Quick check-in. BBL later for personals 
Yesterday was 4DS Kickbox. I finally finished that rotation lol! This morning was UY Crosstrain. I'm at work now. I picked up a shift. With the bonus they are offering I figured I might as well. Tony works at 5. He picked up too. We are determined to pay off my dang school loans this year. So sick of them. So much of our monthly payment goes straight to interest it makes me ill. Ok enough of that.
B had his 6 month appt yesterday and he is a strong, healthy boy. He weighs 16lb 6oz which is the 25%. His length his 26.5in which is 39% and his head is 17.5 which is 68%. He got more shots too. His reaction was so delayed. He didn't even notice the first one and then a couple seconds later he screamed. Poor baby
And check it out....last night he slept 8 hours! That was amazing! Fingers crossed it continues 
Yesterday was 4DS Kickbox. I finally finished that rotation lol! This morning was UY Crosstrain. I'm at work now. I picked up a shift. With the bonus they are offering I figured I might as well. Tony works at 5. He picked up too. We are determined to pay off my dang school loans this year. So sick of them. So much of our monthly payment goes straight to interest it makes me ill. Ok enough of that.
B had his 6 month appt yesterday and he is a strong, healthy boy. He weighs 16lb 6oz which is the 25%. His length his 26.5in which is 39% and his head is 17.5 which is 68%. He got more shots too. His reaction was so delayed. He didn't even notice the first one and then a couple seconds later he screamed. Poor baby