Rest day today for me. Yesterday's workout was PUB (minus ball/core) and since I ran out of time for them on Wednesday I decided to do the 100 rep hip thrusts (with 50 lb barbell). I thought it might be a breeze considering I usually do those after a tough leg workout but I was wrong. I still had to stop and rest at 40 reps, then again at 70 reps, heart pounding the whole time. If anything, it almost felt a little tougher! I'm thinking it could have been one of two things: the slight DOMS from the leg workout the day before or the fact when I do a leg routine before hand I have plenty of blood coursing through the muscles down there. I also wonder how much the cardio induced endorphins play a role for me. When I'm flying high on endorphins, I almost feel like Wonder Woman.
Body Beast came yesterday! I've worked out a hybrid rotation for June incorporating BB, one day of Hoco, a second leg day with Cathe, cutting it down from 6 days a week to 5 days and doubling up here and there. I'm omitting the chest work and alternating some of the upper body discs biweekly as well as with XTrain Burn Sets, so it's sort of turning out to be an undulating rotation of sorts.
Here's the outline. What do you guys think?
Week 1
Sunday: Cathe Cardio/Leg (STS Plyo legs, Cardio Leg Blast or LBB standing) + BB Shoulders (maybe attempting to shorten it a bit, I'll have to see what is doable once I get going).
Mon: Rest
Tues: HoCo
Wed: BB Bulk Legs + XTrain Burn Set Tri's
Thurs: Cathe Cardio
Fri or Sat (alternating depending on schedule): Body Beast Back and Bi's
Fri or Sat: rest
Week 2
Sun: Cathe Cardio/Leg + Body Beast Tri's (on preview the disc looks chaptered well so I can skip the chest stuff)
Mon: Rest
Tues: Body Beast Cardio
Wed: BB Build Legs + XTrain Burn Set Shoulders
Thurs: HoCo
Fri or Sat: BB Total Body
Then alternate/repeat for following 2 weeks. I want to get hip thrusts in there, too but I'm not sure where to put them...Sun or Wed? I'm thinking after doing that, I may do a week of circuits and cardio since I'm pretty sure I'll have a pent up craving for cardio by that point.
Then the week after (which should be the second week in July) taking a yoga/light cardio/rest week.
Natty- thanks for the link on facebook! I liked his page so I'm looking forward to his posts. He seems like a very common sense guy (wish there was more of that in the fitness industry!). LOL about the people buying soda at intermission during JM's talk.
Just goes to show how so many people are really not that serious about changing their lives with exercise and nutrition. People will pay a lot of lip service, and then their actions totally betray their actual attitude.
I don't think I could have held back on saying something if it was someone I about cognitive dissonance! LOL
Speaking of Nia Shanks, she was supposed to do an AMA on the /r/advancedfitness on reddit May 13. I'm not sure what happened though, since I can't find it on there.
An AMA is when a public figure comes onto the board for a subscribed period of time and people shoot questions on the thread, and the person tries to answer as many as they can. Sort of like what Cathe does on occasion, actually.
Sarah- I'm totally the same way, in that fitness has been such a learning and discovery journey for me. I so wish I had been more serious about it when I was younger. Think about the benefits I could have had! Especially with strength training...what a revelation that was!
I always have to kind of chuckle at the people who live on the extreme ends of fitness and diet. It's like human nature prevents a consistent middle ground of moderation.
I guess because it's just not exciting enough.
Gotta run! TTYL girls!
Rest day today for me. Yesterday's workout was PUB (minus ball/core) and since I ran out of time for them on Wednesday I decided to do the 100 rep hip thrusts (with 50 lb barbell). I thought it might be a breeze considering I usually do those after a tough leg workout but I was wrong. I still had to stop and rest at 40 reps, then again at 70 reps, heart pounding the whole time. If anything, it almost felt a little tougher! I'm thinking it could have been one of two things: the slight DOMS from the leg workout the day before or the fact when I do a leg routine before hand I have plenty of blood coursing through the muscles down there. I also wonder how much the cardio induced endorphins play a role for me. When I'm flying high on endorphins, I almost feel like Wonder Woman.
Body Beast came yesterday! I've worked out a hybrid rotation for June incorporating BB, one day of Hoco, a second leg day with Cathe, cutting it down from 6 days a week to 5 days and doubling up here and there. I'm omitting the chest work and alternating some of the upper body discs biweekly as well as with XTrain Burn Sets, so it's sort of turning out to be an undulating rotation of sorts.
Here's the outline. What do you guys think?
Week 1
Sunday: Cathe Cardio/Leg (STS Plyo legs, Cardio Leg Blast or LBB standing) + BB Shoulders (maybe attempting to shorten it a bit, I'll have to see what is doable once I get going).
Mon: Rest
Tues: HoCo
Wed: BB Bulk Legs + XTrain Burn Set Tri's
Thurs: Cathe Cardio
Fri or Sat (alternating depending on schedule): Body Beast Back and Bi's
Fri or Sat: rest
Week 2
Sun: Cathe Cardio/Leg + Body Beast Tri's (on preview the disc looks chaptered well so I can skip the chest stuff)
Mon: Rest
Tues: Body Beast Cardio
Wed: BB Build Legs + XTrain Burn Set Shoulders
Thurs: HoCo
Fri or Sat: BB Total Body
Then alternate/repeat for following 2 weeks. I want to get hip thrusts in there, too but I'm not sure where to put them...Sun or Wed? I'm thinking after doing that, I may do a week of circuits and cardio since I'm pretty sure I'll have a pent up craving for cardio by that point.
Natty- thanks for the link on facebook! I liked his page so I'm looking forward to his posts. He seems like a very common sense guy (wish there was more of that in the fitness industry!). LOL about the people buying soda at intermission during JM's talk.
Speaking of Nia Shanks, she was supposed to do an AMA on the /r/advancedfitness on reddit May 13. I'm not sure what happened though, since I can't find it on there.
Sarah- I'm totally the same way, in that fitness has been such a learning and discovery journey for me. I so wish I had been more serious about it when I was younger. Think about the benefits I could have had! Especially with strength training...what a revelation that was!
Gotta run! TTYL girls!
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