We're In This Together **Nov 1st - Dec 31st**

After a rough night, I was not feeling up to any type of rigorous exercise. I did the STS extended stretch, TB ab & stretch section + 15min of Yoga Max. It felt good to stretch out my muscles and give them a nice break.

Have a good day everyone!
Hello ladies!

Today I did Travel Fit. It felt pretty good to get some band work in. My energy level was a bit low today so the wee bit of low impact cardio was about all I was in the mood for.

I went ahead and tentatively did the push up and elbow plank section at the end of TF today. It went pretty well. I started doing the push ups on my knees, just to test the waters, and then did the final 8 on my toes. So far so good with my shoulder. :) I'm going to do Afterburn on Saturday and try to do all the horizontal work in that one. If that goes well, I'm planning on doing my first HC workout in more than 3 weeks on Tuesday (Volume 1). We'll see how it goes! I'm kind of nervous to see how difficult it will be. Like Sarah said, I may be starting from square one. :eek:

Natty- So sorry you had a rough night of sleep. I hope tonight is better. I don't know if it's the full moon or what, but my energy level is near zero today, too. :confused: Did you guys go trick or treating? We had a pretty good time with the kids, but Lydia's feet started hurting so she was pretty miserable during the last half of it. Darn princess shoes! ;)

Sarah- great to hear the girls' room is all done! Wow, that's amazing they slept out in the treehouse! Was it cold by you guys?

Jen- congrats on the score for your test! You are doing great!

Marie- LOVED the pics of Breckin! :D Post as many as you like! I love it! :eek:

Waves to Rebekah! Hope you're doing well!

Feeding time for B. Must figure out how to feed and have both hands free.

Thanks all for the compliments! I'm so in love with him. Becoming a mom is truly one the best things that has happened to me.

Got cleared to walk any distance at my appt but no Cathe for another 4 weeks.

Got blonde highlights and a trim too. So happy to get rid of the gray and get pampered.

Diaper change and back to bed for us.
Marie, getting a trim too.

Going out with a friend for after work cocktails.
No homework today. Will do it tomorrow. Then computer lab on Sunday.
Plan to start workouts again after the 15th.
Happy weekend ladies!

Yesterday I did Leslie's 5 Really Big Miles. I started my w/o after Bella went to bed, and stopped after 3 miles. I need to get my "tv show fix" before bed :D.

Today's w/o will be a kick butt oldie cardio with Imax1. Tomorrow I'm set to do MIS.

So I gotta tell you guys about something serious going on over here. Here is the scoop. SO Mark's best friend Jerry (whom we've all know since age 10 and consider to be like a brother to us), in a 6 month span has gotten a girl he barely knew and dated pregnant (ON PURPOSE! They planned it) and shortly thereafter got married. Not a big deal, whatever. People gotta live their lives and I'm not one to judge. This woman however has lots of "baggage". She already has twin 10yr old boys (the kids dads are MIA and not supported financially) and used to be a stripper. Ok, still not a big deal. Here's where it get's good -- bad. So she smokes marijuana, cigarettes and drinks alcohol -- WHILE PREGNANT! Mark went to a little party a few weeks ago and saw this woman polishing off 2 bottles of wine! When he told me, I was floored :mad:. How could the owner of the home allow a pregnant woman to get drunk! She does all these things in front of her boys too, and I'm downright sickened and disgusted by it (FYI-she drank and smoked weed while pregnant with the twins and they are both in behavioral classes and have slight learning disabilities). My entire family thinks I should be calling Child Services on her. I'm very hesitant and unsure if it is in my right to do so. God only knows how this baby will be brought up, as I don't find her to be a very decent human being, never-mind a loving parent. I'm literally torn over how much I should be getting involved. I mean, should I just leave it alone or make that call? ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!

Good for you to pamper yourself with a cut and color! Yes, being a mother is a wonderful life changing event.

I'm glad your treat or treating went well! I dressed up Bella and we went down to the lobby and got some candies. It was cold and rainy out that evening, so I decided not to go outside. There's always another 8 more Halloween's :D.
Be patient with your shoulder. It will heal in due time. Remember I was in a car accident a few years back and hurt my shoulder's, neck and back? Have faith in your body's ability to heal and you'll be cranking out those planks in no time!

Hope you had a great time last night!

Sarah & Rebekah
Hello! Hope you are both doing well.

Have a great day!
I totally slept in today. Oddly, I still feel groggy and out of it. I actually woke up at 8:00 and then fell back asleep at which point I dreamed like crazy. Whenever I do that, I feel so out of it for awhile! I'm such a burn out on the weekends! I am so good about getting up early during the week to work out and then the weekend comes and you'd think I was back in college. :p

So today, I'm excited to try the Double Trouble premix of Afterburn. It'll be interesting to see how the plank stuff goes! Wish me luck! Hopefully I can get my butt in gear soon because I have to get that in, plus clean the house and get ready for a grill out with the neighbors later today. I suppose it would help if I got off the computer...:eek:

Natty- that is so awful about that girl! Trust me, I know the feeling about wanting to do something but not sure if you should. Unfortunately, I'd probably have to say you're better off not. It could open a whole can of worms and then you'd be involved. When social services get involved (at least in the states) it can get pretty ugly. I don't know, maybe that's not the right advice. It is a really tough call. I get so mad about stuff like this...I swear some people shouldn't be allowed to breed! :mad: :mad:

Marie- Ha! I totally hear you on finally being able to color your hair! lol I have had grays since I turned 25 and with dark hair, when I was preggy they really stood out! :eek: I wanted to second Sarah's thought on the "let down" of milk causing Breckin to cough. That should get better with time. Your milk production will adjust to his needs as you go. On the other hand, if you're pumping like I was, you'll probably produce way more than he needs for awhile! lol I was like a cow! I produced twice as much as the kids needed because I was always pumping when it felt like the kids hadn't "drained" me enough. I was glad in the end, though, because I froze a ton of milk. So much that when I did wean the kids at 81/2 months they were still drinking at least some breast milk for another whole month!

Okay, I gotta get something done here...TTYL girls!
Natty, tough call. Follow your intuition on this. At that party, she was accountable not the person having it ALTHOUGH I would've said something to her. As Colleen said, CPS can be messy in the States. Go to the next party and question her about it.
It could ruin friendship with Jerry. How does he feel?
Understand, I would be mad too.
Ugh, the time change! Not a fan :mad:

IT SNOWED LIGHTLY OVER HERE LAST NIGHT! I woke up to see the roofs covered. Bella is super excited and so we're going for a walk to check it out :).

Yesterday I decided to veer away from my rotation and do PUB :eek:. I also tried out the hip thrust moved w/the barbell :eek:. I only did a few, but man you can really feel it in your glutes! My butt hurts today :D. Mission accomplished :cool:.

LOL, the next party? I'm afraid I'll end up kicking her in the face :mad:. Just kidding! Ya, you and Colleen are right. I'm not sure how it goes over here, but you can make "anonymous" calls and have the government investigate. I'm not the type of woman to get involved in people's affairs, but when a baby and children are involved, I partially feel responsible because I know something, it is in my right -- somewhat.

I'm so jealous you can sleep in! Lydia and Dylan don't run into your room and wake you?? Let me guess, they go out into the living room and quietly watch tv until you arrive? ;)
How did AB DT premix go??!!
You are right, I don't want to get involved. I kinda wanted to see if I could make an anonymous "tip". It just pains me that this baby will grow up in a house full of alcohol and weed. I don't even know what the heck go into that guy! He's not the type to smoke, and he has an excellent job, he's not a bum or anything. I think he felt so much pressure to settle down since all of his friends are married w/kids. The woman he married is the biggest douchebag I've ever encountered! I'm so disappointed :(. I always envisioned his future kids and wife being able to hang out with us, and our kids could play together like one big happy family. [sigh].

Sarah, Rebekah, Marie
You ladies have a rockin' day :cool:

Bye bye for now!
Hey guys!!! I am so sorry about not checking-in last week. I had a very busy week, I was asked to volunteer at Addie's preschool and also had the in-laws come in for a visit. With that being said, it has been getting more and more difficult for me to check-in, I have decided for now it will be best to take a hiatus from the forums. I will still "lurk" and peep-in on you guys as I have really enjoyed getting to know all of you and catch a glimpse of your day-to-day lives, and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of yours! Thank you for welcoming me in to your forum and allowing me to share my workouts and Addie rants :p I will miss communicating with you guys but I wish you all the very best in your exercise endeavors and in your lives, you are all very special and admirable women!

Marie- I hope you are enjoying Breckin and feeling better!
Colleen- Keep up the good work as always! You are a badass mom and woman in general!
Natty- I will miss your clever sense of humor! Keep up the good work as well and continue to put together awesome combos!
Jen- Best wishes with the job hunt! I hope you find a great opportunity :)
Sarah- I hope the demolish and rebuild of your daughters room went well! I hope you and your family are doing well!


I was talked up about Block and going there to make great money.NOT. $8.50 per hour. Taking this position would mess up my unemployment benefits. Found a position above at a discount supermarket chain that pays better. Also, talked to a friend whom is tax agent for the State about working there. It's upsetting that I am busting my butt for this. Plus, not working out.

Sorry, I needed to vent.

Natty, call anonomously. (not spelled right).
Bye bye Rebekah :(. It was really nice getting to "chat" with you. Keep up the great work raising your beautiful little Addie, and rockin the Crossfit and Paleo lifestyle. You are a champ!
BTW, you can stop by and say hello anytime your heart desires.

Oh dear heaven $8.50/hour?? I still can't believe pay is so s**t in 2012 :confused:. Our minimum wage is $10/hr, but we get taxed heavily here, so in the end it's probably like $8/hr. I'm so sorry you have to go through this unemployment roller coaster. You have a right to be angry, sad, vent. Totally understandable. I can't say anything else but hang in there, ride the waves, and it will all turn out in the end.

Yesterday's w/o was Low Impact Challenge.

Have a good day fit ladies!
Three days since my last check in! Yikes! :confused: I've noticed my other check ins have slowed down lately, too. Must be everybody is getting busy with school and now the holiday stuff, too!

Let's see, for my workouts this is what I did:
Saturday- Afterburn Double Trouble premix. I liked it okay, but I think I'm still partial to the original version. It might just be because I've done it so much that mixing up the order throws me for a loop. ;)
Sunday- Drill Max Love DM so much! It is one of those workouts that every time I do it I walk away smiling! :) I did substitute most of the push up work with other moves though. I woke up with really sore shoulders and pecs from the plank work in AB, so I didn't want to take any chances. The only push ups I did were the ones at the very end. I was a little worried...I couldn't decide if it was just normal DOMS from not working my shoulders and chest much or if the tendons were inflamed again. Luckily, today I feel pretty good.
Monday- off :)
Today- Toby Massenburg's Chiseled This is a circuit workout that one of the ladies on my other check in sent to me to let me try. Such a nice lady! :D I liked it, but boy I didn't realize how long it ran! :eek: I got to the 55 minute mark, thinking we'd be going into cool down and then Toby says "Okay, just two more blocks left!" :rolleyes: Wowza! If I do decide to buy that one, it's going to be one of my Sunday workouts when I have tons of time. Today, I had to skip the last block, and even that was pushing my time limits! Luckily, I still made it to work on time. ;)

Whew! See what happens when I don't check in daily? lol Okay, I'll try not to make the rest of this a book!

Rebekah- I'm so sorry we won't get to chat with you anymore! :( You know, you can check in anytime you want. Drive by check in's once in a blue moon are totally welcome! :) I was really enjoying reading about your Crossfit experience. Good luck with everything and give Addie a big hug from your forum friends!

Natty- OMG, did you see Walking Dead yet this week? You have to post your thoughts once you do!!! :eek: :eek: I hear you on the time change thing. I hate it so much! It's so ridiculous and unnecessary. When I was going to school in Indiana, they were (at that time) the only state that didn't bother with daylight savings and lo and behold, they were fine! I always thought it was such a bogus stupid thing. Then I discovered a few years back, Indiana caved too and now they're doing it. Darn it! I was so hoping their common sense would sweep the nation! :p

Jen- I can't believe the accountants at H&R Block make so little! Yikes. That is just crazy.

Sarah- hope to hear from you soon!

Okay, gotta run.

Good morning everyone!

I hope the voting went well for all of you. I won't talk politics, but I see from my home page Obama won. I like to be informed/updated about stuff going on down there :D.

Weird thing happened to me yesterday. I was doing Circuit Blast (really fun BTW), and during it I kinda felt off my game. I thought I was having a weak day. At the end, during the stretch, I felt soreness throughout my entire body and chilly. Never had that happen to me before. I left the room, and it felt as though I was running a fever :confused:. I checked my temperature and lo and behold, it was pretty high. I took some Advil shorter thereafter. I was Ok last night, and this morning I feel fine.

Your w/o's last week were :eek::eek:. Toby is the fit black dude right? I was looking at his stuff on Collage ;).
Holy Tamale The Walking Dead! After expressing my hate for Lori, I felt bad :(. To be fair though, the entire S1-2, she was not a very likeable character. The writers could have given her a bit more...what's the word here...dimension, strength, personality? You know what I mean -- she sucked. I started liking her seconds before her death :confused:. My fav is still Rick and Darren coming in at a close second. Something about him is extremely sexy ;). Perhaps it's his bulging biceps ;). I also like that he is a mysterious man with very little to say.
About the time change, we have two Provinces who do not participate. Totally pointless and useless, you're right.

Have a good one ladies!
Quiet here lately. Hope everyone is ok.

My w/o today was a 3 mile walk w/Bella + MIS. I warmed up with Fitness Tabata from TTM.

Have a good weekend ladies :)
Good morning!

Yesterday I had to get up super early and meet up with two other local optometrists to go out of town for a CE seminar. Such a long day, but at least it's done and I have 7 credits under my belt. I need to get 40 credits every two years for licensure.

I took the day off yesterday, but on Wednesday I did Crossfire (minus cool down) plus HC volume 1 (minus warm up). I actually had Wednesday off so lots of time to work out! :p HC went great! My shoulders felt fine when I was done, to my relief. One thing I plan to do, which I did Wednesday, is to take plenty of time to strech my chest and shoulders when I finish with a resistance band. It seemed to make all the difference! :)

Today, I'm going to try to squeeze in Athletic Training leg/cardio premix which comes at 35 minutes. Not a lot of time to get a workout in this morning, so I gotta get my booty moving! :eek:

Natty- I agree the thread has been really quiet lately. :( I hope it'll pick up soon. OMG, Walking Dead! I couldn't believe how sad I was when Lori died after how much I couldn't stand her!! That last scene with Carl was pretty heartbreaking. :( Toby Massenburg is pretty nice to work out to, although I was sort of suprised at how, um, high pitched his voice was:eek:. He was also a back up exerciser in some of Paul Katami and Patrick Goudeau's videos, too.

Hope to hear from everyone else soon! Hi Jen, Sarah, Marie!
I'm so sorry to let you guys down. I promise I'll get back on the band wagon. I'm so sorry Rebekah quit the check-in, I was really enjoying reading about her progress with crossfit.

Colleen and Nat - You guys are so good about exercising and not letting life get in the way.

I'm a very all or nothing sort of person and with the remodel stress and lack of time to exercise my eating habits went in the shitter too. This ALWAYS happens to me this time of year. I dont know if its the weather or biological. This is my time of year where I feel like I want to accomplish something whether it be a haunted house, new business venture, or redoing a room.

I have my first sick kid of the year at home with me today. I will at the very least be doing hitt 30/30 today. Over the last 2 days I have cleaned up my diet so I am feeling more energetic.

Jen- You are almost done with school, right ?

How does the wheat belly diet differ from Paleo?

Marie - I love all the pics of your little man.

Hi everyone!

We have a new addition to the family! My cousin had a little girl yesterday, Mia 9lbs 12oz. Can you believe she gave birth vaginally to such a big baby?! When I heard the weight and length (22 inches!) my vagina cringed :eek::D. Hope I did not offend anyone with my candid comment :D.

Today I did a CF premix which included Fitness Blast+Plyo Tabata+Core (33min total). I'm not the type to like or even want to work abs/core, but lately I've been getting better about it. You guys would be proud as I did all the plank work without dropping on my knee's. I'm pretty good at the side planks, and my wrists rarely hurt or give out anymore. I give credit to doing Yoga 1X/week.

I told Jennifer about your shoulder, since she was having issues as well. She was so sweet and asked how you were doing. I swear, she has got to be the sweetest most considerate woman on the planet! The women at my other check-in are extremely inspiring. This one woman Heartymax, she can do 30-40 push-ups in a row! Everyone there makes health/fitness a priority and it's so nice to "talk" with like-minded people. That's why I love all of you here!
Anyway, I'm glad your shoulder is feeling better :).
How are you liking Dexter?

Nice to hear from you again :). You can still check-in, even if you are not exercising. I don't think anyone here would judge or fault you (I know I surely wouldn't). I know, "life" happens, and that's ok.
The winter months are hard for me too, as I tend to eat more comfort food and just want to veg-out on the couch with a nice cup of hot chocolate and watch tv. BUT, I promise you guys, I won't!!
My mom has The Wheat Belly Diet book at her house. I doubt she's even read it :confused:. Are you still wanting to go Paleo?

Gotta get dinner started. It's nice out so Mark's is BBQ'ing today :p.

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