We're In This Together (April 2013)

Slight DOMS today in my butt. Today I did Ride, it wasnt on the rotation but I felt like doing it because its been a few weeks already. I was so sweaty, it was actually gross. The whole shirt had a V all the way down to the hem of sweat. I will also take the doggy on a walk this evening. Last night I went to Zumba and it was super fun. We did a song called Booty work, it was fun fun fun. Im off to take the kiddos bowling.

Drive by check in!

Today's workout was Afterburn :D Very HoCo-ish, that one. Speaking of HoCo I got my year 2 workouts from Sandra yesterday! Now I just have to decide which one I'm going to do first. :)

I also got my Fitbit one yesterday! I've been playing with it all day uploading the software and syncing it with my computer. I'm already obsessively looking at the number. I can tell this little sucker is going to make me get up and move more. I even feel guilty sitting down right now to type this! LOL :eek:

I really wish we'd hear something about the Boston explosion. I keep checking the newsfeed and it seems they are keeping any details pretty close the vest for now. :( I feel so awful for those people.

Well apparently I can't even commit to a 4 day rotation lol. I did AOLIH today. I think it was Colleen putting that buzz it my ear. Colleen- You are right. It was super fun. I really enjoyed it. Honestly it didn't even need to be an hour, I got a great workout in the 38 minutes that it was :)

I went for a walk during my dinner break. Felt so nice to get outside again.

Work was crazy today...oh wow! Injections, restraints, seclusions room, sundowners, oh my. Love it ;)

Natty- Yup CO is Colorado. One of the best states around :)
Hi fab gals!

I got my Everlast gloves :eek:. Almost 2 months later for pete's sake :mad:. Unfortunately, I'm part of the stinky bunch :(. Hopefully the smell dissipates a bit or else I'm gonna smell like a big moth ball :mad:.

I've already taken a 1 1/2hr walk. It's so beautiful out! Now I am off to do BB Back & Bi's. I'm going to try and bust out at least 1 unassisted pull-up! Wish me luck!

To me, sweat is never gross! The sweatier, the better :D;).
Glad you had fun at your Zumba class :).
BTW, have you made any recipes from this website: Foodie Fiasco
I have made a few and they turned out pretty tasty...in a healthy sorta way ;):p.

I see you are loving your Fit Bit :D. Getting up and moving is so important to me...even more so than working out to an actual video. You will see what happens when you walk consistently for 10,000 steps/day. Your clothes with suddenly start to feel looser. I love steps :).

AOLIH is really fun! Love the new avatar pic btw :). B is the sweetest little boy in the world!

How are ya Taxan lady? :D
Today I had a motivational problem. I do feel tired. I have been pushing hard. So I talked myself out of Burn Sets Bis and tri and pushes it to Friday and will have to do the whole UB. Hopefully it will happen ; )

I did Ab Ripper and Yoga Relax premix 1 and am off to take a short walk while the other daughter is at piano.

Nat- Already opened the recipes in another window so I can check it out. Thanks. Good job on your long walk. I was going to do that today but ran out of time because the kids only have half days for the next 2 weeks.

Colleen - Is your fit Bit up and running? I think something like this would be great for tracking the steps and overall movement vs. being sedentary. I know sometimes I spend way too long on the puter ; )

Hey Marie and Jen!

Back to my rotation. I did LIS and Shoulders, Calves and Core. OMG that calf section is insane. I forgot about that. So tough. I couldn't even finish it. I ended up doing some plank work while Cathe and crew continued to burn their calves. I have big calves but they are apparently not strong. I kept cramping up. Good workout nonetheless. I do love 4DS.

My baby is 6 months today. How time flies. I made some sweet potatoes for him. We are going to start them tomorrow. Tony is off and he wanted to be part of the fun of giving him his first solids. Can't wait :) I also made some sweet potato chips but sort of forgot about them and they got burnt. Oops!

Tomorrow is a busy day so not sure I'll be checking in. The plan is 4DS Bootcamp. Then the dentist for cleaning and some fillings. Ugh! I brush and floss everyday. Why do I have cavities?! Then we are going to our nieces' play. The Little Mermaid! Fun day :)

Natty- Nice walk! That was my plan today too but it was raining out :( Glad you got your gloves. Good luck with the smell. Can't wait to hear how HS goes with them.

Sarah- Rest is good! No worries. Nice job on yoga :)

Hi Colleen and Jen!
Marie - B is sooooo cute. Makes me miss having a little one to cuddle. Does he like sitting in his Boppy? How did the sweet potatoes go?

Jen - I always worry when we dont hear from you. You are probably busy gettin' stuff done.

Nat - Thanks for the recipe link. How amazing, she's 14! Holy cow! Last night I made the All for one Peanut Butter cake. I over cooked it in the microwave it seemed like it would have been good had I not screwed it up.
How did those pull-ups go?

Colleen - Hey, your probably swamped.

Maybe the reason I had a motivation problem yesterday was because I started my period : ( On top of that I have a yeast infection TMI sorry :(
At any rate today is my mom's birthday so I have to get my butt in gear to make a Greman Chocolate Cake. Last night I tried to make the frosting but I ruined it too. Yesterday wasn't my day. Today I have already done TTM. I love that one, its so fun, and the music is so good, and there are so mant ways to push your self more. I only have the 2 risers on each step so I wore a 10 lbs. weight belt too. Have great days all.

Afternoon ladies!

I think it's been a few days since I checked in :eek:. Whoops! Let's see, yesterday I did HoCo Hardcore Year 2 January + ZCuts #9 (Amazon.com: ZCUT Power Cardio Series 3 Dvd Set: Zuzka Light, Zuzkalight.com, Darren Capik: Movies & TV)
Then today I did Cardio Leg Blast + Burn Set Back (to balance out HoCo yesterday).

I'm loving the Fitbit! Let me tell ya, though, it is a BIG wake up call. I knew when I was at work I wasn't getting enough NEAT activity or steps in but man...Tuesday I only made it to 7,300 steps even though I went out of my way to get up from my desk and walk around. I couldn't believe it! Then yesterday I thought for sure I'd get to 10,000 steps since it was a short work day and I have to do lots of running for the kids between karate and dance class. I even went to the mall after work and before getting the kids to look around for some new work clothes (mostly as an excuse to get more steps in though). When I got home I was still only at 8800 steps. I decided to get on the rebounder after dinner to see if that would count. I got over 10,000 but when I looked at the fitbit I realized the count was probably too high as it was really sensitive to the bounce. :confused: Anyway, I have lots of work to do here! I can see myself spending less time on the computer with this thing...which would probably be a good thing. ;)

Yesterday was quite the mess at work. Not to go into it too much, but the optical manager at my store is quite the asshat. He isn't my boss and I'm not his boss (our bosses are the district O.D. for me and district manager for him). However, we are supposed to work together and he seems to have difficulty with communication and respect. :mad: I've been dealing with this crap since I moved up to this store from another one on the other side of town (the manager there was awesome). I've never met a more passive aggressive assclown. Yesterday we had to have words about it. Now today I'm trying to be Zen and relaxed, which is much easier when I don't interact with him. ;)

Sarah- I sent out your package yesterday! :D It should get there around next Tuesday according to the lady at the post office. I'll pm you the confirmation #. I hope you have fun with the workouts! So sorry about the ttotm bringing you down. I've had a not-so-fun month with the hormones. :(

Marie- B is so cute! Love it! :D Feeding solids for the first time is a lot of fun. It's so funny to watch their little tongues thrust out as they try to figure out the eating thing. lol Most of the food will end up on his bib!

Natty- Bummer about the Everlast glove smell! :confused: Hardstrikes was just not a winner for me and I actually put it up on my trade list. I really really hope the new kickboxing workout is closer to KPC then HS! :eek: How did BB Back and Bi's go? Did you get a real pull up in? For the record, whenever I mention I do pull-ups they are always assisted ones! :eek: It's weird, but I always feel those more in my biceps than in the back or lats :confused:. Of course, it's totally possible I'm doing it wrong! lol

Jen- HI! I hope your settling in well!

Gotta run! TTYL!
Hello everyone :)

Yesterday was an unscheduled rest day :). We spent a good portion of the afternoon shopping at Costco (signed up for a membership again). We are going through so much meat & eggs, so we decided buying it in bulk would save us some $$ in the long run. After dinner, we went on a lovely walk to our new 7-11. So get this, I was waiting in line to pay for our Popsicles, when I get taunted by butter tarts, sitting amongst a midst of other delicious baked goods :eek:. I have not had a butter tart in a looonnnggg time :p. I decided to it was time to treat myself :p. Oh heck ya! It was SO worth it ;).

Today's w/o will be BB Cardio + Beast Abs (40min). I might actually do a Yoga Relax premix too...I'm unbelievably sore everywhere!


I thought 7000-8000 steps was pretty good, actually! Really proud of you for trying to hit 10,000! That's why I love Leslie w/o's :). A 5 mile walk is equal to 10,000 steps. I know that if I have not been particular active throughout the day (cold & snowy out :mad:) I can do a 2-4 mile walk and hit my quota.
I'm sorry to hear about all the stuff going on at work :(. That guy seems like a total douchebag :mad:. Any way he could get redirected to another district? ;)
Regarding the pull-ups (overhand grip) those will isolate more of the back. Chin-ups will work biceps as well (underhand grip). Sagi actually says that with pull/chin-up, you have to really focus on engaging your back muscles, holding and contracting at the top of the movement. I'm telling you, I rarely get back DOMS. I kid you not, my entire back muscles were severely DOMS'ing yesterday! It felt amazing to know that I hit those muscle correctly!

I did all my pull/chin-ups in a supine position, so no dice :(. I was able to do a lot of them without going in a bridge position, so I'm really happy about that :D.
Sorry to hear about your yeast infection :(. UGH those really suck.
Ya, Kelly is only 14yrs old! I made her cheesecake not long ago, and it turned out really good EXCEPT for the chick pea crust :confused:. Yucky, yuck, yuck :(. Next time I will use a different type of flour.

Congrats on B turning 6 months! Time really does go by so fast. My doctor instructed me to start solids at 4 months. Bella loved all the food (thank goodness!). Are you making all the food yourself? That's pretty awesome if you are :). I had good intentions of doing that, but then I got lazy and opted for jar stuff instead :eek:.
Quick check-in.

BBL for personals.

Yesterday went as planned with 4DS Bootcamp.

It was an early morning today and I was tired...B got up at 1 and 4. I stayed up at 4 and did UY Crosstrain. Felt so nice although I could tell I was tired. My balance was off.

At work now. Can't wait to get home with my boys :)

Lots of snow out there. So over this weather. Why do I live in MN again?! ;)
Hello Friends,
Just checking in to say Hello. My furniture and stuff finally made it from MI. Rain has hammered my old city and roads/bridges have given way. Water on top of water is never good.
Opportunities abound here but I believe God will have to change hearts because I've been out of work for too long. Linked In contributor telling people you are doomed if you've been out of work for more than 6 months. It's rattling. The Texas explosion occurred 80 minutes south of me. My apartment is mid-cities north of Ft. Worth.
Today, I'm going to visit a Burger Cafe. There are lots here. Pure Texas beef. Some Angus.
Have to unpack my kitchen but just moving most of the stuff to its spot.
Will be back later to do personals.

Jen - Glad to hear from you and that your stuff arrived. Let me know how that burger was.

Nat - Good job on having a treat. I too had a slice of the German Chocolate Birthday cake that I made for my Moms Birthday. So yesterday when I was at the grocery store I decided to buy the Peanut Butter Powder along with coconut flour so I could try the recipe again and see if it was better. It was very eggy. So I read the comments and they all said if they used real eggs that it was to eggy and to sub 1 egg white and some apple sauce instead of 2 egg whites, so I will try 1 more time.

Marie - I hope you have a great evening with your boys. Good job on the yoga!

Colleen - Wo, you had some WO session. How did you like Zcut? I like her, not the boobies but it reminds me of the Melissa Bender WO that I've been doing too. I love you name calling, you gave me some new ones I've never heard. I will try them the first chance I get ; )

Last night I slept awful so rather than pushing through and doing my UB Burn Sets I took a nap first. I felt better afterwards and went ahead and pushed through and did the WO with Core #1. I am almost on my rest day. Tonight is a 80's black light zumba party for 1 1/2 that will be my cardio. Tomorrow's WO has me nervous Hiit Double Wave Pyramid and Butts & Guts. I will be sooooooo ready for a rest day.
Hi everyone!

Holy smokes my back is DOMS'ing from BB Cardio yesterday! I'm really excited to tell you guys that I was able to do a few Plyo Jack Push-Ups off my toes :eek: (it's similar to a push-up except your hands jump off the ground :eek:). Super tough! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm already start to see slight results from this rotation -- 2 weeks in! My core looks tighter, my arms have a little more muscle, I feel stronger (especially during all the plank exercises).

My w/o later on will be Build Shoulder's (excellent routine btw).

This morning Bella and I did this fun little walk/dance workout:
Dance Walk [Disco Mix] (fat burning, walking workout) - YouTube
I really like Jessica Smith. She has a few walking w/o's on youtube that look super fun, so I'm sure I'll be adding them into my walking regime :).

Naps are da bomb! I wish Bella would let me nap in the day :(.
German chocolate cake is super tasty :p.
Hope you had a blast at your Zumba party!

I really love 4DS Bootcamp -- even more so than Drill Max.
Sorry about the rough sleep :(. As I recall, there was a time when Bella was around 6 months that she was waking 2X as well.

Glad all your furniture and stuff arrived.
Don't get discouraged by that stupid Linked-In contributor! If I listened to all the doctors telling me that I would never have a child because my odds were so low, then Bella would not be here right now. Don't listen to that crap.

How is the Fit Bit doing ;).
Another early morning for me. I did UY Cardio. I really like that one. I honestly never dread doing UY. I usually don't dread Cathe but certain days, especially early mornings, it's so hard to get motivated. I like how this yoga workout actually gets my heartrate up. Feels so good! LOVE UY!

At work now. My mom and stepdad are with B. Excited to get home and snuggle my boy :)
Hi everyone!

Holy smokes my back is DOMS'ing from BB Cardio yesterday! I'm really excited to tell you guys that I was able to do a few Plyo Jack Push-Ups off my toes :eek: (it's similar to a push-up except your hands jump off the ground :eek:). Super tough! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm already start to see slight results from this rotation -- 2 weeks in! My core looks tighter, my arms have a little more muscle, I feel stronger (especially during all the plank exercises).

My w/o later on will be Build Shoulder's (excellent routine btw).

This morning Bella and I did this fun little walk/dance workout:
Dance Walk [Disco Mix] (fat burning, walking workout) - YouTube
I really like Jessica Smith. She has a few walking w/o's on youtube that look super fun, so I'm sure I'll be adding them into my walking regime :).

Plyo Jack Push-Ups?! Oh wow! You are one tough chic :) WTG!!!!!

How great that you have Bella working out with you. I always saw my mom workout when I was a kid. She did a community aeorbics program and my sister and I would always hang out in the back of the class and join in. I'm convinced it's the reason I workout to this day.
Last night I slept awful so rather than pushing through and doing my UB Burn Sets I took a nap first. I felt better afterwards and went ahead and pushed through and did the WO with Core #1. I am almost on my rest day. Tonight is a 80's black light zumba party for 1 1/2 that will be my cardio. Tomorrow's WO has me nervous Hiit Double Wave Pyramid and Butts & Guts. I will be sooooooo ready for a rest day.

Naps sure do rule! Way to push through your workout!

Tomorrow's WO sounds killer. Major DOMS are headed your way ;)
Hello Friends,
Just checking in to say Hello. My furniture and stuff finally made it from MI. Rain has hammered my old city and roads/bridges have given way. Water on top of water is never good.
Opportunities abound here but I believe God will have to change hearts because I've been out of work for too long. Linked In contributor telling people you are doomed if you've been out of work for more than 6 months. It's rattling. The Texas explosion occurred 80 minutes south of me. My apartment is mid-cities north of Ft. Worth.
Today, I'm going to visit a Burger Cafe. There are lots here. Pure Texas beef. Some Angus.
Have to unpack my kitchen but just moving most of the stuff to its spot.
Will be back later to do personals.


Glad your stuff arrived safely :) Hope you got your kitchen unpacked.

Fingers crossed you find a job soon. It must be so frustrating. I have a great feeling TX will be good to you!
Hello everyone :)

Yesterday was an unscheduled rest day :). We spent a good portion of the afternoon shopping at Costco (signed up for a membership again). We are going through so much meat & eggs, so we decided buying it in bulk would save us some $$ in the long run. After dinner, we went on a lovely walk to our new 7-11. So get this, I was waiting in line to pay for our Popsicles, when I get taunted by butter tarts, sitting amongst a midst of other delicious baked goods :eek:. I have not had a butter tart in a looonnnggg time :p. I decided to it was time to treat myself :p. Oh heck ya! It was SO worth it ;).

Congrats on B turning 6 months! Time really does go by so fast. My doctor instructed me to start solids at 4 months. Bella loved all the food (thank goodness!). Are you making all the food yourself? That's pretty awesome if you are :). I had good intentions of doing that, but then I got lazy and opted for jar stuff instead :eek:.

Glad you signed up for Costco. I mentioned before that I've gone with my friend and I just love it. They have big bags of frozen organic broccoli for only 5 bucks. And no stems....all florets! So good!

Way to treat yourself! That is what life is all about ;)

B did way better with the yams yesterday :) I gave them to him cold compared warm so maybe that's why he did better. I made them :) I boiled a yam that I cut into pieces and then blended it with breastmilk in the Magic Bullet. Super easy and it made a lot. I put some frozen in an ice cube tray so I can just pop them out as I need it.
I made it through the WO's. I did the Hiit Pyramid 1st then the standing portion of Butts and Guts. Then I had to take Kate to piano so while I waited for her in town I walked for 1/2 hour. Went home and did the floor portion of BG. I'm proud and exhausted, I did it! So ready for a rest day.

Marie - I love the stem of the broccoli too. It would make prep so much faster thats for sure. My kids favorite is broccoli but the hubby hates it. So we only have it once a week.

Nat and Bella- Good job on the workout. More fun when you have someone to do it with. I totally believe that you can notice your body changing already. If I wasn't so tired right now I would try to do a plyo jack push-up, I would zero chance of completing one today.

Kids are fighting and getting sick so I have to cut this short.


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