What brand of deodorant do you use?

What brand of deodorant do you use?

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Looks like I'm the only one here that uses Ban Roll-On. (original scent) I have tried others in past years but none have worked as good for me. I NEVER have a problem with wetness or odor.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Does the vinegar burn when you put it on after shaving? I switch between Secret and Adidas. But I am thinking I may have to try Degree.
I also use Soft & Dry which if my favorite. My husband even likes it. He says it keeps him drier than anything he has tried, so I always make sure to buy a scent that doesn't smell like flowers for him to use. :)
>Looks like I'm the only one here that uses Ban Roll-On.
>(original scent) I have tried others in past years but none
>have worked as good for me. I NEVER have a problem with
>wetness or odor.
>Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
>http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If
>You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You

I have Ban on now. I forget the scent, but it's the one with the lilac color top, the speed stick.

High & Dry nearly took the skin from under arms once.

I usually go with what smells nice. But that doesn't always work either, b/c with me it depends on what type of material I have on. For instance if I have on nylon and use something pretty and it's hot out, then I smell pretty x( x( x( .

I'm cracking up as I'm typing this.

OK - if we're being open...

I have SUCH a problem with smelling and I get really paranoid about it.

I got married a few months ago and I swear I was starting to stink at the end of the rehearsal dinner. I was really panicked about the wedding because of all the hugging and dancing.

My maid of honor insisted that I try Dove - the one that clicks up and the goo kind of smooshes out the top - and it was AWESOME! I thought the goo would bother me but it doesn't and it is really dry and I have never smelled since!

I have used almost every other brand and this was the only thing that has been successful!

I'm happy to say my wedding was stink-free!
LOL Mikie! A stink-free wedding. What girl could ask for more!! I just can't stand that gooshy stuff, though. I always use a clear solid-the ones that don't turn white on your black blouse!
I use Secret right now, but I used to have a problem with sweating (it seem to go away) so then I used Mitchum for women because it had the hightest % of whatever that stuff is that keeps you dry. It worked really well for me.

>Yeah!!! another excuse I can have for buying Vodka (my
>favourite drink)

HA! Now that gave me my giggle for the day, Marion.
As far as Mitchum is concerned; I found it very effective, but it is also extremely harsh on fabrics.
I used Ban roll on until a couple years ago. I tried Degree when staying at my mom's. I love it. I use the powder fresh scent. No stinkies here!:)
I use Arid Xtra dry (the kind that is white but doesn't get on your clothes). It has worked better for me than others. I've never tried Degree or anything uncented - -I may do those next! I'm always paranoid about smelling too!

I can't wear anything scented like baby powder - -even secret. By the end of the day I smell really sour like. It's terrible!!

I like the unscented Sure in that neat twist-up package (you turn a dial at the bottom and the product comes through little holes in the top in a creamy type consistency that smoothes on).
>I can't believe a deodorant thread has this many replies!!!

I can't believe it's gotten so many views!!

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