We're In This Together (April 2013)


Hello Friends.

April showers bring May flowers.

Hope everyone is doing well. My workout for a day and a half was packing that burns 140 calories per hour. Not sore but tired today. Seville & Madrid are restless too. They will get their happy treats Sat, Sun & Mon to calm them down. Camping in our own house. Need to do post pack cleaning.
5 days to go.

Have a great day!

Thanks for starting us off for April Jen! :D

I'm home for the day but lots to do! I swear I get so many more steps in on days when I'm at home versus the office. :confused: I'm off to the bedroom to do HC Volume 4. :eek: Be back later for personals!
Busy day today too. I got up and did Hard Strikes as per the get ready for summer rotation. Last night with the husband did 45 sec work/40 sec rest running intervals w/ songza app and gym boss app. It was great but 45 seconds of work killed me.

Then I had to take the dog to the vet for another laser treatment for her poor little legs. Now we are off to paint your own pottery.

Jen - I forgot about all the cleaning too and then turn around and clean the new place. Yuck!

Nat- Hasn't your husband seen your guns? My husband is kind of the same way. He's like ow many DVD's do you need? I'm like I use them. You bought some, and they lay there collecting dust. Same with the weights. The only reason I got a chin-up bar was because he wanted it, and he never uses it. However, withh that being said the flip side is, he did buy my bike for me. He is proud of the way I look. And he even talks sometimes about building me a room in the pole building for my exercise. I am excited for you none the less. I can't wait to hear about the progress.

Colleen - I may very well take you up on the offer of borrowing a couple of HC. I am digging my ab DOMS. It's not so much a DOM but it's a soreness in my obliques.

Marie- Hope everything is going good. What modifications are you going to make with the rotation? Today I did HS but only the 35 minutes. Hindsight, I think I was suppose to do the toning part too.

Guess who got Body Beast in the mail today??? :eek:. Amazon was having a deal for 1/2 price express ship, so I got the express (I didn't want to wait 2 weeks :p). I immediately started previewing the discs :D. Yup, this program looks pretty awesome :eek:. The trainer Sagi, is very picky with form, always correcting and watching the background exercisers (he's HOT too :eek:;)). The info section at the bottom of the screen is similar to STS -- timer, next exercise, # of reps, ect. The cardio w/o looks BRUTAL because it's 80% plank exercises. Oh joy. Can you hear my enthusiasm? ;). All in all, I'm very pleased with what I saw! I plan on doing the Build Legs tomorrow to see if they hold a candle to Cathe's (I doubt it) and will start the rotation on Monday.

Yesterday's w/o was a 3 mile Leslie Walk. Today I'm headed to the park with Bella. It's sooo nice out :).

I hope your dog is doing well. Poor little guy :(.
What Songza playlists do you listen to? I'm a sucker for the hardcore rap ones :eek:. They get me all pumped up :D.

I rarely sit while I'm at home. Even while typing this, I have my computer on my kitchen counter, and I'm standing.

I'm so excited for you! Wishing you a safe, happy, stress-free, move :).

Have a good one!
We are finally getting a date night! We are on our way to drop the kids off.

I did Cardio Leg Blast + 100 rep challenge hip thrusts.

Yes Nat all about the hardcore rap. For some reason it just makes me want to kick some a**. Although I do love me some White Zombie and Rage against the Machine for running too. But for the most part I do the cardio hip hop selection I think is what it is called. I found a Missy Elliot song thats awesome that I've never heard of before. I'm so curious to find out how you feel after dong the leg WO.

Painting Pottery was fun! We will see if I like my piece I did or not.

Quickie check in!

Suuuper busy today at work. I'll also be MIA this weekend because I have to go out of town for an optometry conference. Tomorrow I should have some time for a proper check in, though!

Today I decided to do KPC (minus the 10 minute section of drills where she starts with the jumping jacks.. I just chapter skipped ahead to the combos at that point). Tomorrow I'm thinking a little Ultimate Yogi sounds good! :eek:

Have a great night girls!
Happy Friday ladies!

Today I did Ultimate Yogi: Crosstraining . It was exactly what I needed after that crazy marathon the other day! It's weird... whenever I do Tonique's BTM I don't really get DOMS (or very light ones) even though it's really tough at the time. I suppose that's how it is with endurance work, though. What I did notice yesterday was that my low back was definitely tight and in need of loosening up. I was so tempted to do something intense today (I kept eyeing up To the Max) but I just *knew* if I gave in to that compulsion I would regret it! Yoga was just right and my low back feels fabulous now. :D

I'll be out of town this weekend and won't be able to check in until Monday most likely. It's an optical conference for my company which I have to go to every year. Maybe you guys remember me talking about it last spring? That was when I got all turned around in Oshkosh with all their stupid roundabouts and was stressed To the Max! :confused: It's all just schmoozing, annoying vendors, irritating "motivational" speakers and talk of company financials (which I couldn't give a hoot about). :rolleyes: Can you tell I'm not crazy about going? LOL At least they do offer some free CE for the optometrists, so that makes it worth my time at least!

Darn it, gotta go. I'll catch up on personals next week. Have a GREAT weekend girls!
My first experience with Body Beast today :eek:. So I'll try to sum this up as fast as I can :p.

Build Legs
There are 2 leg routines in the program. The one that I just did (above) and Bulk Legs. It was a 35min LB w/o (including a little bit of abs interspersed w/calf work, which I thought was a neat little touch). I was completely spent and soaked by the end. Nothing fancy here, just good ol' fashioned squats, deadlifts, lunges, plie squats, step-ups, elevated lunges, calf raises. The way the exercises are sequences however, really took this w/o up a few notches. Drop sets, super-sets, increasing/decreasing reps and weights #'s :eek:. I really, REALLY need wrist straps! Holding heavy #'s the entire time, my forearms were burning and went into failure before my legs :(. The trainer Sagi, OMG he made me laugh so hard! I think he called himself The Beast like 100X :rolleyes:. I actually like him a lot, even though he acts all full of himself sometimes. He is an excellent trainer, emphasizing form often. He guides, instructs, does the exercises with you, just like Cathe. He is also very easy on the eye's ;) -- not sure if that's a good thing since I felt myself getting a tad bit distracted :eek:. Anyways, this w/o gets two thumbs-up :eek:.

Don't worry about the personals! I hope you have a good w/e at the optical conference. I do remember you talking about it last year btw :). If you get too stressed out and anxious, just keep a bottle of wine in your hotel room ;). That will make everything all better :D.

I hope you had a great time on your date night!
Is that Missy song called Get your Freak On? Cuz' that one is pretty awesome :eek:. I also like Little Kim. She is totally hardcore! I like her more than Nikki Minaj, who IMO can rap well but she can't really sing. Why she even tries to sing is just beyond me -- she sounds like crap :rolleyes:. I like the old school rap boys like Dr Dre, Snoop, Biggie Smalls. I also love all kinds of rock, including heavy metal. Marilyn Manson's songs are great while exercising.

Jen & Marie
Shout-out to my gals!

Bye bye for now :cool:
Hey all-

I wrote a post yesterday and now I look back and see that it's not there. Maybe I didn't hit submit. Oh well.

At work now. No workout this morning. I decided I need to not stress about getting up at 4am on days I work. If I don't get a workout in who cares. I feel like sleep is more important now-a-days. I'm kind of spacy sometimes and I think it's related to me getting up numberous times a night with my little B :)

The hockey game was crazy! OMG why did I think that was a good idea?! I'm not sure! It was soooo loud. I was covering B's ears and then finally excused myself to go feed him. They didn't have a good place to feed so I ended up sitting on the floor of the family restroom to feed him. Disgusting! It was super loud in there too because they were blasting the game through the speakers. So annoying! B gets all distracted now when he eats too so that was not fun. Before that we met Tony's parents at an Italian restaurant. My little man had a blow-out right as we got our food. Up-the-back change-of-clothes blow-out. So anyways I go to the bathroom to change him and there is no changing station. What type of bathroom doesn't have a changing station?! It was horrible! I had to change him on the floor. I wanted to cry and literally almost did. Anyways, we ended up leaving the game early because it was so loud. I felt like a horrible mama for putting him through that.

Sarah- Thanks for the review on ab circuits. I have been bad about following the rotation. Like usual I seem to do best at doing my own thing. Easter was good thanks :) B was a bit overstimulated with everyone in his face and wanting to hold him but luckily we got to sneak away when I breastfed him :) Have fun on date night!!!!!!!!!!

Natty- Loved the review on BB. So glad you got it!

Colleen- I'll have to try coconut oil in my oatmeal. YUM! I usually eat Special K Chocolate Delight or Kashi Go Lean. I'm with Lydia though on those Lucky Charms though. Man those are good. Can't buy them or I'll eat the whole box ;) Enjoy your conference. I can't believe that was already a year ago when you last went.

Jen- Almost moving day! So exciting!
Date Night was good. I went shopping and tried on some new clothes but nothing I had to have. I do need clothes but I just wasn't in the right mood. Then we went to dinner. It was delicious and I wasn't to bad, again. So I am proud of myself. My husband even got Cinnabons at the mall and I had 1 bite and thats it. I tried on this hot little teal lace dress it was Nice (hubby loved it and wanted to buy it right then and there). But I was like it's 300.00, no way! I don't even know where I would wear that. However, it was nice to put something on and feel good.

Today I did Burn Sets CB&S + the special rear delt section off of the other X-train DVD. I plan on doing some Melissa Bender before Bunco too.

My backside feels the work from yesterday but not too bad.

Colleen - I hope your weekend isn't to bad. So is that your Sunday (day off) too?

Nat - Thanks for your review on BB. I'll be curious on how the tush feels tomorrow.

Marie- I'm sorry about the hockey game. I can remember the distracted BF days when there eyes wander. TJ always rubbed the backs of my arms because they have those little bumps on them.

Hey Jen - The day is almost here.

Good afternoon!

Just popping in to say hi I'm at work but all the patients are in group so I'm taking a quick break. I went from 7 patients yesterday to 3 today. Makes for an easy day although I prefer the running around craziness.

So I have some exciting news. I have an interview for a float pool position on Thursday. I'm super excited so send me some positive vibes on that day. It would be 24 hours a week (same that I work now) and at the same hospital. I would float between the 2 units I work right now (Geriatric Psych and Substance Abuse) and then would float to the rest of the hospital too (Ortho, Oncology, Cardiac, Acute Care for the Elderly, and Med/Surg). After 6 months I would be able to train to ICU, ER and post partum. I really want to work post partum soooooo badly. Since having B I know that is my calling. I need medical experience to work that unit so this transfer would be so great! Really excited and nervous for this interview. I just want it sooo badly! The only negative is it's a day/night rotation so my shifts would be either 7am to 3:30pm or 11pm to 7:30am. Not too crazy about night shift but I figure you got to start somewhere and I'm willing to do anything to get to my goal.

Sarah- Glad you finally got your date night :) Those are needed for sure! I bet you looked great in that dress :) Always feels good.

Hi Natty, Colleen and Jen!

Have a good Sat everyone :)
Good luck on that interview, Marie. You would be great in the post partum dpt., or since you love the craziness you might even like the icu or er. The nights can suck but pay your dues now while your still young and the body can adjust a little, rather than when your older. I worked graveyards for a couple of years. It had its good points and bad points.

I did Imax2 today. Super fun, that used to be a favorite. My husband came in and said I remember hearing those songs, you havnt done that one in a long time.

He also said yesterday Cathe's legs looked good in X-train. He also recognized a song from Ride that was in a movie we watched. Too funny. I didn't think he was home that much when I exercised but apparently he is.

I.CAN'T.WALK. Seriously guys. I have not have this type of DOMS in a LONG time :eek:. Thanks Sagi ;););):p:p:p.

I'm so excited for you! Fingers and toes crossed you get the position!
When you mentioned you were taking B to a hockey game, for some reason it never occurred to me that it would be super loud. Was it an NHL hockey game? Cuz' ya those can get super crazy over here. I'm so sorry you had such a rough night :(. I would have been super stressed out too changing Bella on the bathroom floor. But you know what? S**t happens, and so much more s**t is gonna happen. You are NOT a horrible mom, trust me.
LOL on the Lucky Charms. Mark was obsessed with those until I put the kibosh on them. Whenever I would give Bella a bowl, she would eat all the marshmallows and leave the damn cereal! So basically she was eating only sugar for breakfast :mad:. So I was like "nope. No more Lucky Charms. Sorry". :p

Your dinner sounded lovely :). WTG on only eating 1 bite of a Cinnabon :eek:. Seriously, I give you so much props for that!
I don't blame you for not dishing-out $300 on a dress. I have bought so many cute dresses at H&M for $40! I bet you looked like a knock-out in the dress though :eek:;).
Mark will comment on how great Cathe looks too :D. He will also comment if he thinks a guy is good looking :confused:. It's all good though ;).

Gotta get the bbq ready! I'm making burgers stuffed with montery jack cheese :p.
No workout for me today. I'm at work until 3:30. I definitely drag when I don't workout in the morning but I also know how important sleep is. Workout or sleep?! Oh the choices!

No plans for tonight except running to Target. We switched prematurely to size 3 diapers and my poor baby has been leaking through them. Gotta get some 2's. Oh course I'm sort of happy he is still in the smaller size. He is just growing up too fast already.

Natty- Loving those DOMS :) Thanks so much for crossing your fingers and toes :) It was an NHL game. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who wasn't thinking it would be loud. I was thinking oh la de da this will be fun. B will love it. Or not! Oops. You are so right about more s*** to come. It was a learning experience for sure.

Sarah- Love IMax 2. That is a fun one. Yup I'm with your husband- Cathe's legs look AMAZING!!!! Thanks for the good luck :) Nights are rough. I worked them doing pediatric homecare right when I got out of nursing school. Paid my dues and got into a hospital. Gotta pay them again to get to PP :)

Jen- The countdown is on!

Colleen- Hope the conference is going well. Don't get lost ;)
Hi Friends.

Quick update:
Cab picks us up in 12.5 hours.
Flight leaves in 16 hours/10 minutes.
Cats are on natural calming bites.
Movers came today. One hour late. But they came early this morning.
No rental needed. My Civic arrived safely.
Lighter load means less cost to me.
No cab needed tomorrow. Friend picking me up and taking us to the apartment.
Update: 3:10 am EST. Mainly packed except for cat dish & clock. Luggage will cost me big then cat fee.
Fortunate no car rental & lighter move yesterday.
Texas, here we come! Hope you're ready.
Hello gals :)

Yesterday was my grandmother`s 80th b-day party. I have attached a pic of Bella with her cousin. Hope you all enjoy it!

Today workout was BB Build Chest & Tri`s. Holy $/%& was it ever awesome :eek:. I literally finished the workout and could already feel DOMS! My chest and tri`s were scrreeeaaamming by the end :eek:. Nothing fancy here, just good ol`hard school gym style exercises with drop-sets, giant-sets, super-sets. Just enough push-ups to challenge you but not kill you (ahem- STS M1). This program is impressing me already, and I have only done 2 discs so far. I felt like a total bad-a** today :cool:. I love the way weights makes me feel so strong, confident, empowered, powerful. It is truly an amazing feeling. Body Beast ROCKS!

Everything is gonna be great! You are SO brave and I have a feeling this is all gonna work out for the best :). Nothing good in life ever comes easy ;).

Always chose sleep for the first year of your baby`s life IMO. Sleep will make you healthier, so don`t ever skimp on it!
Can you believe Bella never made it past size 4 diapers! She is such a small little thing :).

Have an awesome day ladies!


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Update: In my apartment & overwhelmed. Cats are hiding but grateful that they earned theirs wings.
Cash off on rent this month. Good area older building.
So excited for you Jen!. I'm glad you and your kitties are at your new home. I don't blame you at all for being overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed for you. Your probably tired from all the stress and losing sleep, so don't make yourself feel as though you have to start unpacking all ready. We are here for you : )

Nat - I like the sound of not to many push-ups. P90X is loaded with them also.
Sure sounds like you shocked your body to the max. My one fear would be that my eating would get totally out of control. I ate so much in Meso 3 from the heavy lifting. I have $100 to spend. I was thinking about either Uy or Insanity. Really sweet pic of Bella, Ilove the way she is looking at her cuz.

Marie - I remember the cutie premie diapers. I celebrated when I didn't have to buy diapers anymore. You should always choose sleep if you got less than 8 hours. How long would you have to do the nights for?

Colleen - How did your weekend go?

I feel disappointed and frustrated. Even though I feel like I showed a ton of self control this weekend I still gained 4 lbs. WHF? I'm sorry. I should have had the goddamn Cinnnabon!

Sunday was rest day. Today was DrillMax. I loved that one too. It's so much fun to be doing some of the ones I hadn't in a long time.

I'm back!

The conference went well. I didn't get to see Mark and the kids so much since they keep us pretty occupied during the conference. The kids had fun swimming in the pool though. They even got in on this random kids birthday party. lol The mom was having a pool party at the hotel for her daughter and they had this huge piñata. She invited our kids over to join in. Lydia was a little shy but Dylan got right in there! :D

Unfortunately I haven't worked out since Friday. :confused: I had intended to try to do something last night when we got home but of course I didn't. Then I asked Mark to wake me up at 5:30 (his normal wake up time) instead of my usual 6:30 in an attempt to get something in. Of course, I changed my mind and went back to sleep! :eek: lol

I'm really looking forward to working out tomorrow! It's crazy how much I miss it when I take more than one day off in a row. I'm a true endorphin junkie! :eek: But what to do...hmmm...well I did pick up those 30 lb dumbells on Friday before we left. Maybe a little Crossfire Hiit + STS Meso 2 to break those bad boys in? ;)

Marie- Like Natty and Sarah said, I definitely choose sleep if it's less than 8 hours. It's really counter productive to work out when your sleep deprived anyway and with an infant that is a given! :eek: In fact, I've been known to go to bed at 9:00 pm just to make sure I get enough ZZZZ's to make my workout worthwhile. When I'm tired, not only do I just go through the motions of the workout but I feel really crappy afterwards. I think it affects your bodies ability to recover from the exercise, too.
I'm so sorry about the awful hockey game experience with B! I so remember that about breast feeding. I fed the kids on many a toilet seats or floors when we went out because there was no where to do it comfortably. :mad: I can't believe they didn't even have a diaper change thing in that restroom either! :rolleyes:

Sarah- Do you think the 4 lbs is water retention? I know I've been known to fluctuate that much just from that. It's funny because I haven't had that much fluctuation lately. I'm not totally sure why though. Maybe not eating dairy helped me? I seem to have fewer breakouts and hormonal issues since I developed that lactose intolerance.
Ohh, the bumps on the back of your arms, is that keratosis pilaris? I had that my whole life! I finally found a cure for it though. Have you tried dry brushing? It has totally eliminated the bumps and my arms are really smooth now. Dry brushing works much better than other exfoliation methods I've tried. I try to do it every day but often it's more like 5 days a week since I run out of time or forget sometimes. Here's a few links: Dry Body Brushing and
Keratosis Pilaris - Brush Your Bumps Away With Dry Body Brushing - YouTube

Natty- You are making me want Body Beast! :eek: That leg workout sounded phenomenal!! Another one for the wish list. :p Are you watching Game of Thrones? I'm trying to stay away from stuff on the internet until I see it, even though I'm actually "spoiled" by reading the books anyway, but it is hard! :eek:

Jen- I hope your flight went well! I'm so excited for you! Get lots of rest, although that's easier said then done. I know whenever I move I can't sit down or sleep until tons of stuff is unpacked. I hate falling asleep among a bunch of boxes!

Have a great evening girls!

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