What brand of deodorant do you use?

What brand of deodorant do you use?

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This is embarassing, but since starting Cathe, I notice my, uh, deodorant isn't working as well! What is a good strong deodorant that doesn't have too strong a smell? I currently use Secret. I used to be able to use cheap Suave and it worked fine. Now even with Secret (a little more expensive) I'm finding I STINK after my workout! Never used to be that way, so maybe I need something stronger? TIA!
To be honest, I use whatever is cheapest, on sale, what I have a coupon for...basically what ever I can get the best deal on and I will stock up if I find a good deal!:) lol


We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.
It's Secret for me....original scent!


"Happiness is knowing what you are doing next without me saying it!" - Cathe
I rotate between several varieties of Health Food store deodorants (no aluminum chorhydrate, but ingredients like tea tree oil or lichen or something else to curtail odor).
I'll probably be shunned by one and all now and no one will ever listen to me again, but I use vinegar. Just wipe with vinegar and let it dry. Sometimes, to freshen up between showers if needed (which is rare, because the vinegar works great) I wipe with cheap vodka. Instead of isopropyl alcohol, which is toxic.
Ah, Mo, yes that does sound odd. Sorry! LOL

I guess I'll give Degree a try. This is just so disconcerting. I have NEVER had a bo problem before, and I have been an exerciser for my whole life. Dang! Must be the old lady genes starting to kick in lol.

Thanks to those that responded! I really didn't know what to try. I have used Suave or Secret my whole life.

I like Dove (original scent) the best. It smells good, no underarm rash, and the "whiff" factor is minimal. ;)

I also like Adidas for women. That seems to work well too.

Take care, Lynn M.
Question please mogambo...

Does the vinegar work like a deodorant in that it prevents odor, or does it reduce the amount of sweating?

Thanks :)
I use Arm and Hammer or Sure unscented. For me the key is using an unscented deodorant. The scented ones acquire a peculiar scent after awhile that is BO like. Once I used unscented, I didn't have that problem anymore.
I use Dove too. I read an internet poll and it was the #1 favorite of all the ladies. However it's not the kind you apply just once after your morning shower and you stay fresh all day; you should keep reapplying it at least once or twice more during the day and before you workout. It's not a good thing about it, but I find it doesn't make my underarm skin dry or dark. If you don't like the idea of reapplying I think Degree also works great. I also think that if you don't get allergies you can use almost any brand of deodorant. I have read that some women fitness competitors use unscented deodorants/antiperspirants for men because they find they work better. Maybe that would be an option for you.
Yeah!!! another excuse I can have for buying Vodka (my favourite drink)
Dont know how much will actually be put to use under my arms though.........

Im a Mitchum girl...........born and bred............and since we are all being sooooooo honest, a little deodorant between the breasts does wonders too! (thats MY hot spot)


I use secret platinum. They have all these good scents in platinum now too like Mystic Rain and Spring Breeze.
It prevents odor, but not sweating. Bacteria can't live in the acid environment. Baking soda works in the other direction, too alkaline, but it's not as effective.

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