Three days since my last check in! Yikes!
I've noticed my other check ins have slowed down lately, too. Must be everybody is getting busy with school and now the holiday stuff, too!
Let's see, for my workouts this is what I did:
Saturday- Afterburn Double Trouble premix. I liked it okay, but I think I'm still partial to the original version. It might just be because I've done it so much that mixing up the order throws me for a loop.
Sunday- Drill Max Love DM so much! It is one of those workouts that every time I do it I walk away smiling!
I did substitute most of the push up work with other moves though. I woke up with really sore shoulders and pecs from the plank work in AB, so I didn't want to take any chances. The only push ups I did were the ones at the very end. I was a little worried...I couldn't decide if it was just normal DOMS from not working my shoulders and chest much or if the tendons were inflamed again. Luckily, today I feel pretty good.
Monday- off
Today- Toby Massenburg's Chiseled This is a circuit workout that one of the ladies on my other check in sent to me to let me try. Such a nice lady!
I liked it, but boy I didn't realize how long it ran!
I got to the 55 minute mark, thinking we'd be going into cool down and then Toby says "Okay, just two more blocks left!"
Wowza! If I do decide to buy that one, it's going to be one of my Sunday workouts when I have
tons of time. Today, I had to skip the last block, and even that was pushing my time limits! Luckily, I still made it to work on time.
Whew! See what happens when I don't check in daily? lol Okay, I'll try not to make the rest of this a book!
Rebekah- I'm so sorry we won't get to chat with you anymore!
You know, you can check in anytime you want. Drive by check in's once in a blue moon are totally welcome!
I was really enjoying reading about your Crossfit experience. Good luck with everything and give Addie a big hug from your forum friends!
Natty- OMG, did you see Walking Dead yet this week? You have to post your thoughts once you do!!!
I hear you on the time change thing. I hate it so much! It's so ridiculous and unnecessary. When I was going to school in Indiana, they were (at that time) the only state that didn't bother with daylight savings and lo and behold, they were fine! I always thought it was such a bogus stupid thing. Then I discovered a few years back, Indiana caved too and now they're doing it. Darn it! I was so hoping their common sense would sweep the nation!
Jen- I can't believe the accountants at H&R Block make so little! Yikes. That is just crazy.
Sarah- hope to hear from you soon!
Okay, gotta run.