We’re getting closer to a release date, but we don’t want to get locked in to a specific date at this time . Software development has all kinds of unexpected problems and delays and this makes forecasting a release date very difficult. We will release the new website in stages and we will certainly keep everyone informed with a bunch of updates as there will be many things you need to do and know. For now it would be helpful if everyone would make sure their email address listed in your forum user menu is correct. Passwords cannot be transferred to the new forums so a new password will have to be sent to you. If your email address is not correct we will not be able to send you a notification email and you will not be able to login to the new forums. Also it would be helpful if everyone could do the following:
#1 Make an Avatar 80 pixels x 80 pixels of yourself.
#2 Have pictures ready you would like to share with others online about you or perhaps your Workout room. We will have an online photo album that you can post to.
#3 We’re getting into social networking with the new site and everyone will get their own mycathespace. So be thinking of things you would like to share. You will also be able to form “groups” and have your own private messaging system for people in your group. We will continue having Check-ins and Challenges Forum, but I could see some of these taking advantage of the social networking options. So people in your group should start discussing if they want to form their own social group.
You will also be able to have “Workout Friends” that you can allow to see various things about you and your workouts.
There are many more things we will be offering, but for now if everyone could at least start working on some of these things it would be helpful.