Were you bullied as a child?

I was bullied so much in school, I was called so many names but one that really hurt me the most is when they called me "A walking Disease" I hated school so much that I never finished high school. I to don't have many friends because I am to scared to let anyone get close to me in fear that it will happen again. So I hardly trust people these days either.
I remember being bullied in Middle school,I was always the fat girl. I was so shy and quiet and tried not to make a sound so nobody would pay any attention to me(so I wouldn't get bullied). I just remember crying alot to my mom and giving her a hard time in the morning..not wanting to go. It got so bad that my DM had to home school me through high school. I quit homeschooling and later got my G.E.D. And now go to College. But sometimes those middle school incidents do come back to haunt me!

I also have a hard time trusting people now because of it and have very few friends.
I wasn't bullied when I was in elementary school or middle school. We moved a lot growing up, every 3 years, in fact. I didn't get bullied or abused until we moved to where I went to high school. We moved to a very small town (<200) and my class was only 17 kids. All the other kids had known each other since before kindergarten, so I was the outsider, plus with my dad being a minister, they thought that all I did was run home and tell my dad everything that they were doing (like I cared, anyway!).

I never knew that my parents were aware of what happened until I went back for my 10 yr reunion. DH couldn't understand why I wanted to go back until we were there and saw how the majority of them still treated me! Then he knew that I wanted to show them that it didn't matter to me what the thought of me or how they treated me, I was still a better person. One of the guy's girlfriends (who the other girls were gossiping about) sought me out to tell me just how she was in awe of me that I came back because her boyfriend (a classmate) told her how mean they all were to me in highschool. When I later was talking to my parents, I mentioned that they still gave me a 'hard time' just like they did in highschool. Dad piped up and said that no, they didn't give me a hard time, they were down-right cruel to me! That was the first time I ever realized that he knew about my troubles.

Funny thing, out of the 17 of us, I was the only one with a Bachelor's Degree and only 3 of us left the state. The rest not only stayed in the state, but never left the county!!! In fact, almost all the rest of them live within 15 miles of their parents! It's almost pitiful!
I never had too many problems being bullied in school until it came to organized sports. As far as day to day life at school, I wasn't in the popular group, but I wasn't in the nerdy group either. I kind of moved within both circles having friends on both "sides". I had defenders in both groups, so no one really messed with me. When it came to sports though, ouch... When I started playing volleyball, I learned how vicious girls can be. There was a particular click on the volleyball team and when the coach made me a starter over one of those girls, all "you know what" broke loose. My own team started taunting me on the court and bullying me in the locker room etc. I remember at one of the tournaments PRAYING that I would not get MVP because I knew it would only make the bullying worse. I ended up getting it (practically cried when I did) and sadly I quit the next season. Promised myself I would never play again, but in college I decided to go for it and found out what is was like to play on a real "team". I swear girls can be really EVIL though. It's one of the main reasons why most of my good friends have been guys and I have only a few select good girl friends.
I was bullied in grade school .. by this MONSTER of a girl .. I was little and she would hit and throw me on the ground .. went on until she tied me to the swingset and the teacher saw her hitting me .. I went home w/marks and my parents went to the girls house and dared her to touch me ever again ...

.. then in middle school (I was geeky and shy).. I was bullied by the "cool- athletic" group of girls .. they taunted me .. made fun of me .. played jokes on me ... and LauraMax .. i remember that #$!@#$# basket ball hurts like crap .. they would hurl those balls like they were fired out of a cannon .. we played dodgeball and those girls ganged up on me .. I got hit in the face about 80% of the time .. uumm .. I was totally NOT athletic then ...

.. funny thing is .. one of the girls that bullied me .. is my BF now .. and she says she NEVER remembers being cruel or picking on me (she was one of the milder of the athletic click though) ..she LOVED high school .. I HATED most of it ..

.. and I confronted 2 of the worse ones when I was about 24 or so and again .. they remembered nothing of the bullying .. they don't remember the cruel jokes .. or endless taunting .. but I did remind them of it and told them how ridiculous and shallow they were as people ..

guess that is the reason I got into working out and looking out for me .. not taking crap off of anyone .. I did become popular by being NICE to everyeone .. and not caring what "those" girls thought of me . .held my head up high .. ended up being a cheerleader and Prom Queen .. so payback was sweet!! :D

at the 10 and 15 year reunion .. WOW .. they were all out of shape .. and most smoked and drank and ate bad .. they looked 10 - 15 years older than me .. again .. sweeet reward!!

I think back then it was more physical and hurtfull tasteless remarks .. now the kids are different. They are technological experts and have more access to things most kids in "my time" growing up were not allowed access to .. they expect the finest cars at 14 .. they expect cell phones .. computers .. they can zap and email or text or picture at the speed of light .. and think instead of facing someone face to face it is much easier to be even meaner if you are not looking into their eyes ...

.. just my opinion anyway!
I was bullied during my freshman year and a little bit after - until all the older girls graduated - It took me a long time to get over it. None of them were in my classes, but would seek me out when classes changed. I had many male friends that felt bad for me, so they would escort me to my classes. I always got along better with the guys - girls can (still!) be so catty.
**Are kids much meaner today than they were 25 years ago when I was in HS? Is it b/c they have more resources for their teenage dysfunction? Is it the increase of sex & violence in movies, TV & video games?**

The internet, cell phones w/ dig cam allow for taking the art of bullying to new unimagined heights. We become desensitized and it all becomes very annonymous and impersonal and therefore much easier to participate in, imo.
Yes, unfortunately alot. Why? I have no idea as to why I was bullied and why I tolerated it. I was extremely shy and I never liked to do what others wanted me to do just to fit in. I was a rebel and a outcast.

Yes, all through high school. I was fairly popular and my so-called friends turned on me. I became their fixation. Joining together to bully me gave them a stronger alliance and insured that no other individual girl in the group would become a target.

I was threatened, harassed, my property was destroyed, my parent's house was trashed, and we finally had to move away.

I have trust issues to this day as a result. Relationships with people make you vulnerable because they are an emotional committment and they open you up for getting hurt. I mistrust many people today which probably do not deserve it but I honestly cannot help it. I don't want to get hurt.

I watched a movie on Lifetime about bullying and it brought back so many bad memories that I actually started crying. You can bury those bad memories to a degree but you carry them with you for the rest of your life.
Yep, I was pretty much "harassed" all through high school. Mostly by other boys. I got in fights all the time, and it came down to actual sexual harassment/threats from boys. I don't mean a little bit of oogling or touching... I mean being cornered and being GRABBED and GROPED, to the point of bruising, and threats of rape, stalking (physical and over the phone), and destruction of my property (my locker at school was broken into and my stuff was set on fire... three times).

Yes, kids are much worse than they were before. Kids today don't fear any legal authority, much less parents or teachers.

To be honest, the way OTHER kids are is one of the top 3 reasons why I don't want to have children. Kids have lost their minds.
i went through pretty much the same things.i was picked on in gym with volleyballs thrown at me, harressed at my lockers,push arounds, then one day i just snapped and rammed a football players head in the locker. then the teachers were surprised that i could do such a thing, my grandparents stood up for me though, they understood then my last two years of high school were a little better.

in younger years grwoing up in jersey city it was bad b/c of all the violence of living in the low income areas. the only thing now is many of those bullies grew up to only sit in prision or become big bums and others i ran into years later said they were just wrong and were following the crowd.

i don't know what it is but i personally think its at home. i work at a high school and most teachers are afraid to take action b/c parents will get upset and threaten to sue. its bad sometimes,these kids think they can get away with alot, have no respect, and just talk back(it use to be worse but they now of police security). they don't really talk back to the kitchen staff anymore b/c we started snapping back(despite down town saying otherwise). when somebody stood up to them they were amazed and maybe a little intimidated. its bad when you have your own police force at high schools now. it seems to be the standard whether good or bad area. but amongst all the things in our enviroment i really think many of it starts at just not getting the discipline and boundries set at home for whatever reason.

i know some of you ladies have said your kids do not act this way, b/c of the boundries you set. i know my child acts much better then these teenagers, and to think she has a mental handicap. at least i don't see them push around the special needs kids. if i did i think i would be catching a charge myself. jmo.

ETA: i also think many are not taught personal responsiblity to be punished for their actions. its a shame when your idols are rap stars and socialites that get a slap on the wrist for serious offensne, sometimes even getting away with it, while others sit in jail for far less. not a good message portrayed. if everyone took more responsibility for their actions wouldn't it be so much easier.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

I was bullied - very badly. Only recently have the scars receded.

My parents moved from Southern California to a small town in Missouri when I was 11. I was skinny, weak, and unfortunately pretty - that gave me a big "target" stamp in the middle of my forehead.

Those small-town girls did everything - laughed at my physical weakness, threw things, held me against a wall while the whole class laughed, and punched me right in the mouth. I was afraid to fight back because I was so small. Even my P.E. teacher ridiculed me for "not having any physical strength."

Eventually I became a cheerleader and the abuse stopped. But I remember still wanting to hit my tormentor over the head with a heavy textbook. Some memories take a long time to fade.

I later became a college "hottie" and a part-time model. Now I teach group fitness (step and Turbo Kick.) Knowing that I could outrun and/or kick those girls' butts is a wonderful thing. I could easily go back and confront them for what they did to me (I live one hour away), but I just like knowing how I turned out. However, if I ran into one of them, I'd remind them to teach their children to be nice.

My daughter and I take Tae Kwon Do so that she will 1) know how to defend herself, and 2) respect others and not pick fights. If she bullies anyone, there will be consequences. If anyone bullies her, she has my permission to hit back. If the bullying persists, I'll give the school one chance to make it stop. If that doesn't work, I'll find an attorney. (Did I mention my paralegal degree?)

I don't think kids are meaner today, they just have better, faster ways to bully. But parents and schools must join forces to teach them otherwise. The emotional scars are worse than most people can ever imagine.

Although, growing up to teach group fitness certainly helps. Note to my h.s. gym teacher - how many of your favorite athletes grow up to teach fitness? Guess you shouldn't have written me off.

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