*~*~*~ Weight Watchers Saturday *~*~*~*~*~


Hey Gang,

No one around yet?:) I have been up for about 2 hours but just getting a chance to check in! It is pouring outside so my workout will be indoors again. Its nice to get outside b/c DS really enjoys it as well.

Cheryl, in the US are you allowed NOT to wear a helmet? If so...thats stupid! LOL We have to wear helmets here...geez...we even have to wear helmets when riding a peddle bike. And for good reason. Glad to hear he is o.k!

Today is going to be a full body workout and cardio. I have a stag party tonight so stay tuned for pics! I will upload some pics tomorrow~! I have no clue what Im wearing, thats half the battle.

Hi, Lori! Yes, it's possible to ride a bike without helmet in the US - even a motorbike if you're so stupid... better believe my son won't be doing it again. Especially these next months as his face heals.
Hi Everyone

Boy Sat is busy for me. I was able to do Imax 2 this morning...some of the steps are still confusing to me. I brought a 75 cm stability ball and it is a great fit...my knees are at a 90 degree angle. As soon as I find my 10 percent coupon from Modells I going to buy hearvy weights 20#.

Lori- Enjoy your workout and party. can;t wait to see the pics

Kim- how are your allergies? Here in NY it is illegal to smoke in public places. Thanks for the advice with the weighted gloves...I plan to only use 1/4 for kickboxing, and 1/2 to 1 lb for power working. Believe me I don't need shoulder problems to go along with my knee problems

Cheryl- I'm glad that your son is feeling better.

Amelia- how is your back...did you enjoy the b-game

Chat later
Good Morning Chickes:)

Last night was fun,except for the youngons in front of us holding the signs spelling out b-r-a-v-e-sx( x( x( ! We eventually moved and had a great time!

I don't get my back,it hurt yesturday-felt better last night and this morning its hurting agian....weird! Whether ists hurting tonight or not,im getting a walk this afternoon. I've got to,im going batty,LOL! Need excersice! Working out is how I keep my sanity:7 !

Lori-Have a great workout,and get your "groove on" at the party!I also can't wait to see your pics!

Robin-I recorded Imax2 one time on fitTV and did it(or shall I say,attempted)thats when I realized i was still in the intermediate range! Fun,Fun,Fun workout though! I thought about trying some of those dumbells w/straps for walking! I wonder if they do help to burn more cals? Have a great day!

Cheryl-Not Rocky Balboa,lol...Poor guy! Im sure in time,he'll be back to his old gummy smile agian:)How is your DD doing?

Hey to Nancy-our vacation gal,hope your having a big ol' blast of

Kim-How is your day so far? Whats on tabs for your WO?

And hugs to Belinda-keep us posted,friend!

Have a wonderful sat. everybody:)bbl!
Cheryl, I have to say, Im surprised that its not illegal. I would want to wear a helmet anyway, just to keep flies out of my face! hahaha Hope you have a good workout!

Robin, you will catch on to the workouts..just takes time and patience!

Amelia , we posted the same time! We have a habit of doing that. Glad to hear you had a good time last night but its to bad your view wasn't better. Stuff like that irritates me.

Well, I did the first two seg of BM2 and ME. And I was soaking in sweat! It was a tough workout and I didn't fuel up enough before hand.
Oh I forgot to tell you guys that I weighed today and I was 129.3. So its going back down!

How are My Ladies Doing?!! (I love that line from Carrie in Sex & the City)

Today was MIC for me!! It was a good workout!!! I did all of the warm up floor aerobics, the first two combos of step, the cool down and stretch. I will work my way through the whole w/o soon. That was about 48+ minutes there.

Lori- Good job on the workout! Have fun at the bachelorette/stag party tonight!!! I definitely want to see pics!!

Cheryl- Glad to hear son is better. I always wear my helment. I am such a chicken abouth those things. I have some friends who rationalize and say we did not use them when we were little. I always say when you know better, you do better. What w/o do you have up for today? A killer run?

Amelia "Bedelia"!!- Hey girl, sounds like you had fun last night, despite the irritating kids w/the signs. Suggestions for your back, why don't you try some VERY GENTLE stretching for the first half of the day and then ease back into your walking for the next couple of days. Sometimes when my lowerback aches I will take some ibuprofren and put heat to it. A good heating pad is a friend to you! I know it is not recommended to mask the problem with meds- but I will not do anything vigorous until it feels better on its own.

Robin- Great workout!!! You are up and at it early girl!!! I thought I was an early bird. Actually, I must have slept about 10 hours last night. I got to bead about 10:30 and did not wake up until 8:30am. I guess my body needed it. Esp. considering I only got 3 1/2 hours the night before!!! x(

Okay, I have a 12:45pm massage and facial appt and it is 11:03!!!! :eek: I am going to run and hit the shower!!!

Have a great day everyone! BBL!
Good Evening Ladies!:)

I feel so much better after my walk this afternoon!My back doesn't hurt "right now":eek:! I used some ankle weights I forgot I had and the suckers must of been older than I thought because they gave me black ankles:+ :+ x( ! And they fell off twicex( needless to say,there in the garbage!

Kim,Thanks for the suggestions on my back:)I've got my heating pad heating up right now,another thing I forgot I had,LOL! Enjoy your Massage and Facial!Sounds real nice and relaxing:D ! And Great Workout today,I don't have MIC,but just the name alone scares me:+! My next purchase will be Lowmax (I also have my eyes on C&W and high step challenge. Since they are both intermediate they might be a little kinder to me:7 )

Hey to the rest of the gang! Everybody have a great night!

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