***Watercoolers, Woop-a** Wednesday***


Hi ladies,
Today was HIS step, then core from LIS. Have a golf game after work today. Need to grocery shop a little too. Out of milk for my cereal.

Hope everyone gets thru this hump day in fine form.

Morning Coolers,

Today’s workout was speed work for 5 miles on TM. Will do P90X+ Abs/Core Plus workout when I get home.

Don’t know if I will be able to catch up with every thread that I missed, so I’m just starting from scratch. I have road runner at home, and it was blocking e-mails from getting to me. I’m so glad that they found a way to get me a password. If was very frustrating to not let you all know what was going on. And I couldn’t create a new account, because I didn’t want to use my work e-mail for a forum.

Jeanette, When I got home yesterday I had the e-mail from cathenation in my in-box. They must have been flooded with requests, once they found out how to find a way to fix the password issue. I’m hoping to get my avatar as a pic from faire. My DH just has to make the pic smaller.

Patricia, I’m guessing that you have been on either the sick list or disabled list. Hope you start feeling better soon, and have a great time with your family.

Kim, I know what you are going through right now since oldest DD is in PR. Of course her cell phone isn’t working in that country, so haven’t heard anything. I figure if I don’t hear anything then that is good. Our vacation was a great time, but I didn’t get a workout in. I tried running, but there where just to many deer flies buzzing around my head. Most annoying. On the day we where going to be heading home, Cami was just sitting by the camper, and all of a sudden she took off. She chased a deer, and was gone for almost a half hour. Lucky for her there was no DNR warden about, because my DB said that the DNR would have shot her for chasing deer.

Debra and Wendy, Have a great time at the beach. Sounds like it will be a relaxing time.

Wendy, How have the classes been going?

Have a great day!

Yea!!! Laurie is home!!!

Yea!!!! So glad to see Laurie back in the house!!! We were beginning to think we had lost you forever!! :D

Just stopping by this morning to say I am alive...I should have some time this afternoon to get caught up a bit...Yesterday I did an interval run on the treadmill. I have no idea what I will do today....probably some sort of upper body work. :cool:

Hope everyone is having a good week so far...I am trying to get my life in order so that I can leave for 10 days!! The good news is...My laundry is caught up!!! :p

Back later for a real chat.....
Laurie, I kind of figured it was an email problem. SNM has been working with me to get me the password to my original user name and also merge my two accounts. However, that will have to wait until middle ds comes home from civil air patrol encampment. They need to verify the email address I used to set up this account. I can't remember his yahoo email address for the life of me!!! I'm such a bad mother. ;-) Glad to see you still running and doing X+.

Debra: Hello dear! Can't wait to see you and the diva again!!! Have you started packing? I will start tonight! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Did I just read right? You ran again!!! ^^5^^

Jeanette: Crosswinds can scare me when I'm going fast down a mountain on a hybrid. I don't know how you do it on a road bike going much faster and still call it a good little workout!!!:D Thanks for saying I look young. I'm feeling old these days. I'm going to slowly ease back into working out more regularly once PT is finished. My body isn't as adaptable as it was when I was in my 20's. Ooooo, please share the pie recipe once you get it from him! Sounds Yummy!!!

Kim: Nice to see you keeping busy while healing and missing ds. It's easy to get engrossed in working out when there's motivation to improve. It was hard for me to stop, regroup and rest when I got hurt. You're smart to listen to your body and respect it. I'm meeting Debra at the airport on Friday. Then we're heading down to MIL's for the night. From there we're going to the shore for a week. MIL lives down the beach from where we're staying. Debra and I should be able to chat with ya'll. There's internet connection at the rental.

Hi to Patricia, Tracy, and Nicole.

I've gotta get moving before PT and class this afternoon and evening. Oh, and I've gotta paint my toenails again. They got chipped the other day.:mad:

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
stopping by

Hi all,

You all have been so nice to always ask about FIL, that I thought I'd let you know he finally passed away over the weekend. It has been a very long 8 weeks with DH spending at least 2-3 hours every night after work at the hospital and most weekends. Twice during the last 8 weeks they were going to call in hospice, then miraculously he'd show some improvement, but it was all relative. Unfortunately he was just worn out. I am happy to say that they were able to get FIL home for 3 days before he passed away and they had the Visiting Angels that Traci had suggested. I think he actually was fighting to live to get home for the end.

Debra & Wendy - Have fun at the beach.

Kim - I hope the back heals up quickly. I stay away from Core Syn. it is not back friendly, even with a strong core.

Jeanette - Glad things are going good. We aren't going out west this year. It's the first time in 6 years. We all are going to miss it.

Tracy, So sorry to hear about your FIL. I know it has been a long road for you to this point and I'm sure it brings some sense of relief for all. Tell DH you and he are in my prayers.

Hi to Debra, Laurie, Kim, Wendy, Jeanette. Traci and Patricia!!!!

Sooooo sorry to hear about your FIL. I know this has been such a burden on your family. I am glad he is finally at peace. Please take care of yourself and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Sorry your family isn't going to be able to go out West this year...it sounds like you guys need the break. :(

I have only packed the Diva...but my laundry is caught up...so it won't take me long to do mine. Although, she has yet to pack the various dolls/critters that she has to sleep with every night! She and I went for pedis today so that we will have lovely toenails for you and the swanettes! Just have to take the dog to the kennel tomorrow and get my eyebrows waxed and I should be ready to go!! :D

Back to catch up with everyone else later....
Thank you for sharing all you've been going through. What a blessing and comfort it must have been for the family and your FIL. Take care!!!
Hi all,

You all have been so nice to always ask about FIL, that I thought I'd let you know he finally passed away over the weekend. It has been a very long 8 weeks with DH spending at least 2-3 hours every night after work at the hospital and most weekends. Twice during the last 8 weeks they were going to call in hospice, then miraculously he'd show some improvement, but it was all relative. Unfortunately he was just worn out. I am happy to say that they were able to get FIL home for 3 days before he passed away and they had the Visiting Angels that Traci had suggested. I think he actually was fighting to live to get home for the end.

Debra & Wendy - Have fun at the beach.

Kim - I hope the back heals up quickly. I stay away from Core Syn. it is not back friendly, even with a strong core.

Jeanette - Glad things are going good. We aren't going out west this year. It's the first time in 6 years. We all are going to miss it.

Deb gave me a heads up- I sent an email to your yahoo account.
I am so happy that Visiting Angels was helpful during such a challenging time. They are currently helping us w/ my mom again & its a god-send.
Many many hugs to you & DH & all your loved ones. XXOOXXOOXXOO
OMW!!! I just read what I punched during PT!

I cut my sentence short. I meant to say that it must have been a comfort and blessing to have your fil come Home!!! Sorry!

Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well in Watercooler land! I got some chores done today...and got some things done in preparation for our trip, so I am feeling pretty proud of myself in that regard...LOL! I did not, however, get a workout in...but there is always tomorrow! :eek: No other exciting news in my world....

a few quickie personals...

The diva and I are really looking forward to seeing you and the swanettes!! I bet your PT doesn't like yoga because people think it is easier than it is...Remember all the things that Eoin said about people getting hurt because they think they can do moves that they aren't ready for. And yes, I ran again...it seems to be the only cardio I can do right now that doesn't hurt my hamstring or my knee. :mad:

Sounds like you had a nice workout this morning. How did golf go? Has Father Tony's injury healed yet?? You are cracking me up about the Amish bathing suit...be assured, all I wear are 2 pieces...I always feel like my stomach looks fatter in a one piece for some reason. So to heck with the Amish!!! :eek: Did you get your shoveling done last night??

Poor dear....I am sure you are missing DS terribly....and the PMS NEVER helps!! How did you guys like Wall-E?? I wasn't too impressed, actually...I mean, the animation was great, but I wasn't too excited about the story line...It got such great reviews and I guess I was expecting more. Don't get me wrong, I think we are killing our environment, and we are all getting too fat letting machines do all of the work for us, but I think the point of the movie was kind of lost on my 7 year old....I kept trying to explain it to her and she didn't really get it. Maybe I was expecting too much...lol.

Waving to you out there somewhere!! Hope all is well with you!

Lots of problems finding your way back home, hunh?? Kind of like Dorothy and Toto!! :rolleyes: How long does it take you to do 5 miles on the tread mill?? As running seems to be my only cardio of late, just wondering. With doing intervals ('cause no matter what anyone says, I am the laziest Xer!) I get in a little over 2 miles in 30 minutes or so. I know I'm slow...but I am working at running longer and walking less. Can't wait until you get your avatar up and running!! How are things going at the Faire so far this summer?? How many more weeks do you have? Glad you had a great vacation...and also glad that dear, sweet Cami didn't get in trouble for chasing the deer! WTH was she going to do with it once she caught it??? LOL!!!

Again, I just want to express my condolences for your family's loss. Hope the brothers are handling this okay.

Waving as you swing by!! Is your brother still working on the fires out there??

Waving to you, also, my dear. Hope all is well in your world!

Okay, all....think that does it for me tonight....Hope everyone has a great evening! CBL is coming by in a bit for a little visit...Can you believe that his and my year anniversary of meeting is coming up next week?!?!

Good night all!
Evening All:

Just relaxing here after putting the DS to bed and painting my toe nails. Is DH's birthday today so went out for dinner. Always love it when I don't have to cook.:D Feeling much better. My energy level is starting to return but still have a nagging cough.

Tracey - thank you for letting us know about your FIL. I can't even imagine what you and your DH are feeling now. I just hope you remember the good times whenever you think about him and remember that he is in a better place now.

Laurie - glad to see you were able to keep your i.d. No injury, just a nasty cold/virus that I've been fighting I think for a month. So I've taken a week off from the X and any w/o for that matter. Maybe going to my parents for the long weekend so might even be longer than that:D Can't wait to see your new Avatar. Tell hubby to hurry up.

Debra - Sounds like you're getting organized for your trip. My sister is planning a last minute trip to Italy and I can't believe all the running around she has had to do. New clothes, borrow my suitcase, the all important new bathing suit along with pedi/mani. She even emailed me copies of her and DH's passport incase it gets lost. I guess maybe going to a new continent draws more concern than just going south. Way to go on getting back on the treadmill. That's the one piece of cardio equipment I would invest in. Everything else bores me to tears. Did you ever imagine you would be with CBL this long? He seems to be such a sweet guy. You may have lucked out there.

Wendy - your post reminded me I was in dire need of painting my toes too so thanks. Going on a boat cruise tomorrow evening with clients and I knew I had to get it done b/4 then! You must be getting excited about this Friday. Hope you guys have fun and try not to bring a cute liefguard home in your suitcase:cool:

Jeanette - I laughed about giving out your work email. I bet not too many of your friends have that one? Does work frown on personal emails? Most companies I know say to limit them but in this day and age it's pretty hard to do that. How did golf go this evening. I saw that your swing is improving - way to go. I know I'm on cloud nine when I've hit well. I hit a stand-up double the other night and I still replay it over in my head.:)

Kim - It's amazing how much time our w/o's do take up but at least they occupy us and keep us from sitting in front of the t.v. This rest week has been hard some nights trying to figure out what to do with my free time especially since summer t.v. s**ks and just not in the mood/energy to pickup a book. I know I could find something to do but that would actually mean doing housework or gardening. YUK. Do you have an extra long weekend since you're taking Thurs/Fri. off or do you not get Monday off? Feel sorry for those that don't get it. This long weekend has kind of creeped up on me.

Traci - now to see you pop in. Sorry to hear that you have had your own worries with family. I've never heard of Visiting Angels. Is that like our VON (victorian order of nurses) where they come to the home to care for you?

Nicole - hope all is well.

Okay, busy day tomorrow but expect Friday to be pretty quiet as over 1/2 the office has booked the day off!

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