What do you dig about your groovy self?

I would have to say my eyes, they are blue and when I cry they become a crystal blue. I also have pretty clear skin, very rarely does it break out.

Also my legs aren't to shabby.
Good thread! Now I just have to think of something... I'm not used to coming up with something positive! ;)

Just offhand, I love my eyes. They used to be brown when I was little and I always said I wanted Green eyes. Somehow, around high school, they changed over and are now a dark green. It's not a color I see often on people (usually it's the light greenish grey color like my mom's) and it's about the only thing I "like" about my looks!

Thats super lucky. Mine only turn green when I'm under stress, then its a hunter green. My cousin says its my chocolate meter, when I'm happy its a chocolaty brown color.
Lessee... how about my charming personality!? BWA HA HAAAAAA!!!!

Okay, I'd have to say it's not so much anything about my appearance, although I have learned to embrace my curls, and my eyes are kind of cool in a freaky sort of way (one is blue and the other is green), but what I dig the most is how comfortable I feel in my own skin. I'm in my mid fifties and I feel like I've gained a good bit of wisdom that naturally comes with age and life experiences. I used to be overly concerned about what other people thought of me, but I've developed a confidence in my own view of things and I'm no longer enslaved by the perceptions other people have of me. Does any of this make sense or do I sound like a nut ball!? :p

That makes complete sense. You may be a nut ball but this is not the evidence (only you would truly know. :D)
Okay...I had to think about this one. My eyes are pretty cool looking according to most people who know me...they are golden brown. I think they are weird...

I personally like my legs. I have a weird fear about fat ankles and calves; I think they are called cankles? Anyway, my legs are in pretty good shape and I don't have cankles! :)

Another lucky one:)! I unfortunately have the cantankerous cankles. :eek:
I would have to say my head of naturally big crazy curly red hair! :D It does what it wants, when it wants, it never can succomb to trends in hair styles, its a educational tool for those who want to know how humid it is outside or if its raining, and it keeps me from getting lost in large crowds due to its orange beacon like quality that can be spotted from anywhere. ;)


I sure wish I got that! My sister got it instead.
Its an oldie but a goodie thread. Resurrection is complete.

As of today my body part that I like the best is my knees. The bony little bits are poking through. Yippee!
I like myself

the way I am. It's I, not someone I see on TV or in the magazine. There is no reason why I should not like/love myself. Afterall, there is only one like I, I am unique, we are all unique... and that is good.
I first posted this almost a year ago. I'm wondering how things have changed since then. Do we like the same things about ourselves? Have we found more to like since then? Has it been a rough year and we like less about ourselves?
I first posted this almost a year ago. I'm wondering how things have changed since then. Do we like the same things about ourselves? Have we found more to like since then? Has it been a rough year and we like less about ourselves?

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? That was almost A YEAR AGO? I remember you asking that question and cannot believe that the past year has just flown by.

Unfortunately, for me, I am in a rut I cannot get out of. Even tried a couple of days with the new check-in group but that wasn't even enough to change things for me.

Plus I am in Delaware and it felt like we just got buried alive in snow these past couple of months.

Nothing charges me up more than running and I just can't even get up the will to do that. I am hoping spring and better weather changes that!

And what about you Morningstar? Do you like yourself better, the same or less?
It's funny- my collarbone is still my favourite part of me! However, I am starting to like my legs. Not so much for how they look as to how bloody amazing they are at taking me where I want to go! My voice is pretty great when I have my work phone voice on (I've been offered a helluva lotta money to do phone sex - no thanks!) and my triceps, shoulders and biceps are coming along nicely. I've been dancing a lot, and I think I'm pretty damned good at it, all things considered.

Still working on the brain, however!
My 'never give up' attitude. My spirit has been beaten many times, but never broken.

That I can laugh at myself. I was told that no one at my dojang ever laughed until I got there...not really sure how I should take that...:)

I love my drive, when I am passionate about something, nothing will stand in my way.
As far as body parts go, I feel my best, most attractive areas are: eyes, hair, butt, shoulders and legs. I also have an awesome personality too. That doesn't mean that I don't get down about things, but I thank God that I have the strength to eventually pull myself out of things that cause me pain...or things I let cause me pain.

I was working out one day, on my own, sweating up a storm, setting up for my second set of deadlifts, when it hit me...I'm one freakin' awesome person...(I had a flashback to the day before when I had done a cartwheel after finishing my HiiT workout with my trainer. I was so dang impressed with myself. :)) Not better than anyone, not more deserving, not necessarily harder working, but freakin' awesome. A lot of times, people don't get me, especially my focus and tenacity, and I know if enough people don't get me, then it's me...but that is o.k. I've tried the whole, 'change to fit the norm' and it sucked. I'm not the norm, I'm not in the 'one size fits all group' and I finally realized that that is just fine. There are people out there that I just don't get, and to be honest, for the most part, I don't want to 'get' them.
Let's see. I love my beautiful blue eyes that my son also inherited. My hair, long and soft with my premature grey hidden by a hair-style goddess! My skin, very, very blessed in this area, I got carded the other day and I'm almost 44!

I'm working on loving my abs, thighs, and butt- the more I workout, the more I learn to appreciate them and how they have served me well all these years. Having been well-endowed my entire life, I've always had a love/hate relationship with my boobs. I'm learning to love the girls a little more each day!

Yeah! Yet another fun and POSITIVE thread! We need more of these! Keep 'em coming!

Let's see... here are some things I absolutely love about me (and we need to think about what it is about ourselves frequently!!!):

1. I can pretty much always find something to be grateful and happy about. I love being a very happy person.

2. When I do get down or hurt, I never stay down for long - majorly fast rebounder.

3. I am pretty objective and generally don't take things personally. When I get into an argument or debate with someone I can usually see their point of view and where I was wrong (politics don't count ;)). I am also forgiving.

4. I see pain as a means to building character and learning to empathize.

5. I am confident. (could you tell? :p) The older I get, the more confident I am. :)

It wasn't until the past few years that I really began to realize what a blessing ^ these things ^ really are, and I actually began seeing them as gifts and what sets me apart from others. Now, there are things I am rotten at and need to change, but this ^ is what I love. And I owe pretty much all of it to my Mother. :)

Wow, y'all are going deep. I'm going to stick with the superficial things for now.

I said my boobs and hourglass figure last time. I'm not so fond of the boobage this time as I just finished breastfeeding and they aren't yet back to normal. I'm going to say my hips and legs. Last time I had physical therapy, my PT said I had really flexible hips. I was so pleased as I never thought I had flexible anything. Also, I don't have much in the way of cellulite even when I'm fat. I am not even sure what saddlebags are, so I am pretty sure I don't have those. So I think I have decent legs. Overall I have a nice figure when my weight is down--it's still nice but right now it has a layer of fat. :rolleyes:
thebrain!! I was just cracking up about the butt thing. I've always had somewhat lopsided butt-cheeks- my right one is slightly bigger than my left one :eek: ....and yep! you guessed it, my poor son inherited this trait!! Geeee- thanks, Mom!! :eek::DLopsided butt cheeks, allergies, asthma and dry skin. hahahahaha

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