Afternoon girls!
Today I did AOS Newport, which is a kettlebell workout. It is a suuuper expensive one, too, which I can't help but to be a wee bit bitter about whenever I do it.
The thing is, I like the workout, but don't love it...and if I'm going to spend that much money on a stupid dvd it should totally blow my socks off! Funny thing is, I even got it on sale. Normally the AOS workouts run $49.95 plus shipping!
I got it for $25 plus $5 shipping. Still, $30 is alot to me for one dvd! It's not like Cathe's more expensive ones where there are multiple workouts and tons of premixes. Just one 50 minute workout. Sorry for the rant...just had to get my cheapo thoughts out there. 
Sarah- Sorry about TJ getting sick, too.
Those stomach viruses are crazy contagious! Have fun in Oregon and Idaho! I probably wouldn't beat yourself up too much about getting exercise in until after Thanksgiving
. It's tough when you are out of town a lot to get consistent, and you'll probably just get frustrated. If you do get something in, great, but don't feel too bad if it's just some walking! You'll get back to it in no time! You're someone who is used to the idea of exercise, so you are also the kind of person who will always go back to it at some point. That's how I was for years actually. I have never been this consistent with exercise. Just these past 3 years have I been like this, before it was very on again off again. The only reason I can do it now is because my life is so incredibly structured and routine based. Get me out of my routine, or out of town a lot and I'm doomed! 
That is crazy that the hospital got your breastmilk mixed up with someone elses'!!
I would be furious! One thing I've noticed, is it seems the nurses in the NIC Unit's are way less supportive of breastfeeding...which seems to make no sense. At least that's the feeling I get from a lot of other people I've talked to. I'm sure there are some hospitals that are better than others, but I've heard alot of other similar stories to yours and mine, even in Indiana where my one friend had hers prematurely. 
Natty- Both your rotation ideas sound great! I'd maybe lean toward the second one, but that's just my preferences. I'm having trouble trying to think of how I'll do it, too, since I really hope I can keep one day of HC in and also (if possible) one kettlebell day. That may not be feasible though...
. Especially since I've been pretty much on a 5 day schedule, too, due to my work schedule. I suppose I could get up earlier on Fridays and get something in...
Jen- how is everything going? I know you said you'd be busy, so no worries about checking in. Hope to hear from you soon, though!
Waving HI to Marie and Rebekah (if you're lurking at all!
Today I did AOS Newport, which is a kettlebell workout. It is a suuuper expensive one, too, which I can't help but to be a wee bit bitter about whenever I do it.
Sarah- Sorry about TJ getting sick, too.
That is crazy that the hospital got your breastmilk mixed up with someone elses'!!
Natty- Both your rotation ideas sound great! I'd maybe lean toward the second one, but that's just my preferences. I'm having trouble trying to think of how I'll do it, too, since I really hope I can keep one day of HC in and also (if possible) one kettlebell day. That may not be feasible though...
Jen- how is everything going? I know you said you'd be busy, so no worries about checking in. Hope to hear from you soon, though!
Waving HI to Marie and Rebekah (if you're lurking at all!