We're in this together

Haven't started digging the pool yet, have to move the flower bed first!:p

Catherine - You haven't chased anybody away, I for one couldn't be happier to actually know how you are doing and exactly what I should be praying for. :D And if I end up with shoulder surgery you can bet I will do more than my share of whining.:p Oh and congrats on the new doctor, hope they find something out that will help on Friday. Yes I am still training, I had a new client for a little while which was good because my regular client works for H & R Block and could not find time for me that past few months, but she came back today.

Judi - PlyoX is another good one, a bit tough after a day of painting. I like P90X in a short rotation or using it in parts, I could not do another 12 weeks. Hope the last of the bug disappears soon.

Today has been one of those non-stop days. I did SC HiiT 30/30 this morning and now my shoulder has been aching pretty good this afternoon. Can someone please tell me why cardio would bother my shoulder?:confused: I mean I didn't do the squat thrusts or anything.
What now I am talking to myself?

Well, I just returned from work and the weigh in and I am on Cloud 9 once again. I lost 2.4# for a total of 6.2# so far AND I am finally out of the 140's!!!!! That was my first mini goal I had set for myself!

I also attempted GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps. For back & biceps I just matched Cathe and then went really wimpy on shoulders. I figured if I don't try anything I will never know how it really feels. Then I went to the massage therapist and he worked on it and he finally made me wince for the first time in a year. All in all in actually feels pretty good right now, but maybe that's just because of my mood.:D:D:D:D:D:D

- yes I am on Facebook.
Linda, WTG on your wt loss!!!!! I say keep up the good mood :D:D Ok so I didn't know you were on FB. What's your last name?
Thanks, Catherine. I just recently joined Facebook. You can find me under Linda Kent and I have a picture of my cat with glowing eyes as my profile pic right now.
This morning I did LIC Cardio Only Premix. A month or so ago when doing Insanity I pulled something in my low back and it has continued to bother me when doing moves that want me to touch or reach for the floor. So I had the massage therapist work on it yesterday and he found that my SI joint on that side was all locked up. So today I laid off the impact and modified all the moves in LIC that have you reaching for the floor or the corner of the step (per his request).

Yesterday was P90X back & biceps + abs. I'm working hard to up my number of unassisted pulls & chins and need your advice. Lately, I have been doing as many unassisted as I can then using the light band to get in a few more reps. However, if I set my feet down for a second or two, I can do more without the band assist. So my question is do you think it is better to "tap down" and do more unassisted or use the band?

I am surprisingly sore from plyoX so today will be a CC spin session. Not sure which one yet.

Linda- I'll have to search you out on FB. I just joined a month ago and like having that option to keep in touch with everyone. Congrats on the weight loss! Are you following a certain diet plan or just cutting back?

Catherine- I hope you are doing better and having less pain. I feel so bad for what you are going through. Did you find out when you are having the other procedure?
Me again:rolleyes:

CCV6 on my spin bike: DONE:D

I have to share some happy news! DD just called me all excited because she got the very last open slot for the certified nursing assistant program at school. This is the first step toward applying for the nursing program which is extremely competitive to get into. She said she was literally shaking. Woo Hoo!
Judi - Congrats to your DD! that's awesome! I only joined FB about month ago myself. No I am not following any plan actually for once I am not following any plan. I have read the book Intuitive Eating and listened to the podcast Inside Out Weight Loss and I think the biggest change for me has been the binges have stopped and I don't eat by the clock but by my body.

How you doing today Catherine? Are you ready for tomorrow?
Ok, starting Sunday I want you ladies to hold me to a better eating plan. The reason I say Sunday is because my test is tomorrow. They told me to drink lots of caffeine to prevent a headache afterwards. Well, it will have to be Mt Dew you know and I don't do diet :p I am actually a bit scared of this test because everyone who I've told that I am having it say "oh I hear that's painful" Gee thanks, I know that already :(

Judi, I am so excited for you daughter. And nice job on V6. When do you get your headphones that you won?

Linda, glad to hear you are stilling training. I just got your FB friend request. I seem to spend more time on FB than I do Cathe these days. I guess because I am not working out.
Catherine - People can be such idiots!:confused: Hope all goes well and it's not nearly as bad as you have heard. Okay, starting Sunday you better straighten up Missy!:p:p:p
Judi - Yeah, a Cathelete had posted a link on FB so I saw it last night. I don't own a BOSU yet but just could not pass up that deal. I've wanted one for years now so it will be great to have these dvds when I finally do. My bday is coming on May 2, maybe I should start dropping hints now.
I continued testing my shoulder today and did GS Chest & Triceps. The pushups I did on an incline and only did the top half of the move and only did the first 4 sets. I matched Cathe for weight or even went lighter.:eek::eek: I went lighter to make sure I could always maintain complete control of the move. I was surprised how toasted I got. I did all flat bench moves on the floor to limit range of motion and full support. I did do the incline moves n the bench but really made sure that my arms did not break parallel. So now we shall see what happens.
I only had one Bosu workout so mine would sit and collect dust so I'm excited to get these new workouts...what a deal! I would start dropping birthday gift hints;) It really takes core work to a new level.
I continued testing my shoulder today and did GS Chest & Triceps. The pushups I did on an incline and only did the top half of the move and only did the first 4 sets. I matched Cathe for weight or even went lighter.:eek::eek: I went lighter to make sure I could always maintain complete control of the move. I was surprised how toasted I got. I did all flat bench moves on the floor to limit range of motion and full support. I did do the incline moves n the bench but really made sure that my arms did not break parallel. So now we shall see what happens.

Keeping my fingers crossed..................................:)
Catherine- I'm thinking of you today and praying that the procedure goes well and is not painful for you. Please check in when you get a chance and let us know how you are doing. HUGS!!
Catherine- I'm thinking of you today and praying that the procedure goes well and is not painful for you. Please check in when you get a chance and let us know how you are doing. HUGS!!

Oh me too, me too! Sending hugs and prayers to you!!!!
Hey ladies I am typing this as a lie flat (doc's orders). The test went well. I've been through MUCH worse than that over the last almost 5 months. The radiologist that did the test was very nice and has even had the test three times himself. He put me at ease. The spinal tap part was not bad at all there was a shocking pain while they injected the med (very brief) then just pressure. I still have a tremendous pressure in the left hip area. They say that is normal. Now I have to wait till May 5th to get the results. Everything takes so FREAKING long!!

I hope you two are doing well. I'll check back in when I can.
Ok this is it ladies. Better eating starts today. I should say clean eating, but for now my goal is just to improve some. It's been so bad. I need to drink more water and get rid of the sodas for sure. I also need more veggies. Mornings are easy. I always have oatmeal with skim milk and walnuts. After that I have to think about it and that's what makes it hard.

So what have you two been up to today?
Catherine- OK...today is the day and we are going to hold you to it! One thing, will you hold me to a better eating too? Lets see, I had takeout chinese on Friday and pizza and beer yesterday:confused: My only excuse is that I have been painting nonstop and had no time to prepare dinner. Today will be lean pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes and salad.

Linda- What have been been up to?

I'm happy to report that the three rooms that needed painting are done. Now I want to tear off the kitchen wallpaper and redo it with nicer counter tops, ceramic tile back splash etc.. Plus I am in serious need of a new livingroom sofa. Ka-ching! The curse of decorating is it snowballs and makes me want to change everything:eek:

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