how you take care of yourself can be very important for quality of life later on. However, athletes do not fare as well as sensible exercisers. College athletic stars wind up in worse shape than people who walk every day. Women, who tend to exercise more sensibly, wind up in better shape than men who played a lot of sports when they were young. Meeting as many senior citizens as I do, I am struck by how delicate the human body can be, and how resilient it can be when treated well. I decided long ago to avoid the joint-pounding stuff and opt for gentler forms of exercise. I do a lot of walking, and I hope to be walking for many decades to come! :)

Oops, sorry for the lecture! :)
I am wondering if you are married because if you are, you forgot to list your husband in your "order of importance" list.
Hi everyone:

I work for a company that manufactures powdered food mixes.. think: puddings, gravy mixes, etc. I sell and market to national restaurant chains, food manufacturers, and bakeries. I have worked for them for over 12 years travelling across the country "peddling pudding". Currently, I am working kind of part time to stay home w/ my 3 year old little boy. I have always worked out of my house so I have been able to continue to do that, but I have cut down on the extensive travel.

My degree from Michigan State is in Food Science/Nutrition. To think that I almost became a dietitian and now I sell powdered food. Oh, the irony!!

Fun thread.. thanks for starting it!

Lynn M.

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