We're filming!

Hi Cathe, I think it is wonderful that you are making a video(dvd) for beginners-intermdiate. I have just about all of your workouts and have not mastered them all, so this will be good for me on days that I dont have the energy or time to do a more advanced workout. The only suggestion I have is the music. Although I enjoy the bodyblast series, the music with the lyrics sometimes just works my nerves (maybe because it is not from the original artist). I would like to hear more upbeat instrumental music, more like the KPC video (which the music is excellent). Even if the music was part instrumental and parts with lyrics. I find that if the music is upbeat it keeps me positive and want to do more ( I do KPC at least 3 times a week). That is my only suggestion for the new workout, as far as the extra 30 minutes whatever you decide is fine by me, because I really enjoy your workouts. You are the best in my opinion. Thanks for asking.
I liked Jillybean's suggestion of another 10-10-10 for the additional 30 minutes. If not that, any other 30 minute cardio would be great. A 30 minute interval workout (Imax2 1/2?) would be great. One of my favorite premixes is Imax 2 intervals 1-5. (One of these days I'll psych myself up to do 6-10!:p).

Anything you do will be worth buying and doing, but here is my idea for the thirty minutes at the end if I could have whatever I wanted!

Since this vid will use the high step (which I love and so does my old mama dog when she wants to get on the sofa....come to think of it, after a Cathe workout, I sometimes need it to get on the sofa....)how about doing a non-cardio circuit for functional training for major muscle groups (split stance squats, incline and decline planks, upside-down militaries, split level push-ups, etc.) alternating with attention to the little and oft ignored muscle groups (like forearms, rotator cuff, hip flexors, feet, etc.)

You could use the little guys to pre-exhaust for the big guys, for example, pre-exhaust hip flexors and then do split stance squats; pre-exhaust rotator cuff before doing back or shoulders, etc.

Good luck with your exciting new endeavor!

Fit Tv now high step,you are gonna have to start dressing in disguises when you go out;-)

This is such a wonderful oppurtunity for you! I'm soo happy for you!You deserve ALL this exposure!

As for suggestions

I second the 10-10-10 (one of them being a nice athletic stretch with some Yoga poses holding for 20 secs;-)
Take care!
I am very excited about the new DVDs . However for us advanced excercisers how about a new Slow and Heavy or Rhythmic Step Two!!!!! Also some of my favorite exercises you do are on the ball would you consider an all ball dvd? I love your rotations and have done everyone since you started doing them on your website. I just love the dvds and tapes that you take a piece here and there from and combine them to make a homemade citcuit. thanks Cathe,
I'm sure that someone else must have suggested this, but along the "Timesaver" lines, a total body timesaver toning segment would be awesome. Something that would target everything in a short amount of time. This would be great for all levels because you could adjust the weights according to your level, beginners could build up their strength in a "do-able" workout; but advanced people could squeeze in a quick burn when they are short on time (or sleep in) by just using heavier weights.
OH YEAH!! OH YEAH!! OH YEAH!! (me doing my happy dance!!)

Cathe, I have no suggestions other than use your best judgement, because I already know whatever you include in the workout will be AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

(Tuck Jump Princess!!)
:) :) :) :) :) :)
This is probably a dumb question, but . . . when you say DVDs, does that mean they'll be out in video as well, for those of us who don't have a dvd player yet?
Wow, this is great news! I think you'll be reaching lots of new folks with these workouts, and that's wonderful for them..and for you!

Anyway, since the DVD format allows for so much variety, I was wondering if you might consider including an instructional segment for those unfamiliar with your choreography and style like Christi Taylor has done with the "Move Master" on her more recent high/low and step workouts (it worked especially well in the "Solid Gold" series last year.) Some folks didn't like it much, but I thought it was helpful--expecially for the more complicated combos.

In the Move Master segment, Christi cues and shows the moves with her back to the camera. Christi shows the more complicated options as a second exerciser shows less advanced modifications. It helps less experienced users practice some before bringing it up to speed in the regular workout. Including such an instructional piece (can't call it "Move Master" since the name is trademarked, but I'm sure you could do the same sort of thing and could call it something else...)can meet the needs of beginner/intermediate exercisers and allow you to kick the actual workout up a notch or two for everybody else. This would give uninitiated Cathe-ites something to really work for, and would help keep your regular educated crowd happy!

Otherwise, for the extra 30 minutes of time on the advanced level DVD, I love the "IMAX 2 1/2" idea--especially if you can include all cardio, all upper body, all lower body, and all-core premixes pulled from the other material on the DVD. I'd also welcome an all-floorwork routine and an extended athletic stretch segment.

But, as others have noted, you have great judgement! I'd be tickled pink and ready to buy anything you decide to do. Thanks for asking!

I second the timesaver idea- some days I only have 15-20 minutes left in my morning to work out- it would be nice to have a super effective workout for those moments
Wow! I was hoping you'd make another Bootcamp-type workout!

For the extra 30 minutes, I, would like to see either intense intervals or an upper body strength segment. If the premixes could include all cardio, all lower body, and all core among other things, that would be great.

Thanks for consulting us again and good luck with this project!
I also want to know if the new DVD's that are for the Step Co will be avaialble by themselves; this is a great opportunity to introduce some friends to Cathe who cannot yet do advanced work.

I love the stabiltiy and medicine balls, these add a lot of interest to the workouts.

Please keep using the lyrics! Since the last batch of DVD's offer a place where you can make this choice, I think including this in each subsequent DVD is the way to satisfy everyone.:) :) :)
Great news! I am ready for some easier workouts. I love your last Body Blast Set.

As far as equipment goes, after doing your Legs & Glutes last night, I found that I used the medicine ball instead of a weight. I also like the stability ball. So multiple pieces of equipment, no problem.

Sheila C.
Hi Cathe!

I'm so excited that you are making a beginner/intermediate step tape!!

I loved that you worked the outer thights in Push Pull leaning on the stability ball - How about using ideas like that for a quick total body workout using your own weight?

Yay! I'm so excited, Cathy! :7

Here are my thoughts:

1) For DVD's 1 & 2, would it be possible to have one person in the group doing exercises at an advanced level so that advanced exercisers can by all three? :7

2) I like to use a various pieces of equipment during a workout

3) I would like to see either kickbox (like KPC) or hi-lo (like SJP) as the 30-minute filler for DVD 3.

Oooh, I can't wait! Thank you so much, Cathy! :)


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