***We're In This Together*** (May 2013)


Happy May everyone! It's cold out today here in MN. Summer was just teasing us this past few days apparently.

I survived Tabatacise yesterday. Today was AB and Core 2. I've been walking everyday too. Love getting my steps in. Looks like today's walk may be at MOA though.

B and I have been filling our time with play dates and storytime! So in love!

We are headed on vacation today when Tony gets off work at 1. We are going to Duluth first to spend the night at my mom's and then Thu night we will get a hotel on Lake Superior. Fri we are headed to Miliacs for the weekend. It's Tony's grandpa's bday so we are getting the whole family together. Super excited :)

Natty- Your beach walk sounds lovely! Can't wait to take B there lots this summer. So glad you're loving BB. Way to increase your weight. You are so strong. That casein sounds tasty. I'll have to google it.

Sarah- Way to stick to that rotation! I agree that Athleta is way overpriced! I'm all about working out in shorts and a sports bra....especially with Cathe's sweaty workouts.

Colleen- Zen state is right. The other week I did 4 of his workouts in a row and loved the peaceful feeling I got. I borrowed my friend the Flexibility one. I haven't done that one yet but I know she will love it. Never disappointed in any of his stuff. Nice job on your walk. I'm hoping I can get B to walk with me when he's older. I figure if I start young that's key. My niece...love her to death....but is so lazy! She 11 and loves sitting on the couch. I always like to get her moving when I'm with her but she just hates it. Her mom and grandma, who she lives with, are not the most active people so I'm sure that's where it comes from.

Jen- Fingers crossed for your interviews!
Is it May already? Thanks for starting the thread Marie :)

Yesterday was my rest day...rest from exercising to a video of course ;). I was in desperate need of veggies so Bella and I walked to a grocery store to pick up some. The walk there/back equals to approx. 5 miles :eek:. It was such a lovely day :).

Today's w/o will be Tempo Back & Bi's. Tomorrow is the start of the 2nd phase of my rotation called Bulk. I've attached a copy of my rotation just so you guys can see what I'm up against :eek:.

BTW, don't forgot to check the April thread cuz' I responded to you guys on it :p.

Is it just me, or do you find Imax 3, CCC, 40/20, harder than Tabatacise?
Have fun on vacation! It sounds absolutely wonderful. You deserve it :).

Good day ladies!


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Natty- Nope not just you. I totally find those harder than tabatacise. I was so scared of that workout for some reason. It's hard don't get me wrong but not as hard as I was thinking. I believe CCC is #1!

Nice walk you guys did. B and I are taking a feeding break from ours at MOA.
So far I have taken a 3 mile walk then I'm going to do Hoco today I think. I reserve the right to change my mind still. I am going to go back to the shape up for summer rotation, I just will start it on Monday.

Okay Nat I'm drinking the koolaid for body beast. I really think I want to do it. Why not, I figure? It's really different from anything I've ever done. Plus it would be nice to accomplish it over the summer so I can continue to walk regularly. I have been reading and the only downside I can see is the middle six week phase. I guess if I do feel like its too long and boring I can always shorten that cycle or do slow and heavy in the middle of it.

Have so much fun this weekend Marie!

It is suppose to be in the 80's here!!!!!!!
I felt very tired yesterday due to poor planning on the eats and eating garbage instead.

Hello Friends,

Just checking in to say Hello. Yes, I did get a job offer today and I did accept the offer. If I take the freeway, it's about 25 minutes but more with construction. Secondary roads about 35-40 minutes to Los Colinas/Irving which is the Silicon Valley of DFW. All high tech. Money is almost what I made in MI but I get retention fees so I could make more.
Went to downtown Dallas last weekend. Dallas Public Safety stopped a trolley car and some expensive autos so me and my friends could catch the trolley. Their welcome gift to my move.
Praise God for everything concerning Texas. Feel right at home. Getting used to the bigness of Texas. At least 20% cheaper than Grand Rapids in the burbs of Ft. Worth. Dallas, in the hip areas, could be 50% more depending on building/association but it's a FUN town.
Kept rereading my job offer today although I knew it was coming. In shock. Happy I have 4 days to get ready and to sink in. Didn't have my phone all day nor a pc to use, so I didn't read it till 2pm EST. One more unemployment to cover me till payday.
Hope to do personals tomorrow.

My mom and I just finished an hour elliptical/weight workout. Love her home gym. And love how she works it! Have a good day everyone!
So I finished the first phase of my rotation! I went out with a bang doing Tempo Back & Bi's. I was able to do 1 full unassisted pull up :eek: AND increase my #'s for Bi's. A pat on the back from me to me :D.


Here is a clip of one woman doing the Lucky w/o and her afterthoughts:
Body Beast Day 12 Review | Lucky 7 (Free Bonus Coach Exclusive) - YouTube
As you can see by all the sweat, this is one heck of a w/o!
BTW, she did the entire BB rotation and looks awesome.

Are you really going to drink the Kool Aid? :eek: I already have 2 other girls enabled from my other check-in...it's only a matter of time ;).
Are you doing the May rotation Cathe posted? It looks really good!

Your mom is amazing! I don't know her and I love her :).

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: CONGRATS!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!! I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!!!! You rock :cool:.

Bye bye for now ;)
So excited for you Jen! Congrats 10 million times over.

Nat - yay for you. Good job. I bid on one on ebay but didnt get it. Oh well next time as long as I start around mid July it will be fine. I got so excited yesterday I went on craigslist to look up exercise equipment which I do often. Someone was selling their Dumbell tower with dumbells. I called on it but have gotten no response : ( even though I have dumbells, they take up way to mucH space plus they use the plates so they are wide on the ends. They take up the whole closet.

Marie - thats awesome your mom loves working out.

Colleen - another busy week for you?

I didn't do Hoco yesterday I went for another walk last night and another this morning. I'm thinking I will just do minor things to get ready for May's rotation.



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Ahhh there you guys are! LOL I kept checking the old thread. :eek:

I gotta run but I'll be back shortly to report my workout and catch up on the thread posts! :eek:
I'm back! I have to type REALLY quick as I hear the next patient getting screened already! :eek:

Today was UY Short and Sweet: workout 3. It was just right for today. I was planning on doing UY Crosstraining but wasted too much time this morning after I got the kids on the bus.:eek: I really like the Short and Sweet workouts. They don't quite stretch me out and relax me like the longer UY workouts, but they are nice on their own. So far I've done 3 of the 4 on the disc and liked workouts 1 and 3 the best. I still have to try the bonus one at the end that features the girl (I forget her name!).

CONGRATULATIONS JEN!!!! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear what kind of position it is. You must feel so relieved! :D

Natty- I'm definitely going to get Body Beast, probably toward the middle of May (due to $) but I also want to get a heavier weight vest to go along with it. I can't wait to try it! I may have to modify it some to keep a little Cathe cardio and HoCo in there so I'll have to really think hard to get a good well rounded rotation.

You've been watching Game of Thrones right? As you know I'm a book reader, so I know what is coming in the series (or at least the broad strokes) so I've been scouring the internet after each episode to see what has played out yet. I even hunted down the awesome Daenerys scene and the scene with Jon and Ygritte because they are my two favorite scenes in the book! :eek: When I read those, I couldn't wait to see it filmed! :D

Arggh...gotta go again. I'll post more tomorrow or later today if I have time!
Hello gals :)

Yesterday's w/o was a Jessica Smith 10min cardio fix + tabata (total time 15min. Loved it btw! Really fun and I got a nice little sweat going too) plus BB Bulk Chest. Holy smokes my UB is seriously fried you guys! From the back & bi's w/o I did the other day and then this monster of a chest w/o, I can barely move my arms :eek:. In this w/o there are 3 sets of decline push-ups (you put your feet on the bench/step). I was able to do ALL OF THEM :eek:. I love this feeling of being strong -- it makes me feel like I can climb Mt.Everest :eek::p;).

Speaking of Jessica Smith, you guys really have to check out her free vids on youtube! They are a hidden gem. I was able to squeeze in her 20min stretch w/o yesterday while Bella was occupied :p and I really liked it! I feel like I really need the additional stretch/yoga with this program.

Hey, how did you get a pic of MY dumbbell's? LOL ;) I would love all hex ones :(. I hope you end up winning the bid and getting that dumbbell set too!
And I keep meaning to tell you CONGRATS ON THE RESULTS you got from April's rotation!

I was thinking of getting back into kettle bells again :eek:. After reading Nia Shanks blog (I love her so much!) she does highly recommend them. The thing is that I need to invest in one that is 15lbs or more, I think. You must recommend some good vids for me :D.
Yes, I'm watching Game Of Thrones! Loving this season so far. John Snow *drool* :p.

Have a great one ladies!
Nat - The stretch sounds awesome I will check it out. I checked out the chick that did body beast link also. Then I proceeded to watch about 5-10 of her videos. How many reps does sagi have you doing in the bulk phase? I know you didn't like phase 3 of STS how is BB different? Do you think you are getting great results because you are doing less cardio? I read articles about we are confusing our bodies by trying to do both cardio and muscle building together. Just wanted to know what you thoughts were cause I know you do a lot of reading too. I am curious about Nia shanks books as well and what she has to say.

Colleen- I just got done doing Hoco vol 1. Okay maybe it's just me but this one seemed harder. Especially in my legs. I did one Tabata first maybe thats why. It probably took me about 20 minutes longer to do it because I paused and rewound so man times. It was super challenging I really liked it.

Last night was a very frustrating night for me with the kids. So I took a very long walk instead of turning to food. It was probably 5-6 miles with some really trashy nasty rap songs from songza but I loved it. Can you believe it's is 80 degrees hear today. Sorry to brag : )

Have great days everyone.

Hello girls!

Today is my rest day so not too much to report. It has now been 9 days since I last did any cardio other than walking :eek:. I'm going to treat myself to a sweaty session with To the Max tomorrow and then Sunday start off with my new plan. It isn't all that different from what I normally do to be honest, except that I'm doing a little less cardio and replacing it with more time devoted to upper body lifting. I'll still be doing HoCo and I usually do a lot of heavy weighted lower body anyway. It'll be tough to shelve the circuit workouts, Tonique BTM and kettlebell cardio, but I'm determined to see it through this month!

I'm excited because tomorrow we are going to go to Niagara Cave in Harmony Minnesota with the kids! Niagara Cave - Homepage It should be really cool! I haven't been there since I was really young, so it'll be like it's new to me too! :D

Did you guys see my article link on OD? It occurred to me after I posted it maybe it would be controversial? :confused: I hope not! I've been delving into a lot of feminist inspired fitness blogs lately and when I see things I get excited about I just want to share! I hope everyone appreciates the message...

Sarah- I always feel like all the HC's are challenging in different ways. Volume 1 has many great moves and I think is one of the best total body workouts.

Okay, I gotta run here! Waving hi to Natty, Marie and Jen!! TTYL
Hi everyone :)

Hope everyone is enjoying balmy temps this w/e :cool:.

My w/o yesterday was Bulk Legs. OMG WTH? I've never done so many lunges and squats in my life! It's all good though, I love it :D. I gotta tell you guys about the static lunges with the EZ bar in between your legs :eek:. It feels totally different than with a barbell and dumbbell's. There are so many plie squats and deadlifts in these leg routines, and I really feel that they are hitting the hammies, inner thighs, and tush effectively. Ok, so Sagi's leg routines lack that "fun factor" Cathe brings, but oh lordy, I get brutal DOMS every.single.time! I can't wait to see what my legs/glutes look like in 5 weeks. I'm gotta hit them HARD :eek:.

Today we went for a 3 mile walk, and then I did Bulk Arms. Man, I really enjoyed this w/o! Bi's and Tri's are my weak muscle groups, and I AM DETERMINED to kill those bad boys into submission :eek: ;). Geeze, I just realized my post sounded a bit violent :eek:.

I'm seriously considering doing Nia Shank's program after BB. I find her extremely motivating and inspirational. You know what, ya, I'm going to do her 16 week muscle sculpting program. I just made up my mind :eek:.
BB is nothing like M3 -- more like M2. Yes, there are a lot of reps. Sagi fatigues the muscles by doing pyramid up/down, drop-sets, super-sets, progressive sets (this one is INSANE. Cathe does not do these).
Yes, I think doing less cardio is working well in my favor. My muscles ARE growing :eek:.
I'm proud of you for using walking as your stress outlet instead of food.

Niagara Cave looks so beautiful. We have something similar here called Scenic Caves. Mark and I were talking about bringing Bella there this year.
I like your new fitness plan :D. TBH, I'm so focused on BB right now that I'm not even missing my beloved step. I really think my body craved this change.
I'm loving those blogs too! I find Nia Shanks to be absolutely wonderful.

Have a great evening ladies :cool:
Beast Cardio + Beast Abs for me today. It takes a lot of mental and physical stamina to push through this w/o. I was determined to "bring it" today :eek:. Headed out to heritage park for a nice outing at the beach, park, waterfront. I've attached a pic. Perhaps I'll have some real ones for you tomorrow :).

Barrie Waterfront Trail | Ontario Trails Council

Have a nice day guys!
Hello Friends.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

Marie. Looks like you're having fun with B from FB.

Sarah. Good job of walking instead of turning to food. Bet, you walked at a pretty good clip too. 80 degrees? TX is averaging at least 15 degrees cooler since I've been here. 45 here this morning. 47 in northern MI.

Colleen. Hope you had fun at the cave. Sorry, I didn't see your article.

Natty. DFW airport plans to hire in the future. Just sayin...Your post wasn't violent. The waterfront trail looks like fun.

Tomorrow, I start work. Yes, I'm tad fearful but I will work thru it. Printed all documents. Have my clothes picked out. Job offer came exactly 21 months of unemployment.
My job is a Retention Agent for a "roadside assistance company" but the company is technically a software company that allows car companies and insurance agents to buy the technology under their name but we operate it. The company offers navigation-gps, communication-email/mobile phone and roadside assistance. The offer came thru for more than expected. WAY better than unemployment. Praise God for the offer, the training and the time for it to sink in.
Plus, my workout room/office is completed. Unpacked boxes that will be unpacked for now.
IKEA in three weeks to buy furniture!!
Great weekend! The past 2 nights we spent up north with family. Lots of craziness but it was great. This mama even had a couple bloody Mary's. Between being pregnant and just not being a drinker I probably haven't drank in about 2 years. I almost didn't drink last night either but after doing my research about pumping and dumping my breastmilk I felt ok about having a couple. B was such a good boy like usual. He is so loved! The night before that we stayed in a hotel, just us 3, in Duluth and we are back here tonight. Love my little family. Both my boys are napping right now. Forum time for me :)

Workouts were....
Friday...6 miles on the treadmill in the hotel workout room
Saturday.....Power walk, an hour, in the morning with my SIL and then 2 leisurely walks later that days with family.
Today....Lazy day!

Jen- Congrats again on the job! I'm so happy for you! TX is good! You'll be great tomorrow! Good luck....not that you need it though!

Natty- That place looks like so much fun! Hope to see to some more tomorrow :)

Colleen- I bet you had a great family day today! That place looks like a blast. I may have to visit it one day.

Sarah- WTG on your walk! Proud of you! It's hard to turn to exercise instead of food at times that's for sure.
Jen - I am so happy and excited for you, it has been a long road at 21 months. I wish everything goes smoothly.

Nat - I asked my hubby today to look at bb and if he might be interested and of course, the first thing out of his mouth was build bulk?????? We will see

Colleen - 9 days with no cardio, for you thats a lot! Do you feel rejuvenated

Saturday I didnt exercise and should of. Today I took about a 2 our kayak trip it was beautiful and fun. So peaceful. I am ready to get back to my rotation tomorrow.

Hello fab ladies :)

Bulk Back for me today. I just LOVE working my back :D probably my most fav body part to work after legs. I dead-lifted 60lbs today first time! My forearms were killing me, but I just ignored the pain and pushed through :eek:. I am really, really determined to up my chin/pull-up count. Right now I am at 1. Getting to 5 would really psych me up! I know I can do it :eek:.

So I have been reading Nia's website often these days. It is really motivating me! I will be purchasing her 15 week program called (S)hero and starting it after my BB rotation.

I also plan on taking a walk today...not sure if it will be outdoor or indoor. Bella is being really mooshy and has no desire to go outside :confused:. I think it's because yesterday we were super active all afternoon.

LOL about your DH. Mark is totally opposite of that -- he wants bulk! But you know what, to get big n' bulky, you gotta eat big. It's really not that easy.
Your trip sounded amazing. I would die to go kayaking. Anything nature related just puts me at ease and makes me so happy. Glad you got to enjoy it :).

Your little vaca sounded so nice :). Glad you all had such a good time. And good for you to indulge a little bit ;). I rarely drink, so 1 or 2 drinks usually get's me buzzed pretty fast :eek:.

I'm so excited for you! I think you are gonna do amazing, so try not to stress. All your hard work, patience, perseverance paid off BIG TIME. You deserve this!
LOL about the airport :D. I have no problems moving -- it's my significant other that loves winter :mad::confused:. TX sounds like an awesome place to live. If I never saw another snow flake in my life, I would be a happy camper.

Hi Colleen. Glad you liked that video. My jaw was literally on the floor when I saw those women :eek:. I see how all those heavy weights made them big n' bulky :rolleyes:;).

Have a good one :cool:

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