~*~ Weight Watchers Friday~*~


Good Morning:)

Geez...its friday again? Most people like fridays, me on the other hand...means I have another week of my unemployment used up and another week closer to going back to work;( LOL

Im gonna go for a run today. A nice long one. Im gonna do my normal route forsure but if I have the stamina I may go a little longer.

Have a good one!
Good Morning:)

I still feel like crapx( but the good news is that its friday!! Unfortunately I have a in-law Get together tommorrow and my DH insist that I gox( . If I feel like this...Im NOT!;-) he'll have to get over it! (besides,thats a good excuse...right}(;-))

Lori-have a good run!

A BIG HELLO to the rest of the gang!:)bbl
Hi, everyone!
Lori, I missed finding the OD thread that talked about you getting your job back, but it sounds like a happy ending? I'm so glad -
And so glad for all of us that it's Friday!! Have a wonderful day!

Amelia, hope the in-law get together is a short one.

I'm still recovering from the Flight From Hades night before last and could only manage 30 min of LIC cardio premix today, but at least it was something. TGIF!!

Hey Girls!

Not much chatting going on here today.

Just got back from a 10 mile run. 1 hour 42 mins/980 cals:) It was windy out but a good temp for running. I kept going cause DS was napping and he slept the whole way. Can you imagine? While someone is working like a dog...the other person is sleeping! LOL

Amelia, I guess you'll just have to suck it up and go to the get together!LOL Hope you fell better soon!

Cheryl, travelling isn't each on the system thats forsure.Good workout just the same, your right, atleast its something.

Off to get into the shower. No plans for the day but I may run out somewhere this afternoon!

Just a quick pop-in to say "hello". I have to get in a workout while DS #2 is napping and before I pick up DS #1 at the bus stop. I had to get groceries while DS #2 was in nursery school which is why I wasn't online earlier. Today's workout is going to be an attempt at Low Impact Step--we'll see if the ankle can handle it--I'll start with just the platform and no risers. That reminds me, I forgot to put on the ankle brace before putting on my shoes, so I have to do that.

Amelia, sorry you still have the crud--hope you're better soon!

Lori, sounds like a great workout! When I would jog with Ewan he would always wake up too soon, but as long as I had food or drinks for him he would let me keep going a bit.

Cheryl, I hear you on trying to recover--I didn't have to fly but I'm still recovering from our 3 days in NYC. I am just exhausted for some reason, and so is DH even though he is used to traveling a lot and used to being in Manhattan at least once or twice a week.

Greetings to all who follow today!

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Hi Ladies,

I have been hit or miss on the boards lately. Which is why I just stopped posting here. Today I was perusing the boards and saw Lori "got her job back". Lori!!! I am sorry I missed that there was an issue with your job, but I am certainily happy you got it back. I feel so out of it. I have not been keeping up.

Also, when I was looking for a another post in OD about Lori's job (which I never found- trying to find out what was going on) I saw a post by Amelia (What a Slap in the Face!) Amelia, you have accomplished much and you should be proud of all that you have accomplished. I look to you as inspiration as I still have much weight to lose. Be proud of yourself and do not let anyone steal your joy!!

I just wanted to pop in and address the two above posts and say hello. I miss you all. You can see how I have not been keeping up. I did not even know about the blog update until I just signed on now. Anyway hello to everyone else!!;-)
Hey girls:)

KIM-Glad to see you! Im glad you stopped by for a chat,and your right..i won't let anyone steal my joy;-)Well,if you happen to come back to read this...How have you been,hows WW'ers going? Take care:)

Lainie-How did LIS go with your ankle?

Hey to everybody:)I walking around like a zombie full of meds...I hate that "medicine head" feelingx( well,I talk to everybody tommorrow!

Sara,Connie-How are you guys doing?

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