*** Weight Watchers Tuesday ***


Good Morning:)

How is everyone? Im laaaaaaaaaaazy! I wish I could have had 2 more hours of sleep...or even 1 for that matter! We were late going to bed last night as usual and I won't be able to catch a nap this afternoon b/c I have baby group. And you all know Im not going to miss my workout in the a.m to have a nap!

Ameila*** Did you enjoy your rest day? I hope your plan works for you. I can't imagine sticking to 18 points? Sometimes when I want a treat I find it hard enough to stay in the 28-30 point range. Do you know what weight you will be the next time your points lower?

Nancy*** I thought school was out earlier in the States then in Canada...or is school out and you have to work until the 27th? I know the kids are getting pretty excited around here. It won't be long now!! I get a second wind all the time when its time to go to bed. I really need to go to bed early tonight though!

Mary*** How are ya? Im assuming your kiddies are feeling better?

Cheryl*** You poor thing! I have never had food poisioning, thankgoodness! That must have took the wind right out of your sails;( Hopefully you are feeling #1 today. Im gonna have to do PUB today b/c I didn't get it done yesterday..Im looking forward to it though.

Kim*** What do you have planned for today? Hopefully you will check in with us!

Does anyone know when Belinda is due back? I hope she is enjoying her time with her mom.

I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream that I bought a new scale and I was hoping this new scale was gonna tell me I was a couple pounds lighter then I thought I was. Instead I was 20 lbs heavier! Imagine a scale being off by 20 lbs!?
I didn't stick within my point range yesterday b/c we went to a friends house last night b/c it was DH's b-day and she had food everywhere and it was just the 4 of us. She even bought a cake! It was her cheat meal and she said if she is doing it, she is doing it right! LOL I wasn't hungry and didn't have much but I still had some.
Im not sure what cardio I will do today. I am suppose to do KPC but I don't want to!:+

Have a good one! Ill be back later!!!

Good Morning Girls!

Today is Body fusion in about 15mins!

Lori-What a crazy dream,I bet you were glad to wake up from that one:eek: ! The next time my points lower I will be in the 180's! I decided to make sure Im suppose to get 28pts,so I did the test in the week one book(test that determines the daily points target)yesterday and I discovered that I get 29pts,Heck a pt is a pt ;-)!

Cheryl-Food Poisoningx( !Sorry you had to go through that! That is the worst feeling! I hope your feeling better today!

Mary-Whats your plan for today!

Nancy,Kim and Belinda I hope your having a good day so far!

Well,Im off to sweat it out,bbl!
Okay, my butt is killing me and it's still early. I'm guessing I won't be able to walk straight in a little while (which is what I'm hoping for). B&Gs is some workout!!!! Why do I love DOMS so much? I swear I think it's what keeps me working out. I look forward to the "pain" the next day and if I don't have any, I get pi$$ed off.

Lori, no...even the kids are here until the 27th. When do they let out in Canada? I know some states let out at the beginning of June or late May but they go back in August. New York doesn't come back until the second week in September.

So...I don't know what's on tap as far as exercise goes. I can't wait for some new workouts but everytime I buy anything other than Cathe, I'm disappointed. So I'm waiting..............

Yeah, Amelia, a point is a point!!!!!!! A point means a lot to me, I can tell ya that!!! I've been trying to cut my carbs (even whole wheat bread and pasta) and I think it's working. I'm so much less bloated and my scale was down some more today. yayyy!!! Sometimes that backfires on me though. I feel thin, the scale says I'm thinner and then I allow myself to eat MORE and blow the whole thing! Not this time, not this time, not this time......

g-o-o-d m-o-r-n-i-n' ladies:) :) :) well i am feeling better today, my dr. told my dh that there is a stomach virus going around but it is mild and not to worry. i am also very excited because i was able to purchase tickets to an ovarian cancer fund raiser in the hamptons next month:) :) i feel like i need to get involved with this cause. anyhoo today is plyox (i am in a p90x rotation) my lats and chest are KILLING me today from yesterdays workout:) tomorrow my nanny starts again for the summer so i can start getting my business stuff and house stuff in order:) well i am off to workout and i will be back

lori:happy b-day to dh!!! my kiddies are feeling better but my dh has been sick now for 3 weeks(fun,fun,fun) your dream is too funny, i have similar dreams of smoking(i quit 7 years ago). i dream that i am a smoker again and i get so pi**ed off that i have to go through the quitting processx(

a-m-e-l-i-a:how was body fusion? your are sooo funny"a pts a pt." i am with you:) how old are your little ones?

nancy:my goodness, they are holding you hostage. it is almost over:) do you have any summer plans?

cheryl:food poising...been there and there are few worse things and i have had a natural labor with a 9lb 10 oz baby who was also posterior:) :) :) :) i hope you are feeling better

belinda...belinda where are you??? i hope you are feeling great today and let me know how you are doing:)

off to workout and try and get organized bbl
Im done with my workout and im all sweaty,feels great, although Body fusions first two combos really don't get my heart rate up that much...Darn!Guess that means i'll be forced to buy more advanced workouts}( .

How does this rotation look for this week!

Today was Body fusion
wes-Lower body(L&G or the lower body add on) plus abbs from LIC
Thursday LIC--all!(except abbs)
Friday-Upper body (add on or all UB on MIS)Plus abbs
sunday walk/jog for an hour

Am I missing anything? Im open for any suggestions! Remember, I just want to workout like four days cardio,with a little bit of upper/lower body strength training!

I think with 29pts and this I should get back into losing atleast a pd or two(fingers crossed) a week!

Im gonna go hop in the shower and fix some breakfast,my two little sleepy heads just woke up....there so cute in the morning :)!

Mary-Hey,we posted the same time,My little ones are two and five! My five year old starts school in two months! I hope your DH gets to feeling better!

Nancy-Good Morning,I know exactly what you mean,I loves DOMS and look forward to them! As a matter of fact,if I don't feel them,i get disapointed,LOL! Maybe I should try watching my carb(typo was crap,LOL)intake as well!mmmmmmm!Good job on your workout,even if it left you walking funny!;-)
now thats a workout(gasping for air:) )i really enjoy that purple face workout!!!
amelia 2-5 i am thinking you are busy:) my little man starts preschool this fall but it is 5 days a week so it is the same as kindergarden. i have such anxiety about him going but i have no choice. most of the preschools in my area are 3x a week but they are more like babysitters, this is a private school(catholic) and they learn about computers and reading and writing so i figured that it would be worth it:) :) i think my little guy is going to be lost without his big brother:)
Hi Girls,

Have my workout done,showered,dressed and make up on:) I feel productive! Well, I did PUB and Imax 3. I had a good workout but only did 8 intervals b/c DS had had enough of that;) I was thinking about walking to baby group but i don't know if I want to. It looks like it could rain.

Amelia, sounds like you had a good workout! 29 points sounds good as well. I was just talking to my friend and she just switched to the core plan. She did it before but b/c she was bf'ing she counted points, she is now thinking about giving up on nursing so she switched plans.Hope it works for her.

Nancy, I hear ya on only buying Cathe workouts. I to am always disappointed so I just wait for her to come out with something new. Im not sure when the kids get out here, I can't get a straight answer out of DD. Im thinking around the 21st?

Mary, glad to hear everyone is feeling better. Im assuming your mom died from Ovarian cancer? I know that DH and his sis try to get involved in things regarding breast cancer. My mil had breast cancer, but thankgoodness she is a survivor!

My ball was a little to heavy today for some of the core work in PUB. I think my ball is 2x the size of a normal ball:eek: Weird. My legs are sore today from yesterdays workout as well.

I will check back later,
lori:make-up, dressed and workout done GOOD FOR YOU!!! my workout was finished quite sometime ago and i am still wearing my gym clothes:)
my mom died from ovarian cancer. she was diagnosed with stage 1 but her cancer was so aggressive she was chemotherapy resistant. i had never heard of such a thing but apparently there are a small percent of patients that have this. she lived 1 year and 7 months from the day she was diagnosed. it is amazing how much you learn about cancer when someone you love is diagnosed. well time to put the boobies to bed so i will bbl
Mary - I always feel so sad for you when I remember that your mom died. Just a few questions...if you don't mind. How old was she when she died and what were her initial symptoms? My aunt also died of ovarian cancer recently. She was 58 years old. I remember her always complaining about her legs hurting and they could never find anything wrong with them. It turns out that a tumor must have been pressing on her spine. They didn't discover the CA until her stomach started to become distended to no apparent reason and even then it took a while to discover. Ovarian cancer is so scary!!!! I hope you're doing well!!!!

My summer plans - The first two weeks of July we're down the Jersey shore (Long Beach Island) - we've been doing that the last three years now. BUT this year we also planned a trip to California from July 20th - 27th. Starting in San Francisco - heading to Napa Valley for a few and then down to LA which is where we'll fly out of. I'm made up my mind that I want to see this great USA. Next year.....Arizona and vicinity. I'm driving my DH crazy - planning next year's vacation when we havent done this one yet, lol. I can't wait!!!

Okay, I'll be back - AFTER I workout this evening. My butt is burning, lol!!!!

OMG!!nancy...my mom always complained about her legs hurting. she always had stomach problems but that was way before she had cancer. they discovered the cancer when she had a catscan for food poisining. ovarian cancer scares me because they call it the silent killer. the good news is only 10-15% of ovarian cancer is genetic...the majority is related to some sort of an infection. i am hoping that if i become more involved it will help with the healing process. we have a lot of advertising about breast cancer(thank you God) and i think we need to also focus on ovarian cancer too! on a different note...california, i am loving that. i love,love,love wine and i am very familiar with the napa valley! well little man will be up soon so i will be back:)

ps:i hope that was not too intense:) :) :)
That wasn't too intense, Mary. I'm glad you were able to answer those questions.

Yes, ovarian cancer...the silent killer. I'm so sorry that she had to go through this. I'm so sory that all of you had to go through this. How old was she? I hope your Dad is doing okay.

Okay, have a great night everyone. I really should serve dinner as it's 7:00. Tonight.. peppers stuffed with turkey meat, brown rice, and beans covered in tomato sauce with a salad. Oh...I'm getting hungry.

nancy:she was 59... i know way too young, enjoy your dinner i think i can smell it from here!!(yuuuummmm!!) have a great night everyone
Hi, everyone- Wow, I haven't been able to post until night for the past few nights running. I did PUB this morning.

Lori, amazing, PUB AND IMAX3???? You're nuts! Even if you only did the first 8 circuits!}( }( }(

What a terrible dream. That was more of a nightmare.

Nancy, congratulations on B&G DOMS. I know what you mean. That's the workout for it, yes it is! Good job!

Amelia, I hope Body Fusion was fun.

Mary, congrats on keeping up with the P90X rotation so well. I'm impressed! That's also great you were able to get tickets to the fundraiser. Yes, getting involved with that cause may be exactly the right thing for you.

Well, feeling much better today. I lost 5 pounds from 2 weeks ago!!
Lori, I was at 126.8 this morning. For my frame size, 121 or below would make me really happy... but I do think I've found my motivation again. Here goes.

Have a great night, everyone!
Hi Ladies! I am the straggler tonight- checking in at almost 9:30pm. It will be quick b/c I have to pack to take my once a month trip to two of our other offices. I will be on the road tomorrow and Thursday so send me good vibes- especially regarding eating!!!!:+

Well I weighed in tonight at WW meeting and I lost another 2.4 (that is 8.8 in two weeks) Yipee!!!! Next week will be TTOM so I am not going to freak if my loss is not big next week. As for workouts- well walking is all I have been able to fit in yesterday and today- 3 milers.

Lori- AGAIN... just reading your workouts exhaust me!!! I want to be like you when I grow up!

Mary- Glad to hear you feel better.

Nancy- I agree about the feeling good when you have DOMS- I am looking for some good butt exercises. I want to lift as I lose! tee hee!;)

Amelia- I agree with you!! I want all my points!!! You know what is really helpful to me when my points do not feel enough or I just want to cut back on points but feel full- the Garden veggie soup recipe in the first week book from WW. I usually make a huge pot and take some to mom and freeze two cup portions in sandwhich bags to grab through the week- I usually get two weeks out of a huge pot. 1 cup is zero points; so two cups is about 1 point. I really likeit!! I cheat and buy a huge bag of frozen veggies for the carrots, green bean and corn then I cut up a stick of zucchini, about 1/2 cabbage head with the FF chicken broth and tomato paste (add oregano, basil) and viola- I have several meals- All one point!!!!

Cheryl- I hope that you are feeling better.

Belinda- We are missing you.

I think I covered everyone. If not I apologize. You ladies have a good night. I will try to check in while on the road tomorrow or Thursday.

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