WeightWatchers ~~~FRIDAY~~~


Good morning Traci!

Belinda, good job listening to your body and doing Stretch Max & abs. I find it NO FUN trying to workout when my legs are tired. (plus they weigh 2 tons which doesn't help) But doing something, ANYTHING helps. And stretching helps our metabolism.
What are you up to today? Did you decide on a rotation? What exactly are you looking to achieve at the moment?

The power went out over night here and thank goodness I woke up to someone's car alarm! I looked at the cordless phone and it said 8:08 am! I was like ACK! We leave the house at 8:30! Then I realized the phone was "plugged" into the power, so I ran to the bathroom and checked the wall clock and it was only 6:45 whew! I'm so glad I got a chance to sit down and post w/ you guys before getting started today! I hate when I can't get here till evening & have to play "catch up".

So I'm going to ask DPT if doing step routines without the step will be an ok alternative for cardio besides the TM. Actually, when DH gets back I plan on starting to workout twice a day so I can do the TM early and a workout at night. She said kickboxing, low impact and hi/lo are ok so I'm hoping the Cathe step workouts will count as low impact.

You guys have no idea how much better I feel. I gained 20 lbs. back out of 30 that I lost initially and couldn't stop gaining. I just had to make up my mind that it had to stop and I had to get back to, "THIS". And you guys have helped me make that decision and start keeping it and sticking to it. Thank you. (((((HUGS)))))) I know we're all in this together and thank goodness because otherwise I'd still be gaining...

Have a nice day I'll be back later!

Well today is another Slim Series Circuit... Mix it Up, I'll leave out the ab work so I can do Ab Bootcamp from Billy Blanks. Should be fun!
Heading to bay for the weekend - DH trying to get off work early so who knows...when he's ready to go, hes really ready to go!

Cheryl: LOVE the mom comment! When I went home last year my mom made a tiny reference to my weight gain.. When I told her last week that I'd lost 15 pounds since I last saw her she saud WHY HONEY? YOU WERE SO THIN ALREADY... lololol thats a mom for ya! Hope this weekend gives you time to do all the things you love and that bring you joy!

Amy: Happy go back to work day!!! Now you can REST! lol! Hope Mexican food was WONDERFUL last night!!!

TeddyG: Hope your weekend is just perfect! Are their any grand kids in the picture for you?

LoriS: Hope March 2nd is finding you sticking with your plan of action! Have a wonderful weekend!

Jane: A recovery month sounds great! You're right... Cathes gonna post a monster pretty soon!

Gidget: Congrats on Rylans WI and good health! He sounds like he will be forever keeoing mommy VERY busy! I'll keep 125 visions in my mind for you! Soon soon soon. Congrats on all those compliments! i know that means alot to me too... we shouldnt care what others think so much but it sure feels good doesnt it?

Belinda: On FF Rotation... You can always add in 30-40 minute cardios on all strength days... The muscle building can leave you very fatigued tho. Cathe's March rotation isnt any easy task either... LOL Cathes intermediate are still miles ahead of traditional intermediate workouts! remember its all about what you put into the workout not the workout itself... Starting that with Jane could be really fun!

Kali: The great thing about a workout routine that works for your body is that you will see small signs fairly quickly. If your eating is the same or better than previous weeks you will know right away if the new strategy is good for you. You can always go to something else. I say give it a go! Heck its only 14 days before you can change it if you want. My friend on my Xers board always reminds us that theres no Rotation Police that come knocking at our doors!

WHERES CLAUDE ????????????????

Well gang- Hope I get back to boards at least one more time today.... I REALLY miss you crazy people on these bay weekends... DH gave me a dirty look when I asked if I could break our agreement of NO COMPUTERS at get away home.... He just doesnt understand! If I coud keep in contact I'd never struggle with my "vacation eating" syndrom every weekend!
Good Morning Ladies:)

What a great night I had! It wasn't different from any other night but when I went to bed I DIED! Most of the time, I lay there tossing and turning and after he feeds I do the same thing again. But when my head hit the pillow I was gone and after he fed at 4 I died again and he didn't get up anymore until 8. I feel like a million bucks but that may change as the day goes by.

I weighed today and you will never guess what the scale said!!!!
140.1!!! Isn't that awesome? I met this weeks goal and its only Fri. I have until Sun morning to weigh in. I am so excited that 130 is just around the corner. I did really well 3 days is a row and the scale wouldn't move and all of a sudden it drops 2 lbs over night.Yesterday I was 141.9.

So today buddy boo as his needles. I am feeling a little better about it then I was but I realize I have no choice and its for the best, I just know how miserable he is going to feel after and I am not looking forward to that.

Traci, can't wait to see what you have to say to everyone today!

Kali, I bet you could do step without the step, but you could always ask. I know what it feels like to lose weight and then lose motivation. Next thing you know, you are packing on the lbs again. The most I ever weighed was 137, and I gained that after meeting DH. I then started eating lowfat (that was the thing 8 yrs ago) and exercising. I lost the weight in no time (it was probably only 12 lbs) but then I realized I was being to hard on myself and I wasn't enjoying life. I would always be comparing myself to others and worrying about what I ate. I even remember trying to throw up one time after I ate late, and thats when I new this was not good. Anyway, I easied up on myself and gained some of it back but I was a happier person. But I kept my motivation to exercise and eat some what normal and my weight evend out.

Im not sure what workout I will do today and it totally depends on how he is feeling this afternoon. I think he will sleep most of the afternoon, so I am going to take the time now to do some house work and laundry. His apt is at 11 so that gives us 2 hours.

Anyway, I will check in later, may even be before I leave the house for his apt.

Hi, everyone! TGIF!!

I have that early 7 a.m. meeting with my partner so I had to get up at 5 (early for me!!!) and I only had time to do Push/Pull. So weirdly, I have 3 lower body workouts this week and only 1 upper so far. Will have to solve that over the weekend. But Push/Pull was fun as always.

Kali, it is so fun to hear your motivation!! We love you, gal, and you are going to have to post pictures for us as you to be able to see your progress as well. This is gonna be fun!!

LoriG - WOWWWWWWWW on the scale!!!! You hot dog! Now if it bounces back up a bit on the scale tomorrow morning you won't get discouraged now, you hear? That tends to happen when you're touching at the new weight and it shows a drop of 2 lbs in one day, so it wouldn't mean anything. But you are sooooo close to that next milestone. What an awesome feeling!!

Traci, I love Mix It Up. What fun. Haven't done that one in a long time.

PLanning on a good long run tomorrow morning. And I can't wait. Hopefully the meeting with partner will go well today. I'll post later and let y'all know.

Have a good one, everyone!


Belinda: Yep! I am doing FF One Body Part Rotation, of course with a few add-ons, adding P90X & PUB. Working em real goodddddd

Tracie: Off to Bays, tell DH I said it is a must you pack your computer:) And yes, a great big ^^^^5 too me for starting P90X I’m starting to feel like my ole self again. I swear tho, when I fall off the wagon it can take me a long time to get it back together, sometimes months, but I finally made my way back ;-) ;-)And yes to your ?? adding in 2 days of running and 2 days of kickboxing. How do you like TaeBo?

Gidget: You rock!;-) :D

Cheryl: Enjoy your run, I tell ya, my best runs was outdoors I loved it. But got divorced and moved into appt, afterwards, purchased a treadmill. I can remember, getting up before the sunset and making my way to the park. I was always at my starting position by 4:30 I’d run 5 or 6 miles Awwwwww. Them were the days:D Have a great weekend :D

Kali: Sounds like a great plan to me, work it girl,:7 work it:7

Jessica: Keep up the good work ;-) :D

Man oh man, this week really flew by cant wait for the day to end.

Last night, I did a little freestyling for bi’s I used a 30lb barbell did 3 ‘sets of various biceps work, I must say it felted nice. Biceps are officially cooked :9 That’s how I’m going to work it:9

This morning, GS Tri’s & LIC, tonight, Ab hits I’m gonna pick 4 routines, should total about 20 minutes or so, and work em good. Okay back to work, I will check back later :)

Good Morning....LoriG, congrats on the weightloss, how exciting!!

Traci, I have to tell you, I am jealous of your weekends at the bay. It is cold, & snowing here.

Kali, the scedule your Trainer gave you sounds exactly like what I have planned for my next month. Kick box, and treadmill. No heavy weights for lower body, 2 heavy UB workouts a week. I want my legs to slium down also!! Yesterday I did BBBB, a TLT, and it is a lower body workout, and you only use a medicine ball. There is also alot of rag work, where you slide your foot around on the floor. It is a good lower body workout, with no weights. I also did the intervals from Low Max, just to give my legs an extra push.

Amy, I hope work goes well for you this weekend.

I am loving following Core. It is hard sometimes to tell if I am hungry, or if I just want to eat. I am hopefully working it all out in my head. I do want to succeed at this. I have 4 shows next week, and my whole March is really busy, so eating when I am hungry, and not the counting and stuff, is just less stressful.

Have a good weekend, and Traci, enjoy the bay!!
Hi everyone.

No work or school today for the Kali family. DS threw up during the night and was kind of wobbly this morning so I opted to keep them both home. I usually don't go into work on Fridays anyway so it's no biggie. It'll be a long 3 day weekend here tho without DH to help referee. LOL.

Gidge! Way to go with the goal! You are DOING it Woman! I know exactly what you're saying too with how you used to feel about your weight. I think the thing with me is after losing, and getting all new clothes etc., then having them slowly get tighter and tighter just depressed the hec out of me. Once my clothes fit better, I'll breathe a little easier. I'm not worried about how much I lose, I just want to get back into my clothes "comfortably" I should say. I can wear em now, but I'm self concious as hec. But we'll get there!
Good luck w/ the shots today. Hope he doesn't feel too bad later.

Traci, have a ball at the bay! Where do you live? I am definatley one to believe in the "police" in many situations! LOL! I told the PT I thought if I wasn't struggling, beating my legs to death I was cheating or not working hard enough and she was like "NO WAY". So many women believe that. She hates having to tell people they need to do the TM because some are disappointed they can't do certain types of workouts. But like you said, we have to find what is going to work for each of us cause we're all different. Have a fun workout!

Cheryl, how was your meeting? Push/Pull is a fun one. When DH gets back I'll have him take pics. I took some a few weeks ago but I think I deleted them b4 I downloaded them (probably because I hated how they looked) LOL! I'm in such a better state of mind I'm looking forward to taking them again cause I know we're gonna see results!
Let us know how the meeting went.

Way to work those bi's Teddy!

Lori, it'll be fun seeing what kind of results we get from this!

I'm going to the store and get the boys haircuts today since they're not actually THAT sick. Since they're home it looks like it's going to be a Cathe workout. Maybe I'll do Kickmax. I'm going to find out about the step workouts now.

Later taters!


Hey ladies. No workout for me just yet. My son decided he wanted to wake up REALLY early. Hopefully I can time it right and put him (2yrs old) and my daughter (3 months old) down at the same time. I have on tap to do KPC...i just got it last night. It will be a first for me. I used to do Taebo...so I expect I will love KPC.

Gidge, way to go on that scale!!! When I hit a low number, I usually bounce back up for a few days till the original low number wants to stick! Don't get discouraged though...we know the low number is for real!

Good morning ladies,

Kali I' am going to the gym (on post) to run on the TM.:)
I really want to get back into running:)

Traci I am going to start Cathe's rotation Monday! I didn't mean to sound like Cathe's rotation would be a piece of cake. My concern was I read alot( on the Forum) about to much cardio is a waste of time for women??? I am really confused about that???? March rotation is more cardio than weights training! I know I gained more muscle in Feb. so I am not concerned. I am not sure if I should add more weights training to the March rotation?? What do you guys think??
I think until Monday I will do S & H . I haven't even open it yet! LOL!

Amy have fun at work! Maybe I need to look in P90X one day??

Teddygirl great job on doing P90X as a add on! Is P90X really that good?

Gidget have fun with your little one! They grow so fast!

LoriS keep up the good work! Have fun!

Jane I starting March rotation with you next week:D Have fun with feburary rotation!

Jessica work hard! Hope you have a nice day!

Hope I didn't forget anybody?? I have to get ready for the gym.

Enjoy your day! BBL!
Hey Girls,

Well the needles are over with! Phew...I think I cried more then he did!:-( He was so sad and I have to do it again in 2 monthes! I thought he didn't get anymore needles until he was 6 m but oh well.

Cheryl, a 7 o'clock meeting? I don't think i would have made it to that one. You may be ready for a nap later:) The number on the scale won't effect me to much, I was the same way when I hit 145-143....I kept bouncing back and forth between those numbers. But hopefully I will weigh 140 on Sun so I can track it online with WW.

Teddygirl, sounds like you had a good workout. I hate working bic's with a barbell.

Lori, glad to hear you are enjoying the core program. I really didn't know which one to pick but I thought that if I went with the core I would probably end up eating more then I was allowed, with the points I can stay pretty much on target and I know if I went over.

Traci, enjoy your weekend. Do you get to workout while you are away?

Kali, sorry to hear you got a sick kiddo. That will make the two of us! Enjoy your long weekend, and no DH????? You must be in heaven! LOL Just joking!

Jessica, I didn't know you had a 3 m old? Do you have much baby weight to lose? Rylan will be 2 m on Sun. I can't beleive how fast he is growing.

I will be working out later but not until I have my lunch and I will probably feed him, give him some tylenol and then workout.
I was talking to my friend who had the baby and she had a rough first night. I guess her milk isn't in yet so when the baby feeds its for an hour..which seems like forever at 3 in the morning. Plus she has two other small boys that won't leave the new baby alone. I think DH and her DH may do something with the boys this weekend to get them out of the house so that she can have some peace and quiet. I think she bit off more then she could chew!

Ill be back later,
Happy to report That Mix It Up is done as is Ab Bootcamp! OMG Ab Bootcamp is a KEEPER!!! It is only 35 minutes but I thought I’d die from the standing portion burn (20 minutes) then we hit floor and do ARX type moves but with reps closer to 35 each….OUCH OUCH OUCH. A great investment for 7 bucks in my opinion. I skipped all the standing & floor ab work in Mix It Up because I was too sore. YIPPEE!!!
Tomorrow is LowMax and Sunday Stott Pilates for Flat Abs. YOWZA!

Still no word from DH on exiting time but gotta hurry and shower and get packed up “just in case”….

GIDGET: You poor thing! What trauma for mom!!! So happy the needle work is completed for awhile. Hope things start leveling out for your friend… I just don’t know how you moms do it all! Are Amy & I the only childless ladies here? ^^^ 5 on seeing that scale cooperate today!!! See- its all within your grasp now. I am so happy for you.

JESSICA: My goodness you have your hands full! I didn’t know you had such a new baby either! OMG no wonder bad food sends you into the twilight zone… doesn’t take much I’m sure…. BLESS YOU!!

KALI: YUCKY on the bug in your home! My goodness all of you are going thru a lot right now. Take care of yourself so you don’t catch anything! I’d be wearing one of those surgical masks!!! I live in Houston but our get-away place is about 90 miles south on the gulf of mexico in Sargent Tx. Sargent TX is population 250. There is 1 greasy diner, 1 BBQ place, 1 nicer restaurant on gulf of Mexico. There is 1 country grocery store about 600sq feet, 1 grocery/fishing supply store about 1200 sq feet, the Veterans Hall where we play bingo on Saturday nite, a volunteer fire dept and that’s it for 25 miles!!! Internet??? Whats that??? My cell doesn’t even get reception! I hope your power stays on this weekend!!!!!

BELINDA: How fun doing a rotation with someone else (jane). That makes it so much more fun I think… kinda get to compare notes and add-ons etc…. Enjoy your gym time! Have a great weekend!!!

LoriS: Oh I hope it stops snowing on all you guys. After awhile I’m sure the layers of clothes just get to be a pain in the pa-tooty! I laughed on the “rag work” for your legs…. When I mop by floors (entire house is pretty much ceramic tile) I have to dry it with rags because of dogs so I always count that as legs & butts day… I have a pretty large area to cover! Lololol. VERY happy to hear Core is the ticket! In no time at all you’ll have that Core List of foods committed to memory and it will all be second nature. I’m so happy you are feeling good about March !

TeddyGirl: Well well well… those are some guns you are flexing today I bet! Goodness gracious you ar strong! My biceps are weak weak weak even tho they look pretty good. I’m very impressed. Still waiting on the TaeBo Circuits… next week will be fine tho. I’ll keep ya posted.

Cheryl: Holding wonderful thoughts for you in your meeting! I know that somehow all will be so awesome even these little burps will seem so minor. One of my favorite says: Sometimes we have to climb a bit of a mountain to get to see the spectacular view.
Enjoy your run tomorrow- I know its what makes you happy! The great outdoors!!!

Gotta get cleaned up!

Amy: Ya know I’m thinking of you!
Jane: have a fabulous weekend!
Glad the shots are done Gidge. Poor guy. Poor Mommy too. :( Sucks to see that but it's for the best. Have a good workout.

Traci, that workout sounds like a killer! That's great you like it tho. And for $7 ??? Can't beat that with a stick! :7 We're doing ok here.

Well I talked to the PT and she said the step workouts without the step would be great! A lot of people have a hard time stepping w/ no step, but that's how I originally learned RS and SB so I'm used to it! I'm so psyched! So I think I will do RS and floor work. I actually can't wait to workout! :eek:


My DD will be 4 months old this week. I can't believe how time just flew by! When i got pg with my son, I gained 60 pounds, lost about 30, then gained 10 back. With DD, I only gained 10, and I lost all of that. I am back to the weight I was when I got PG with DS, but I was still about 30-40 pounds overweight. SO, I am now trying to lose weight...about 30 pounds for now. I can always make another goal down the road. I'm glad to see another new mommy on this check-in.

I hear ya on the shots...I have to take Hannah back this week to get more shots. I cry more than she does:)
Tracie, LIC rounded out my UB nicely :p :p When it was time for biceps, I was like ((((DAM)))) my 5 db's felted like 15 x(x( And it felted gooddddd....could’ve repeated}( just kidding x( I tell ya tho, LIC ended my week good :7 :7

Tomorrow, P90X chest & GS chest (no push ups):p not sure which cardio I am going to pump out. But, given SEggs a breakkkk (me think) now........you know I love Seggs, don't ya :eek: x(

I like to try CF premix Mix & Match its also 80 minutes, and its tough, who knows it’s still to early.

Good afternoon everbody,

just a quick check in:)

I just got back from the gym, my run was only 20 min x( I also worked my triceps and bisceps (dropsets)and I did alot of walking lunges with weights :D Felt like a total geek walking down the hall in the gym doing luges LOL!
I think I am going to add another cardio tonight, since my run sucked.

Kali and Gidget hope your little ones are feeling better soon.

Teddygirl great job on your workout! Way to go!!!

Traci I haven't done a Billy Blanks in a long time:) I need to mix things up a little:D Enjoy your weekend! Oh, what is AB Bootcamp?

Cheryl hope your meeting went well:) Have fun with your run tomorrow!

Jessica how did you like KPC?? This is one of my fav. workouts.

Enjoy your afternoon!
Well, I must tell you that I did not get to do KPC today. My kids just wouldn't allow it! If I don't get the workout in during the mornings, then I usually can't do it. My son woke up 4 hours early...so oh well...tomorrow is another day.

However, I did watch KPC...WOWZERS! I'm not sure i am up to that kind of workout! HOLY MAN! Surely I can build up to it right?!?!

HI Girls,

Just back to report my workout. I did all of BM2! I tried that workout about 2 weeks ago when I got back into working out but I couldn't do it all b/c the little one woke up ,not to mention that my joints were huring alot (which as passed now, thank God!) What a great workout, it really whipped my butt. I also did it on a 8" step so I am mov'in on up:)

I gave Rylan some tylenol so I hope his legs don't hurt to much when he wakes up.Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, glad thats over with. DH's heart was broke as well. I made him hold him while he was getting his shots and I pretended to read posters on the wall:)

Kali, let me know how your workout goes. I wonder will you work up a good sweat?

Jessica, to bad you didnt get your workout in but you are right, tomorrows another day:) I bet you will get it in tomorrow and KPC is a great workout.

Belinda, 20 mins is better then nothing, right? I can only imagine how you felt walking down the hall doing lunges, even my dogs look at me funny when I do that.

Must get dinner ready, i have no idea what we are having.
Hi Guys.

Gidge, that's too funny about you pretending to look at posters! I used to do the same exact thing! LOL! I hope his legs don't hurt too bad. Great job w/ BM2!

Well I wondered too if I would work up a sweat. I did RS and I really put everything into it. I used the floor and really watched my form. I even jazzed it up as if I were dancing and I did! Not as soaked as with a step, but nonetheless I broke a good sweat. Then I pulled out an OLDIE! I did the floorwork from an old old Firm. Janet Jones is the instructor!
I have to tell you guys, I wondered if I'd be feeling anything and I do! The stretch at the end felt amazing cause my muscles are tight! I figure I'll do like Traci said and give it 2 weeks and see if I see any results.

I think tomorrow if I can't do the TM I will do KM. I'll just modify the drills so I don't keel over.

Gonna get cleaned up. Be back later!


Everyone -

Great stuff today! and TGIF!!

I had to drop in at least for a second to let everyone know the meeting went really, really well. I'll give more details tomorrow - the long run starts EARLY so I won't be able to post until close to midday.

Until then, have a wonderful Saturday morning, everyone!!


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