We're In This Together **Nov 1st - Dec 31st**

Afternoon girls!

Today I did AOS Newport, which is a kettlebell workout. It is a suuuper expensive one, too, which I can't help but to be a wee bit bitter about whenever I do it. :eek: The thing is, I like the workout, but don't love it...and if I'm going to spend that much money on a stupid dvd it should totally blow my socks off! Funny thing is, I even got it on sale. Normally the AOS workouts run $49.95 plus shipping! :confused: I got it for $25 plus $5 shipping. Still, $30 is alot to me for one dvd! It's not like Cathe's more expensive ones where there are multiple workouts and tons of premixes. Just one 50 minute workout. Sorry for the rant...just had to get my cheapo thoughts out there. :eek:

Sarah- Sorry about TJ getting sick, too. :( Those stomach viruses are crazy contagious! Have fun in Oregon and Idaho! I probably wouldn't beat yourself up too much about getting exercise in until after Thanksgiving ;). It's tough when you are out of town a lot to get consistent, and you'll probably just get frustrated. If you do get something in, great, but don't feel too bad if it's just some walking! You'll get back to it in no time! You're someone who is used to the idea of exercise, so you are also the kind of person who will always go back to it at some point. That's how I was for years actually. I have never been this consistent with exercise. Just these past 3 years have I been like this, before it was very on again off again. The only reason I can do it now is because my life is so incredibly structured and routine based. Get me out of my routine, or out of town a lot and I'm doomed! :confused:

That is crazy that the hospital got your breastmilk mixed up with someone elses'!! :mad: I would be furious! One thing I've noticed, is it seems the nurses in the NIC Unit's are way less supportive of breastfeeding...which seems to make no sense. At least that's the feeling I get from a lot of other people I've talked to. I'm sure there are some hospitals that are better than others, but I've heard alot of other similar stories to yours and mine, even in Indiana where my one friend had hers prematurely. :(

Natty- Both your rotation ideas sound great! I'd maybe lean toward the second one, but that's just my preferences. I'm having trouble trying to think of how I'll do it, too, since I really hope I can keep one day of HC in and also (if possible) one kettlebell day. That may not be feasible though... :confused:. Especially since I've been pretty much on a 5 day schedule, too, due to my work schedule. I suppose I could get up earlier on Fridays and get something in...:eek: :p

Jen- how is everything going? I know you said you'd be busy, so no worries about checking in. Hope to hear from you soon, though!

Waving HI to Marie and Rebekah (if you're lurking at all! ;))

Happy Friday ladies!

My workout yesterday was a 3rd attempt at Yoga Max and trying to like it. I did it at 7:30pm, with the lights dimmed, and would have to conclude that it was a perfect light Yoga to relieve my stress and stretch out my muscles. I am starting to accept Yoga for what it is and what it is not. I can't expect a kick-butt sweaty workout all the time, and that's ok. My back and muscles felt great, so mission accomplished :).

I don't blame you for feeling sour about the $$ amount of that DVD! That's crazy, especially since there are no premixes and you don't even like it that much.
I wonder how you're going to incorporate your HC & kettle bell w/o's with Xtrain. I think it IS possible. I'm sure you'll figure it out :D.

I would have been totally peeved about the breast milk mix-up :mad:. I would have to say that Toronto hospitals have gotten excellent in supporting mother's who want to breastfeed. That includes preemie babies and mom's who need to pump while baby is in the NICU. Most have breastfeeding programs for a very minimal fee (which I regret not taking, stupid me), and a lactation consultant coming to the house frequently after the hospital dismissal. Also many hospitals have a rule of skin/skin contact immediately after the baby is born (unless the baby is in need of emergency care) and will easily accommodate a birth plan (in what position the mom wants to give birth, access to a bath, refusal of epidural/drugs, allowing a midwife or duola to take over, ect.).
I'm sorry about TJ :(. I hope he get's better soon.
Have fun at the cabit this w/e! Totally jealous over here!

Good day ladies!
Hello Friends.

Its been awhile. Lots happening as always.

Natty-Good for you on your yoga experience. Sometimes, its good to chill.

Sarah-Hope you're feeling better soon. Getting ill and working out don't do good together.

Colleen-Yes, I must love a workout too to have it in my collection. I've gotten rid of Billy Blank cause I questioned his cool down techniques. Mari Winsor cause I couldn't get into the workouts.

Update: Thank GOD, tax class is done. I passed the class with 85% but NOW my instructor is questioning if I passed the class cause my final exam was 77% and I went into the final at 89%. It was never mentioned the first day that the final exam had to have an 80% or above.
Also, I'm considering a creation of a 501c3 (nonprofit) to assist the unemployed and underemployed financially over/above benefits or lack thereof. Just got off the phone with Legal Zoom and in shock of all of it. I drove to KZ last Friday for road therapy. Just before I left, I got a letter of Emergency Unemployment from the State. Upset and asked God on how to handle this. From it, too risky to start a for-profit and I can do more in the nonprofit world based parallel to my blog. My blog has grown tremendously in the past few weeks plus my Klout score too. Asked my church for assistance in creation of the entitie, they offered me to fill out an application for funding for the nonprof.
The job that was supposed to be in Detroit has iced. He was making excuses on the phone cause he didnt know what to do. He just closed a huge deal with Walmart. Don't believe the job will fly.
Hope to get back working out next week. Get back to a new normal.
Good morning :)

Yesterday's w/o was TTM hiit 30/20+ BM1 Upper Body portion. Total time 65min.

BBL for personals! Have a good day :)
Hi ladies! Quickie post here, too, but I will be back tomorrow to write more and do personals. It's so difficult on the weekends getting on here!

Yesterday we had Dylan's 8th birthday party so that consumed most of my day but I did manage to get my workout in. I did the Crossfire premix (fitness blast +firewalker tabata) minus cool down then Trisets lower body minus warm up. I LOVE that combo! :eek: :D

Today, I can't decide...maybe To the Max? I need to get an HC in, too...
I might have to try one of my new trades. I have been on a trading streak the past few weeks and have lots of new ones to try out! :p

TTYL girls!
I just completed a Lower Body Bonanza!

Low Max (30min) +
High Reps lower body only (20min) +
Gym Style Legs floor work only (20min) =

Here's hoping I have problems sitting on the toilet tomorrow :eek:;):D.


Happy birthday to Dylan!

Glad you could check-in :). What is KZ and 501c3? I'm sorry about me being Canadian and not understanding the lingo :(:eek:.
I hope you have a better week going forward. Working out should help you relieve stress and tension.

Have a lovely Sunday!
Do not ever apologize for being Canadian.
Canada rocks! You gave us Tim Hortons and hockey and Corey Hart.
Hello ladies! :D
Today is my rest day, and boy do I need it! :eek: My tush is fried from my workouts Saturday and Sunday!

So Saturday I did the CF/Trisets combo which like I said is a total buns burner. Then yesterday I opted to try one of my new trades. It's called Fierce Force (by Anni Mairs) and it was awesome! I also did November 101 HC (the 101's are shorter HC workouts). I definitely recommend the Fierce Force! Here comes my enabling monster again! :p
Fierce Force DVD - Anni Mairs
Between the plyo moves and lower body stuff in that one, added to my Saturday workout...my hammies and glutes are begging for mercy today! :eek: I think tomorrow I'll have to go a little lighter with some steady state cardio...maybe KPC?

Natty- Yes Canadians rock! My mom would definitely agree ;). It's so funny because she totally romanticizes Canada, being that she left there when she was 9 years old (and didn't want to move with her mother at the time).
What a great lower body mix! :eek: It's fun to mix and match, isn't it?? How's you're tush feeling today? :p

Jen- I hear ya on the Billy Blank and Mari Winsor dvds. I used to love TaeBo back when it was on VHS, but these days there are so many good dvds to choose from! That was another thing I hated about that Newport dvd, too...no cool down! :mad: Seriously dude, you couldn't put a few stretches in there at the end?? Did you find out for sure about the tax class? I really hope that doesn't get screwed up for you :confused:

Waving hi to Sarah and Marie!
TTYL gals!
Colleen, Natty and Sarah.
Yes, my tax class is fine. It seems odd not to be there tonight.
That's funny about your Mom. My junior year in college, I only dated Canadian men. Few from Ontario and one from Quebec but friends from Alberta.
Got a couple of emails from Corey Hart when I told him that GMA had his video, I wear my sunglesses at night, on a few months ago. He is still hot!
A few snags with the nonprofit but its moving again.
Good morning :)

Yesterday Bella got a haircut then we went to visit Santa for a pic. She was sooo good! I will post a pic here later :).

My w/o was hiit 30/30. I did it to Cardio Hip Hop from Songza :cool:. After the 30min was up, a really good song came on, and I wanted to keep going :D. I put on MIC and did 15min of the high impact section.

This whole week I have the challenge of doing my w/o's past 7:30pm :(. I can't go 4 days without doing anything, so I will have to suck it up and just do it (Nike :p). Xtrain premixes would have come in pretty handy right about now.

Yes, my butt and legs are DOMS'ing, especially my inner thighs. On a DOMS scale of 1-5, I give it a 3. I was expecting an excruciating 5+ ;).

I gotta try out that CF+TBT LB premix you keep doing! I actually am quite fond of warming-up to a Tabata from either TTM or CF before my w/o these days!
The workout looks great! Ha, ha, your enabling "magic" won't sway me right now...my purchases this year were :eek:, and now I have Xtrain coming :eek:.

LOL you are TOO funny! Yes, us Canadian's are know for: beer, Tim Horton's, Hockey and Corey Hart (I had no idea he was Canadian BTW :confused:). Did you know Justin Bieber is Canadian? Drake? Funny story about Drake, he lived in a posh neighborhood near my ex bf! Oh, don't forget about Maple Syrup and Ketchup! I've never been in an igloo, but I'm sure those originated from here too ;):D.

Ok, enough of my corny stand-up routine :eek:. Have a great day ladies! You too Sarah and Marie :)
I wanted to pop in and wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.

When I get back from Idaho, I need to do something. I'm up to 130 :( Yikes. But I have really been going to town pigging out. I have nobody to blame except myself. I really am looking forward to the timing of X train hoping it will be around for the first of the year.

I don't remember alot from my childhood (not sure why) but one thing I do remember was going to Canada and it being one of the most beautiful places I think thats why I remember it.

I'm heading out tomorrow with my 15 year old niece and my 3, all by myself for Idaho, six hours in the car. I'm not sure how this will go. I'm afraid, can you tell? I'm sure this will call for another binge of sorts for me.

Happy Tuesday!

Today I did MMA Fusion. I don't really like the core section of Fusion, but I love the cardio (the first 38 minutes). I'm one of those weirdos that actually likes going from vertical, to horizontal and back. It's especially weird since I have really low blood pressure. I've been known to nearly black out after sitting for a long while then standing up suddenly! :eek: Yet when I workout, I like it (no headrush involved!). It really gets my heartrate up and makes the workout fun and interesting. I just wish there was one more combo on that dvd since it feels pretty short, otherwise it's a goodie! There really is nothing like a good kickbox workout to dynamically stretch my glutes and hamstrings, which I really needed today. Mr. DOMS decided to stay an extra day, that darn guy ;).

Tomorrow I'm thinking I'll take on HC Volume 3. I have the day off tomorrow as does the kids and Mark, so we may end up going to a movie with the kids. :)

Sarah- Happy Thanksgiving! Good luck driving all those kids to Idaho! :confused: Six hours with 3 girls all in the teen years? Yikes!! :eek:

Natty- If I had to workout that late in the evening, I know it wouldn't happen! Good for you for sticking with it! I always manage to find an excuse come evening time for not working out...it seems the only thing I can handle is maybe some yoga. :eek: BTW, I wanted to say congrats on finding the peace with yoga! Workouts definitely don't have to be crazy intense all the time to be beneficial. Yoga and workouts like that are just as soothing for the mind and spirit as well as the body, which is really important! It's hard to remember that when you're addicted to the endorphins from intense exercise (raises hand: GUILTY! lol).

Have a great day everyone!
Good News: Big interview next week for a position I have wanted for over a year.
Happy Dance!!

You have to watch this video. It's funny cuz' I was just skimming through the video's and found this one, and it caught my eye. As I started to watch it, I realized it gave amazing career/interview tips. I will refer back to it when I start looking for a job next year, as I found it to be very helpful. Hopefully you will too :).

Female Speech Habits

Let me know what you think!
Good mornin' :)

I have to adjust my entire w/o schedule for the next two weeks. The plan is to chose shorter w/o's in the evening on weekdays, as I don't really have the energy or time to fit in longer/intense workouts. Yesterday I did Supreme-90 Day Shoulder's & Arms (35min). This workouts packs a powerful punch in such a short time. Tom Holland reminds me of Cathe a lot, that's why I have not neglected his w/o's. What I love about Tom is that he encourages the women to pick up a heavy/challenging weight to take you through 8-12 reps. The thing that really bother me though, is how the exercisers go at different speeds :mad:. If he would have paid more attention to detail in this series, I would be giving it an A+.

Have fun in Idaho!
Don't feel so bad about the weight gain. If it makes you feel any better, I put on some pants yesterday and they were SNUG :eek:. That means I too have packed on a few lbs and need to re-evaluate my eating/calorie consumption. A few years back, this would have devastated me, but now I'm a lot more kinder and forgiving of myself. Don't worry, you'll lose the weight. We got your back ;).

I'm not liking Dexter :mad::(. These past few episodes have really SUCKED. Too much blah, blah nonsense and not enough ACTION. I also find the plot to be a bit ridiculous and silly (Deb proclaiming her "love", Hannah & Dexter's relationship :rolleyes:). If this season does not pick-up soon, they will lose some fans. How are you feeling about it?

Have a great day :)
Morning ladies!

Today is my day off, but Mark and the kids are also home so I don't get that blissful alone time like usual ;). Oh well. I want to do my HC Volume 3 today and possibly a short kettlebell swing fest before hand. I have this idea that doing kettlbell swings before my HC may help warm up my shoulder joint a little more? We'll see!

Natty- I have Supreme 90, too and I love that Shoulders and Arms disc! I don't normally do the workouts in that set but I hang onto that disc and the Tabata Inferno and try to do those 2 every once in awhile. The S&A one is a great one for when I just want to do an upper body weight workout. I usually will pick between that and Cathe's PUB on those days. I always get upper body DOMS with it! I agree that it sort of stinks how all the exercisers are going at different speeds, but the thing that always bothers me about non-Cathe workouts is the subpar warmups. Alot of other instructors, especially ones who put out box sets with multiple workouts, fail to do a through and appropriate warm up. Most of the time in sets, they film ONE warm up for every disc! :mad: Doesn't matter if you are doing upper or lower body or if it's cardio or strength, they expect one subpar warm up to be enough. This 40 year old body needs a thorough warm up! Okay, rant over. :eek:
Dexter...I'm actually liking the season, BUT every time they bring up "Deb loves Dexter" I shudder uncontrollably. Ick, and double ick!! What writer lost their mind on that show when they decided to write that storyline and run with it??? :confused: :rolleyes: Say, have you ever watched Homeland? That's also on Showtime. That one has become a new obsession for me, too! It's awesome! :D

Better get going! TTYL girls!

I wanted to wish you guys a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! I hope you all enjoy some good eats! Miss you all!

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